Black Myth: Wukong

Chapter 4: Rosy Cheeks Gray Hair Walkthrough Guide

Black Myth Wukong Chapter 4
A complete walkthrough for Black Myth: Wukong's Chapter 4: Rosy Cheeks, Gray Hair. Read on for a detailed guide for this chapter, including locations of collectibles, how to beat the bosses, as well as to unlock the secret area for completing this chapter!

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Chapter 3:
White Snow, Ice Cold
Chapter 5:
Golden Child, Crimson Blood

Chapter 4: Rosy Cheeks, Gray Hair Guide

Chapter 4: Rosy Cheeks, Gray Hair
Chapter 4 - Rosy Cheeks, Gray Hair
Locations Village of Lanxi
Webbed Hollow
Temple of Yellow Flowers
Secret Location Purple Cloud Mountain
Yaoguai Chiefs
The Sixth Sister

The Fifth Sister

The Fourth Sister

The Third Sister

The First Sister

Yaoguai Kings


Crane Immortal

Hong Yi

Chapter 4: Rosy Cheeks, Gray Hair Walkthrough

Jump to a Section!
Village of Lanxi Webbed Hollow Temple of Yellow Flowers
Secret Area: Purple Cloud Mountain

Village of Lanxi Walkthrough

# Village of Lanxi Objectives
1 Estate of the Zhu

Estate of the Zhu Guide

1 Along with Zhu Baije, head towards the nearby village. Make your way to the far end of the village to get to the first Shrine.
2 Once you're ready, head east of the shrine and open the door to the next area. You will be stopped and turned into a monster for a cutscene.
3 Black Myth Wukong - Second Sister
After the cutscene, you need to fight the Second Sister. Once defeated, feel free to look around for some loot, like a Celestial Pill and an Awakened Wine Worm.
▶ How to Beat The Second Sister
4 When you're ready and want to progress the story, head to where Zhu Baije headed off to and down the hole.

Webbed Hollow Walkthrough

# Webbed Hollow Objectives
1 Upper Hallow
2 Pool of Shattered Jade
3 The Verdure Bridge
4 Middle Hallow
5 Bonevault
6 Cliff of Oblivion
7 Relief of the Fallen Loong
8 Lower Hallow
9 Hut of Immortality
10 The Purifying Spring
11 The Gathering Cave

Upper Hallow

1 Once you drop down and wake up, pick up the nearby treasures before heading to the Shrine.
2 Ch4 - Goji Shoots Chest
After using the shrine, head southwest of the shrine going up the nearby staircase. Keep Heading up until you see a building with a box that has Goji Shoots in it.
3 Head out of the building and keep right to cross the ravine. You will arrive at an open area with some spider eggs and a Will spirit near a torch.
* If you want, you can head up a bit for a good amount of treasure. Otherwise, drop down the platform near the Wills spirit and Torch.
4 Explore the area and then from where you dropped down, head right and keep following the path beating the enemies along the way.
5 Ch4 - Forking Path to Beetle Captain Spirit
Keep following the path. You can take a detour to your right if you want to capture the Beetle Captain spirit. Otherwise, head forward until you reach a dead end.
6 Ch4 - Drop Down to Verdure Bridge Shrine
Here, you need to drop from another platform next to another torch. Just keep dropping down and following the torches. The Verdure Bridge shrine should be near the last drop guarded by a Beetle Captain.

