Honkai: Star Rail

All Pathfinder Puzzle Solutions

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Honkai Star Rail - All Pathfinder Puzzle Solutions

Pathfinder Puzzles are from the Chess Ghost and Fu Xuan during the Percipient Quest in Honkai: Star Rail's A Foxian Tale of the Haunted. See all Pathfinder Puzzle Solutions in the Fyxestroll Garden and in the Illusory Maze Keralum!

What is Pathfinder?

How to Play Pathfinder

The goal of Pathfinder is to plan a route for the ingenia so it can get to the exit using only a set number of moves. When given a command, the ingenia will keep going straight in that direction until it hits an obstacle.

Pressure Plates will eventually be included in these puzzles. After the ingenia passes over a pressure plate, the plate becomes an obstacle. Use these to your advantage in finding a path to the exit!

Chess Ghost Location

Most of the Pathfinder puzzles will come from the Chess Ghost, who will appear in the center of Fyxestroll Garden once you've finished her respective Investigation Assignment.

Take note that the puzzles you solve in Fyxestroll Garden fall under the Pathfinder quest. These are the only Pathfinder puzzles you can get extra rewards from.

You can also get Pathfinder Puzzles in the Percipient Mission part of A Foxian Tale of the Haunted Trailblaze Continuance. There you must free Fu Xuan by solving pathfinder puzzles in the Illusory Maze Keralum.

All Missions with Pathfinder Puzzles

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Chess Ghost Mission Pathfinder Mission Percipient Mission

Use this table to jump to solutions for the puzzles of each mission!

Pathfinder puzzles can be found in missions throughout A Foxian Tale of the Haunted. You'll first encounter it in the Chest Ghost mission, which will then unlock the Pathfinder quest. In Phase 2 of the event, you will encounter more puzzles in the Percipient mission.

How to Unlock Pathfinder Quest

Solve Chess Ghost's First Puzzle

The Chess Ghost will first introduce you to Pathfinder in Luofu Myths: Chess Ghost. To solve the tutorial puzzle, you must direct the ingenium to go Left, Up, Right, and Up again.

After this mission, the Pathfinder quest is unlocked and you will be able to find the Chess Ghost on the Fyxestroll Garden map.

▲ All Missions with Pathfinder Puzzles ▲

All Pathfinder Puzzle Solutions

All Pathfinder Quest Puzzles

Jump to a Solution!
Puzzle 1 Puzzle 2 Puzzle 3
Puzzle 4 Puzzle 5 Puzzle 6
Puzzle 7 Puzzle 8 Puzzle 9

These are the puzzles you can get from the Chess Ghost in Fyxestroll Garden via the Pathfinder Quest. Click the links in the table to jump to a puzzle solution!

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Pathfinder Puzzle 1 Solution

This is the first Pathfinder puzzle after the Chess Ghost quest. It is quite simple, you just have to command your ingenia to move Up, Left, Up.

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Pathfinder Puzzle 2 Solution

This puzzle can be solved by using both obstacles. Move your ingenia Up, Left, Up, Right, and then another Up to finish the puzzle.

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Pathfinder Puzzle 3 Solution

The third Pathfinder puzzle requires you to hit the obstacle in the middle to exit the maze. To do that, you just have to input the command: Left, Up, Right, Down, Left, Up.

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Pathfinder Puzzle 4 Solution

The fourth puzzle will introduce you to the pressure plate, where if the ingenia pass the plate, it will turn into an obstacle.

To solve this puzzle, you have to pass by the pressure plate to raise it and use it to exit the maze by using the following commands: Right, Up, Left, Down, Right, Up.

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Pathfinder Puzzle 5 Solution

The fifth puzzle combines both obstacle and pressure plate. You can solve this by moving towards the obstacle, trigger the pressure plate, and using the new obstacle to exit the maze. The commands are Up, Right, Left, Up.

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Pathfinder Puzzle 6 Solution

A puzzle that can be solved easily by triggering the pressure plate in the top right. You can do this by doing the following set of commands: Up, Right, Down, Left, Right, Up.

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Pathfinder Puzzle 7 Solution

Solve this puzzle by triggering both pressure plates. You can command your ingenia to go Up, Down, Right, Left, Up to solve the puzzle.

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Pathfinder Puzzle 8 Solution

The puzzle can be solved by triggering the pressure plate to your right first, then the one near the exit. You can do this by moving your ingenia Right, Left, Up, Left, Right, Up.

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Pathfinder Puzzle 9 Solution

The final puzzle given to you by the Chess Ghost. You can finish this puzzle in various ways, but one way can be triggering the pressure plates and going around the board. Do this by moving Left, Up, Right, Down, Left, Up.

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Fu Xuan Pathfinder Puzzle Solutions

All Percipient Pathfinder Puzzles

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Fu Xuan Puzzle 1 Fu Xuan Puzzle 2 Fu Xuan Puzzle 3

These Pathfinder puzzles can be encountered during the Percipient Trailblaze Continuance mission. See how to solve all of Fu Xuan's Pathfinder puzzles by clicking the links in the table!

▲ All Missions with Pathfinder Puzzles ▲

Fu Xuan Pathfinder Puzzle 1 Solution

For the first Pathfinder puzzle from Fu Xuan, direct the ingenia to move Right, Up, Left, and Up.

