Xenoblade Chronicles Definitive Edition

Is Monado Shield Worth Leveling Up? Effect and Usage

This page explains the effects of Monado Shield, one of Shulk's Monado Arts in Xenoblade Chronicles: Definitive Edition (XC1) for the Nintendo Switch. Find out how to use Monado Shield, and whether or not this art is worth leveling up!

Monado Shield Effect and Basic Info

Effect Deflects enemy Talent Arts of the same level or lower.
User Shulk
Art Type Ether
Level Learned -
Color Black
Power (%) -

How to Use Monado Shield

When enemies use arts, their names are in different colors. Black names indicate the Art is Talent, and can be blocked using Monado Shield if it is of a lower or the same level. If you see visions of the future where enemies use Talent Arts, this icon will appear next to the Shield Art.
Blue Exclamation Mark.jpg
Then, you activate it and all of your allies will get the buff. If done correctly, your enemy's attack should be deflected.

It also mitigates damages from other arts, so it's useful in general, not just situationally.

Is Monado Shield Worth Leveling Up?

Art Ranking A Rank Icon

Shield is worth leveling up

This is generally a great Art that is useful in several situations, so we recommend setting it and leveling it up. This Art is one of Shulk's better Monado Arts, and if you have extra AP, you can't go wrong spending it on this one.

Xenoblade Chronicles: Arts

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