Pool of Shattered Jade Guide

* This Shrine is optional and can be easily missed if you're just progressing the story.
1 Ch4 - Drop Down to Pool of Shattered Jade Shrine
Starting from the Upper Hallow Shrine, head up the stairs lit by torches. Keep following the torches until you reach a wooden path next to a torch you can drop off from. Go down the path, turn right, and drop down another level.
2 After the final drop, head right into the unlit path and you should see some spider sacs dangling from the ceiling. Keep following the path turning left and you should see some torches near the end.
3 Keep following the torches to progress, and when you see a fork in the road, choose the left path with egg sacs in it.
4 Ch4 - Meditation Spot 1
Past the sacs, head up the staircase and just keep following this winding path onto another staircase. Along the way go to the Meditate Spot in the middle of the water.
5 Once you're up the last set of stairs, just keep heading forward and the Pool of Shattered Jade Shrine should be next to some torches next to a cave.
6 Venom Daoist 1
To the right, enter the cave for an optional boss. It starts as the Old Cocoon but will hatch into the Venom Daoist during the second phase. Beating this boss is necessary to unlock the Secret Area for this Chapter.

Also, make sure that you break all of the arms on his back to get the Venomous Armguard, which is one of the missables in this chapter!
▶ Venom Daoist Boss Guide
7 After the fight, head back to the Shrine and teleport to the Verdure Bridge, or the Upper Hallow if you haven't unlocked it yet.

The Verdure Bridge Guide

1 After beating the Beetle Guardian and resting up at the Verdure Bridge shrine, head northwest.
2 Elder Amourworm
Keep following the path and a cutscene will play with talking lanterns. After the cutscene, head inside and open all the treasure chests. Proceed further in to fight the Elder Amourworm boss.
▶ Elder Amourworm Boss Guide
* Beating this will give you the Proto-Amourworm, which you can give to Chen Loong in the Zodiac Village. Later when you come back, you can feed it 3 Rice Coccoons to get the Elder Amourworm Spirit.
▶ Elder Amourworm Spirit Guide
3 After beating the Amourworm, head towards the statue and turn left. Continue taking this path following the torches until you meet a fork in the road.
4 Ch4 - Scorpion Prince and Luojia Fragrant Vine
Keep following the path to progress. Head left and you should see a Scorpion Prince enemy guarding a Luojia Fragrant Vine.
5 Ch4 - Purple Talisman
Keep following the torches, and a cutscene will play involving the woman who attacked the lantern and a talisman. After the cutscene, be sure to remove the talisman as this is part of the Purple Talisman Quest.
▶ Purple Talisman Quest Guide
6 After removing the talisman, keep following the path and you should find the sparkle guiding you to the shrine and a nearby Meditation Spot.
7 Head towards the Middle Hallow Shrine, but you'll need to fight a few enemies before you can offer incense.

Middle Hallow Guide

* After resting up at the Shrine, go to the left path for a chest and then go back to the right path to continue your way.
1 Centipede Guai
When you're ready, follow the path until you drop down into the large area with a skull pile to fight the Centipede Guai.
▶ How to Beat Centipede Guai
2 After beating the Centipede Guai, head to the lit-up cave to the left. Keep following the path and near the end you will meet the Horse Guai trapped in a cocoon and a cutscene will play.

Do note that the Horse Guai will only appear if you've talked to him in every previous chapter.
▶ Horse Guai Questline Guide
3 Ch4 - Wall of Sacs
From the Horse Guai, make a left and keep following the path. You will arrive at an area with a caterpillar monster next to a table. Break the sacs to the left of the table to continue.
4 Ch4 - Talisman 2
Head up the slope and there should be another Talisman to remove. Head right for a chest, then go left to get to the Cliff of Oblivion Shrine.
▶ Purple Talisman Quest Guide

Bonevault Guide

* This Shrine is an alternate path to the Centipede Guai boss fight. If you've already fought this boss, you can skip this Shrine.
1 Starting from the Middle Hallow Shrine, head back to where the Talisman you removed is located. From the Talisman, head northeast to a makeshift wooden bridge. From there, drop down and head towards the sacs on the floor.
2 Ch4 - Bonevault Shrine
After breaking the sacs, head left and the Bonevault Shrine should be to your right as long as you follow the path.

