New Pokemon Snap (Switch)

How to Clear Lurking in the Water Request Walkthrough

This is a guide to completing Lurking in the Water, a request in New Pokemon Snap (Pokemon Snap 2) for the Nintendo Switch. Here you can find what kind of photo you need, and how to take it, in order to clear Lurking in the Water, as well as the reward!

Lurking in the Water Map and Request Information

General Info

Course River (Night) Lv. 2
Target Pokemon New Pokemon Snap GyaradosGyarados
Target Pokemon 2 New Pokemon Snap MagikarpMagikarp
Quest Giver Professor Mirror
How to Unlock ・After reaching Research Level 2 in River (Night)
Request Text ・“See that gash in that rocky cliff? I'm guessing an awfully large Pokemon must have had something to do with it! Could you look into it for me?”

Course and Map Information

Lurking in the Water Map.jpg

River (Night) Walkthrough: List of Pokemon and How to Unlock

Lurking in the Water Walkthrough Video

How to Clear Lurking in the Water

Make Feraligatr Dive

Hit Feraligatr with Fluffruit.jpg

To make Feraligatr dive, you need to hit the Feraligatr on top of the cliffs near the start of the course with a few Fluffruit. Make sure to do this after the Pokemon has finished roaring. If Feraligatr runs away after being hit, it will come diving down from a few moments later.

The first step of this request follows the same steps as the request, Diving Spot, so these two requests can be completed simultaneously. You need to make Feraligatr dive so it will not appear later on in the course near the waterfall.

Wake Up the Sleeping Magikarp

Wake Up Magikarp.jpg

After descending into the second area of the course, you can spot two Magikarp sleeping on the shore to the left of the giant waterfall. Play the Melody, then scan to wake both of the Magikarp and make them jump into the water.

Light Up the Waterfall

Light Up Waterfall.jpg

Toss an Illumina Orb at the base of the waterfall to hit the hidden Crystabloom behind it. Once the waterfall is lit up, all the Magikarp in the area will gather around near the waterfall.

Take a Photo of Gyarados

Gyarados Climbing Waterfall.jpg

After a few moments, Gyarados will come swimming up the waterfall. Quickly take a photo of the Pokemon before it reaches the top. We recommend using Burst Mode for this request to capture the best photo of Gyarados.

Reward for Clearing Lurking in the Water

Lurking in the Water Reward.jpg

Effect 7

Completing this request will reward you with the following collectible: Effect 7.

List of Unlockables

New Pokemon Snap Request Walkthroughs

Lentalk Requests Guide

Belusylva Island Lentalk Requests Walkthrough

River (Night) LenTalk Requests
Diving Spot Majestic Ursaring Lurking in the Water


3 Anonymousover 1 year

If the same person wrote all the request information, they sure have a hard time with left and right.

2 Anonymousover 2 years

Dang Ledians keep getting in the way.


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