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Fu Xuan Pathfinder Puzzle 2 Solution

For the second puzzle, make the ingenia move Up, Left, Down, Right, and Up.

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Fu Xuan Pathfinder Puzzle 3 Solution

In the last puzzle, the Trailblazer and Huohuo will act as obstacles. Command the ingenia to go Up, Right, Up, Left, and Up to solve the final puzzle.

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All Pathfinder Quest Rewards

List of All Pathfinder Quest Rewards

Star Rail - Stellar Jade Item Stellar Jade x125 Star Rail - Traveler Traveler's Guide x2 Honkai Star Rail - 4-Star MusketeerMusketeer's Wild Wheat Felt Hat
Honkai Star Rail - 4-Star MusketeerMusketeer's Coarse Leather Gloves 4-Star MusketeerMusketeer's Wind-Hunting Shawl x2 4-Star MusketeerMusketeer's Rivets Riding Boots
4 Star ThiefThief's Steel Grappling Hook Star Rail - Trailblaze EXP Item Trailblaze EXP x125 Star Rail - Strale Item Strale x85
Star Rail - Adventure Log Item Adventure Log x15 Star Rail - Lost Gold Fragment Item Lost Gold Fragment x25 Star Rail - Credit Item Credit x10500

These rewards only come from the puzzles solved in Fyxestroll Garden during the Pathfinder Quest.

Complete to Get An Achievement!

Honkai Star Rail - The Golem How He Came Into the World
Once you complete the Pathfinder Chess puzzles, you will be able to obtain the achievement, The Golem: How He Came into the World.

List of All Achievements

Honkai: Star Rail Related Guides

Honkai Star Rail - A Foxian Tale of the Haunted Event

A Foxian Tale of the Haunted Event Guide

Foxian Tale of the Haunted Main Guides

A Foxian Tale of the Haunted
Honkai Star Rail - A Foxian Tale of the Haunted Missions Trailblaze Continuance Honkai Star Rail - Ghostly GroveGhostly Grove Guide Honkai Star Rail - Exorcismal ChroniclesExorcismal Chronicles

All Trailblaze Continuance Guides

A Foxian Tale of the Haunted Series
1 Honkai Star Rail - SojournerSojourners' Ghastly Reverie 2 Honkai Star Rail - Twins MissionTwins
3 Honkai Star Rail - Percipient MissionPercipient 4 Honkai Star Rail - Sword Essence MissionSword Essence
5 Honkai Star Rail - Foxian Dream MissionFoxian Dream Honkai Star Rail - Fyxestroll Gathering Missions Guide Fyxestroll Gathering

Foxian Tale of the Haunted Puzzles

Puzzle Guide Related Quests
Illusory Maze Sojourners' Ghastly Reverie Trailblaze Continuance Mission
Vase & Chest Puzzles
Pathfinder Puzzles Chess Ghost Adventure Mission
Percipient Trailblaze Continuance Mission

All Loufu Myths Mission Guides

Honkai Star Rail - Illusory Maze Puzzle GuideIllusory Maze Honkai Star Rail - Vase and Chest Puzzles GuideVase and Chest Puzzles

Investigation Assignment Missions

Ghostly Grove - Loufu Myths Missions
Honkai Star Rail - Luofu Myths Chess Ghost Event Quest GuideChess Ghost Honkai Star Rail - Luofu Myths Moon Impaler Skiff Event Quest GuideMoon Impaler Skiff
Honkai Star Rail - Luofu Myths Soul Departure Event Quest GuideSoul Departure Honkai Star Rail - Luofu Myths Specterlight Records Event Quest GuideSpecterlight Records
Honkai Star Rail - Luofu Myths Haunted House Event Quest GuideHaunted House Honkai Star Rail - Loufu Myths Pillow Whisper Event Quest GuidePillow Whisper
Honkai Star Rail - Luofu Myths Specterlight Records Continued Event Quest GuideSpecterlight Records (Continued) Honkai Star Rail - Ghost-Hunting Squad - Excess Is as Bad as Deficiency Quest GuideExcess Is as Bad as Deficiency
Honkai Star Rail - Luofu Myths Ghostly Call Event Quest Guide Ghostly Call Honkai Star Rail - Ghost-Hunting Squad Silver Medallion Event Quest Guide Silver Medallion
Honkai Star Rail - Ghost-Hunting Squad - Excess Is as Bad as Deficiency Quest GuideExcess Is as Bad as Deficiency Honkai Star Rail - Ghost-Hunting Squad - Gold Medallion Quest GuideGold Medallion

Exorcismal Chronicles Guides

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Honkai Star Rail - Foxsomn TombFoxsomn Tomb Honkai Star Rail - Verdant TerraceVerdant Terrace

Other Fyxestroll Garden Guides

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Honkai Star Rail - How to Get Gratuity Points and Subscription Plan GuideGratuity Points Guide Honkai Star Rail - How to Collect a Total of 16 Dispersed Heliobi Guide Dispersed Heliobi Guide
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1 Anonymous4 months

Isnt there a 5-move solution to puzzle 9? Simply left, up, right, left, up. I tried to do it in-game but theres no option to run it with just five inputs, sucks


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