Cliff of Oblivion Guide

1 Black Myth Wukong -  Buddha
After resting up at the Shrine, head east and you will be taken into a boss fight with Buddha's Right Hand.
▶ How to Beat Buddha's Right Hand
2 Once you beat Buddha's Right Hand, use its corpse as a bridge to continue your journey. Drop down and then head right until you get to another drop and then go right once more.
3 Once the road forward splits, head right and then drop down and continue following the torches until you reach what seems to be a dead end.
4 Ch4 - Zhubajie and Spider Family Cutscene
From the dead end, head right into a tight alley and a cutscene involving Zhu Bajie and the Spider Family will play. After the cutscene, head right and you can slowly drop down and continue forward.
5 Continue following the torches and you will come across a hall of spider webs. Here, you can find a Meditation Spot behind a crack in the wall on the right side.
6 You can head back out to the spider web hallway or, you can also just head back and turn right from the Meditation Spot and drop down into the Lower Hallow Shrine from the Will spirit.

Relief of the Fallen Loong Guide

* This Shrine is optional and can be easily missed if you're just progressing the story. It's recommended to equip the Cloud Step spell to make getting to this area easier.
1 Starting from the Cliff of Oblivion Shrine, head back to where the corpse of Buddha's Right Hand is located. Once you get to the corpse of Buddha's Right Hand, drop down and then head right until you get to another drop and then go right once more.
2 Ch4 - Rope Bridge
Once the road forward splits, head left and then drop down to the very long rope bridge. Cross it and continue moving forward, you can drop by to the right for a chest along the way.
3 You will then come across a narrow bridge with a bunch of spider sacs that will try to push you off. Use Cloud Step to cross or just pick them off one by one with the Thrust Stance.
4 Once you cross the bridge, you can now head out to the new area. Keep going forward for a Luojia Fragrant Vine, then head keep going left and you will come across the Relief of the Fallen Loong Shrine.
* Black Myth Wukong - Yellow Loong
If you head straight up the stairs from the Relief of the Fallen Loong Shrine, you can find the Yellow Loong boss waiting for you to fight him.
▶ Yellow Loong Boss Guide
6 Once you're ready to move on, enter the cave where there are three paths. The left path will each take you to treasure, meanwhile the right one will get you the Puppet Tick Spirit.
7 Ch4 - Talisman 3
Take the middle path and you will get another chest and you can take down another Talisman. Afterwards, follow the torches and drop down to the path that leads you to the Lower Hallow Shrine.
▶ Purple Talisman Quest Guide

Lower Hallow Guide

1 Baw-Li-Guhh-Baw
Once you rest up at the Lower Hallow shrine, jump up to the path from the Meditation Spot and continue right where you can face off against Baw-Li-Guhh-Baw.
▶ How to Beat Baw-Li-Guhh-Baw
2 After beating Baw-Li-Guhh-Baw, head to the opposite side of where you entered and you drop down. To your left, defeat the Beetle Guardian under the arch.
3 Past the arch, you can drop down one more time and keep following the torches and you should now be at the Hut of Immortality Shrine.

Hut of Immortality Guide

1 Zhu Bajie
Once you rest up at the Hut of Immortality shrine, head to where the feast was held and after the cutscene, you now have to face off against Zhu Bajie.
▶ Zhu Bajie Boss Guide
2 After beating Zhu Baije, you can look around and loot the place. Afterwards, go back to the shrine and head north from the Hut and you will eventually get to a narrow space you need to shimmy through.
3 Black Myth Wukong - Defeat Zhu Baije.png
Once you shimmy your way out, make your way forward and a cutscene will play and you have to fight Zhu Bajie again, this time with two phases.
4 After beating Zhu Baizhe the second time, you will be left alone again and now you can continue going onwards.
5 Follow the glittering trail and open a few chests along the way and you are now at The Purifying Spring Shrine!

