New Pokemon Snap Walkthrough Comments


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    2 Anonymous@Game8over 3 yearsReport

    Hi! We've since updated our walkthrough for the request. Turns out you can take a photo of Flareon shooting the flames, or right when the flame animation ends (which is also a 4 star photo), but not the two star photo of Flareon eating the fruit! Thank you for supporting our guides! <3

    1 Anonymousover 3 yearsReport

    On the level 3 track take the right path to the blue magma room. Light the flower up as soon as you get the chance. Then hit the flareon with an orb and quickly feed it a flufffruit. It will roast the fruit with a flamethrower. This is what you need to take a picture of. It will cheer and shoot a flame upwards after it eats, and that will NOT complete the request.

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