Xenoblade Chronicles Definitive Edition

Is Covert Stance Worth Leveling Up? Effect and Usage

This page explains the effects of Covert Stance, an Art in Xenoblade Chronicles: Definitive Edition (XC1) for the Nintendo Switch. Find out how to use Covert Stance, and whether or not this art is worth leveling up!

Covert Stance Effect and Basic Info

Covert StanceCovert Stance
Effect Aura that stops you gaining aggro, reducing attacks from enemies.
User Sharla
Art Type Ether
Level Learned 26
Color Orange
Power (%) -
Cooldown (Sec.) 45 ~ 32.8

How to Use Covert Stance

To use Covert Stance, simply activate it in order to reduce aggro on Sharla.

Because your party tanks already have skills that attract aggro, this makes the skill a bit redundant as Sharla doesn't attract that much to begin with, but you can use this skill to ensure she has less aggro on the chance that she is attacked.

Is Covert Stance Worth Leveling Up?

Art Ranking A Rank Icon

Covert Stance is worth leveling up

This is generally a great Art that is useful in several builds, so we recommend setting it and leveling it up. This Art is one of Sharla's better Arts, and if you have extra AP, you can't go wrong spending it on this one.

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