The Purifying Spring Guide

1 Once you rest up at the shrine, head up and then follow the winding path to a set of stairs.
* Ch4 - Skandha of Choice Location
You will see a familiar rat on a Buddha head if you drop down the path. Grab the Skandha of Choice from the head and head back to the path.
▶ Five Skandhas Quest Guide
2 Go up the stairs and you will be ambushed by a Locust and then up another set of stairs is a Scorpion Prince. Make sure to fight them separately.
* Don't go too far to the sides of the arena as a powerful Dragonfly Guai can join in the fight. Leave it for last so you can get its spirit!
3 From the Scorpion Prince, keep following the trail of torches and at the end, you will arrive at The Gathering Cave Shrine!

The Gathering Cave Guide

1 Black Myth Wukong - Violet Spider
Once you rest up, head forward and a cutscene will play explaining the history between Zhu Baije and the Violet Spider. Afterwards, you will have to fight the matriarch herself.
▶ Violet Spider Boss Guide
2 After beating the Violet Spider, the arena will be infested with golden spiders! Run away and a cutscene will play of you being saved by a mysterious giant spider.
3 After being saved, head onwards and grab the Luojia Fragrant Vine along the way as you make your way towards the Mountain Trail Shrine at the Temple of Yellow Flowers.

Temple of Yellow Flowers Walkthrough

# Temple of Yellow Flowers Objectives
1 Mountain Trail
2 Forest of Ferocity
3 Temple Entrance
4 Court of Illumination

Mountain Trail

1 Once you're ready head up the steps to an open field of greenery. Feel free to explore but keep going forward to progress.
2 Ch4 - Bee Mountain Stone
Head further up and make sure to pick up the Bee Mountain Stone. You will then see a temple at the end, head left.
3 At the end of this dark path is a chest and a good amount of enemies so be careful. From here, head right and you will be taken into another dark path to a cave.
4 Past the cave, another chest guarded by a lot of enemies and then another cave will greet you. At the end of this path is the Forest of Ferocity Shrine!

Forest of Ferocity Guide

1 From the Shrine, head left for a Meditation Spot. Then you can go forward to see a flight of steps to the top.
2 Ch4 - Commander Beetle Location
At the top is Commander Beetle and his Students, defeat this boss and get the Tablet of the Three Supremes Curio.
▶ How to Beat Commander Beetle
3 From there, keep scaling the stairs and you will end up at the Temple Entrance Shrine!

Temple Entrance Guide

1 From the Shrine, head inside the gate and climb yet another set of stairs. You will soon arrive at the temple.
2 Ch4 - Awakened Wine Worm and Old Sage
Once inside, you can go to the right for a Snake Sheriff Spirit, an Awaken Wine Worm, and a monk playing the Guqin. There is also another Meditation Spot so beat up the nearby enemies to relax.
3 Head back out and follow the path to the left until you hit a dead-end. Go to the left so you can get to the Court of Illumination Shrine!

Court of Illumination Guide

1 Facing the Court of Illumination shrine, head south from the Court of Illuminations Shrine and go through the gate. Keep going up at the top you will obtain the Sunset of the Nine Skies Drink.
2 Fungiwoman
From the Sunset of the Nine Skies Drink, go back and pick the Monkey-Head Fungus to start the Fungiwoman boss fight. Beating it will get you its Spirit.
▶ How to Beat Fungiwoman
3 Black Myth Wukong - Venom Daoist Image
Turn around and head back to where you came from. On the way, you should see an opening that will lead you to the second Venom Daoist fight. Defeating him here will unlock the Secret Area for this chapter!
▶ Venom Daoist Boss Guide
4 Head back to the Court of Illumination Shrine. Facing the shrine, head north up the steps and you will find what should be the final talisman.
5 Supreme Inspector Chapter 4
After ripping it off, the Supreme Inspector will appear. This fight cannot be won, so just survive until a cutscene starts.
6 After the cutscene, pick up the Celestial Nonary Pill and head back to the Court of Illumination shrine. This time, facing the shrine, head down the steps and a cutscene will play.
7 Black Myth Wukong -  Hundred-Eyed Daoist Master
After this cutscene, you now need to fight the Hundred-Eyed Daoist Master. The Violet Queen's daughters will aid you in this fight.
▶ Hundred-Eyed Daoist Master Boss Guide
* Once it reaches around a third of its health, it will go into its second phase! If you have the Weaver's Needle Vessel, use it to cancel the boss' effect and you can fight him as normal.

