
How to Get the Fishing Rod and Stats

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This is a guide to the Fishing Rod Tool in Valheim. Learn how to craft the Fishing Rod, what materials are needed to craft and upgrade it, and all stats and information.

Fishing Rod Basic Information

Name Fishing Rod ImageFishing Rod
Weapon Type Tool
Description Standard issue dvergr fishing rod.
Associated Skill/s N/A
Crafting Station Cannot be crafted.
# Hands Two-handed
Weight 1.5
Durability Level 1: -
Blunt Level 1: 5
Block Power Level 1: 5
Parry Force Level 1: 0
Parry Bonus 1.5x
Knockback 5
Backstab 1x
Movement Speed -
Item Spawn Code FishingRod

How to Get the Fishing Rod

Buy from Haldor the Trader

Haldor the Trader is an NPC rarely found in the Black Forest Biome. Haldor will trade Valuable Items for Coins, and sell items which are otherwise unobtainable in the game.

This item can be purchased Haldor for 350 Coins.

Haldor the Trader | Where to Find and What He Sells

Spawn with Console Command

If you don't mind using cheats to obtain it, the Fishing Rod can easily be spawned with the console command.

To spawn the item, first turn on cheat codes by typing devcommands in the F5 console, and use the spawn FishingRod command to create the item.

All Cheats and Spawnable Items

How to Use the Fishing Rod

Cast Your Line.png

The Fishing Rod is used to catch fish in bodies of water. This is a way of getting a consistent supply of Raw Fish that can be cooked!

Fishing Guide: How to Fish

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