The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom Walkthrough Comments

Rupee Farming GuideComment

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    5 Zelda Team@Game83 monthsReport

    Great find, Mithrandir! Thanks for letting us know! We've added this information to our guide. Thank you for supporting our walkthroughs!

    4 Mithrandir3 monthsReport

    The only Golden Rupee (300 Rupees) that i have found in the game it's inside a Chest in the abandoned Ship during the side quest "The Zappy Shipwreck"

    3 Zelda Team@Game83 monthsReport

    While that's true for other Zelda games, we haven't found a Golden Rupee in Echoes of Wisdom yet! Please let us know where you've found one if you did!

    2 Anonymous3 monthsReport

    Using crow summon you get 5 rupees each first hit,sometime among the 5 one rupee there is a 5 one

    1 Anonymous3 monthsReport

    Golden rupee is missing, it gives 300 rupees

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