If you don't have it yet, then you'll need to head to the Secret Area and beat the big boss of the area to get it.
▶ Chapter 4 Secret Area Guide
8 After beating the boss, the usual video will play and this marks the end of Chapter 4.

Purple Cloud Mountain Walkthrough

# Purple Cloud Mountain Objectives
1 Valley of Blooms
2 Bounds of Deity's Abode
3 Petalfall Hamlet
4 Cloudnest Peak

Valley of Blooms

1 Head out from the Court of Illuminations Shrine and go to the opposite path and back up to the top where you obtained the Sunset of the Nine Skies Drink.
2 Black Myth Wukong - Venom Daoist Image
From there, go back and take the route to the right and once you drop down is your second fight against the Venom Daoist.

Note that you will need to have beaten him in the Pool of Shattered Jade first for him to show up in this area.
▶ Venom Daoist Boss Guide
3 After beating Venom Daoist again, head out the back first and to your right is the path to the Soul Remigration Pill.
4 Chapter 4 Secret Area
Head back to where you beat the Venom Daoist and interact with the painting. This will take you to the Purple Cloud Mountain.
5 Once you arrive, just follow the path and a snake will talk to you and then you can cross the bridge. Keep pressing on and you will soon get to the Mountain Trail Shrine.
6 After resting at the Shrine, keep going onwards and head to the right to grab the Verdant Glow Spirit along the way.
7 Eventually, the familiar sparkle will appear and it will guide you to the Bound of Deity's Abode Shrine.

Bounds of Deity's Abode

1 The Scorpionlord
From the Bounds of Deity's Abode Shrine, head up and you will see The Scorpionlord. To start the fight, you need to break his jars of alcohol.
▶ The Scorpionlord Boss Guide
* Warning! If you start the final boss of this area without beating The Scorpionlord first, he will despawn and you will miss out on his rewards!
2 After beating him and claiming his rewards, you can progress to the other Shrines in this area. There's nothing else here so feel free to go back and explore the other areas.

Petalfall Hamlet

1 From the Bounds of Deity's Abode Shrine, head in the opposite direction and get the Celestial Registry Tablet Curio under a pagoda.
2 From the pagoda, head in the opposite direction and after taking care of the two guards, you can now get to the Petalfall Hamlet Shrine.
3 Before going in, go the opposite way from Petalfall Hamlet Shrine to a gate and grab the Snake Herbalist Spirit. You can also climb up the gate and follow the path to get the Gold Sun Crow Curio.
4 Black Myth Wukong - Daoist Mi
You can now head inside the Petalfall Hamlet Shrine and you will first see Daoist Mi. To start his boss fight you need the Violet Hail Key Item from one of the enemies in this area.
▶ Daoist Mi Boss Guide
* Warning! If you start the final boss of this area without beating Daoist Mi first, he will despawn and you will miss out on his rewards!
5 After beating him, Hong Yi, the talking snake, will appear and she will give you the Violet Hail Transformation.
6 After getting your new transformation, head further in through the cobble arch. You can go ahead and battle enemies along the way as long as you follow the path forward.
7 Just keep following the path until you see a well with a huge rock beside it. From there, turn right and you can fall down and the sparkle should guide you to the Cloudnest Peak Shrine.

