New Pokemon Snap Walkthrough Comments


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    6 Anonymous@Game8over 3 yearsReport

    Thank for your comment and for helping out your fellow Pokemon snappers/researchers! It was helpful to consult with your comment while making the walkthrough for this request. Thank you so much for supporting our guides ♥

    5 Anonymousover 3 yearsReport

    Thanks! I finished the request using this method.

    4 Redwolvesover 3 yearsReport

    Path I mean not oath

    3 Redwolvesover 3 yearsReport

    What you need to do is scan for the stunfisk after taking the separate oath then throw apples above it wait for it to sink and hit it then it’ll do a lighting attack you got to take a pick when it’s doing the lighting attack the stubfisk that is

    2 Anonymousover 3 yearsReport

    That's this game, vague and inaccurate. It's fun but severely let down by this flaw.

    1 Anonymousover 3 yearsReport

    I don't understand, I've been taking pictures of the Stunfisk as it pops out and it still wouldn't give me the mission complete. I don't get it, because it I did everything right.

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