Cloudnest Peak

1 After healing at the shrine, you can go ahead and grab the treasure chest and raid the nearby houses before going up.
2 The Duskveil
When you're ready, and you've beaten every other boss in the area, head up to the boss arena to fight The Duskveil.
▶ The Duskveil Boss Guide
* Warning! If you defeat the Duskveil without beating Daoist Mi and The Scorpionlord, they will despawn and you will miss out on the rewards for beating each boss!
3 After beating the two phases of the Duskveil, a cutscene will play and the Hong Yi will give you the Weaver's Needle Vessel.

Chapter 4: Rosy Cheeks, Gray Hair Interactive Map

Notice! You can change to a different map for Chapter 4 by clicking on the drop down menu at the top of the map

Interactive Map Key

Meditation Spot Fragrant Vine Wine Worm Chest
Black Myth Wukong - Meditation Spot Pin Fragrant Vine Pin Wine Worm Pin Chest Pin
Curio Spirit Shrine Gourd
Curio Pin Spirit Pin Shrine Pin Gourd Pin
Boss Pin

Black Myth: Wukong Interactive Map

Chapter 4: Rosy Cheeks, Gray Hair Bosses

Mini Bosses
Elder Amourworm Centipede Guai
Buddha’s Right Hand Baw-Li-Guhh-Baw
Commander Beetle Fungiwoman
Venom Daoist -
The Second Sister Violet Spider
Zhu Bajie Hundred-Eyed Daoist Master
Secret Bosses
The Scorpionlord Daoist Mi
The Duskveil -

All Chapter 4 Bosses and Locations

Chapter 4: Rosy Cheeks, Gray Hair Secret Locations

How to Get to the Purple Cloud Mountain

Defeat the Venom Daoist Twice!

Chapter 4 Secret Area
To access the secret location in Chapter 4, you need to have defeated the Venom Daoist twice at the Pool of Shattered Jade and the arena opposite where you faced the Fungiwoman.

Defeating him the second time will create a mural which becomes a portal that takes you to the Purple Cloud Mountain Secret Area!

Chapter 4 Secret Area: Purple Cloud Mountain Guide

Black Myth: Wukong Related Guides

Black Myth Wukong Walkthroughs

All Chapter Walkthrough Guides

Main Chapter Walkthroughs

All Chapters
Black Myth Wukong Chapter 1Chapter 1 Black Myth Wukong Chapter 2Chapter 2 Black Myth Wukong Chapter 3Chapter 3
Black Myth Wukong Chapter 4Chapter 4 Black Myth Wukong Chapter 5Chapter 5 Black Myth Wukong -  Chapter 6 Unfinished Walkthrough GuideChapter 6
Black Myth Wukong All Endings GuideAll Endings Guide Black Myth Wukong How to Unlock the Secret Ending GuideHow to Get the Secret Ending

Area Walkthroughs

Chapter 1 Areas
Black Wind Mountain
Forest of Wolves Bamboo Grove
Black Wind Cave -
Chapter 2 Areas
Sandgate Village Crouching Tiger Temple
Fright Cliff Walkthrough The Kingdom of Sahali
Chapter 3 Areas
Pagoda Realm The Great Pagoda
Secret Areas
List of All Secret Areas
Ancient Guanyin Temple The Kingdom of Sahali
Mount Mei Purple Cloud Mountain
Bishui Cave -

Side Quest Walkthroughs

List of All Quests
Chapter 1 Quests
Ring the 3 Bells -
Chapter 2 Quests
Boar Quest Man-In-Stone Quest
Old Rattle-Drum Quest Xu Dog Quest
Two-Headed Rat Guai Quest -
Chapter 3 Quests
Treasure Hunter Quest Fox Quest
Third Prince Quest Ruyi Scroll Quest
Chapter 4 Quests
Venom Daoist Quest Daoist Mi Quest
Purple Talisman Quest -
Chapter 5 Quests
Five Element Carts -
Other Quests
Supreme Gourd Quest Five Skandhas Quest
Horse Guai Questline -


2 Anonymous5 months

you from Fextralife?

1 Anonymous5 months

This walk through is terribly written.


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