Skull and Bones

Money Farming Guide: How to Farm Silver

Skull and Bones Money Farming Guide

Money in Skull and Bones can be farmed by completing contracts, selling commodities, and finding treasures. See a silver and money farming guide for early game, mid game, and late game, as well as all types of money in this guide!

Early Game Money Farming Guide

Early Game Money Farming Guide

Complete Contracts

The best way to farm money in the early game is by completing side and main contracts.

The job board in Saint-Anne often has a list of side contracts that need to be done, so check it out as often as you can.

Another thing you should know is that some of these side contracts are repeatable but some are not. Repeatable side contracts that have 1,000+ Silver payout are the best ones but you can also settle for those that are not repeatable as long as they give a 4-digit payout!

This way, you'll earn more money and even raise your infamy!

All Side Contracts and Where to Find Them

Play With a Friend

Since you'll be completing contracts, you might as well play with a friend or two to get extra silver!

This is because you also get money every time someone in your party finishes a contract even though you didn't help them complete it. This goes the other way around too!

Essentially, playing with your own party will give you and your friends extra money so long as all of you keep completing contracts. Besides, the game is better and much more fun when played with friends!

All Multiplayer and Co-op Features

Mid Game Money Farming Guide

Mid Game Money Farming Guide

Sell Commodities

During mid game, when you're confident that your ship is combat-ready, you'll be better off selling commodities to merchants.

These items are mainly for selling aside from a few contracts that require them.

When selling Commodities, it's best to avoid merchants that will buy them at a low price. This is usually indicated by a red downward arrow just below the commodity's icon at the merchant's shop.

Best Items to Sell

Get Commodities From Merchant Ships

Commodities can be obtained from merchant ships on trade routes.

When attacking merchant ships, we recommend targeting the lone ones that are not protected by other ships. This way you don't have to deal with multiple enemy ships attacking you because you attacked the merchant.

We also recommend boarding the ships instead of sinking them so you can get more loot!

How to Board Ships

Get Commodities From Shipwrecks

Shipwrecks contain commodities as well! We recommend checking out every shipwreck that you run into to loot all items inside it.

Make sure you have a crowbar and its upgrades though! Else, you won't be able to get inside the shipwreck.

How to Get Crowbar

Find Treasures

Exploring the seas for treasure is also a great way to earn money!

The islands on Skull and Bones are ripe with treasures and you can find these by following old and recent treasure maps. Each of these has a unique way of getting them but rarer treasure maps yield better rewards.

Obtain treasure maps and visit every outpost in the game to get treasures!

How to Find and Dig Up Treasure

Use a Spyglass on Nearby Ships to Check If They Have a Treasure Map

Treasure maps can be obtained from certain ships but don't go fighting every ship that you encounter in hopes of getting a treasure map.

Instead, use a spyglass to check if a ship has a treasure map. Once you've confirmed they have one, that's the only time you should attack them. It doesn't matter if you sink or board them because you'll always get their treasure map once they've been defeated.

To use a spyglass, press R on your PC, R3 on your PS5 Controller, or RS on your Xbox Controller

Best Settings

Participate in a Cutthroat Cargo Hunt

Cutthroat Cargo Hunt is a legendary heist PvP World Event where players need to attack and plunder a heavily armored merchant ship convoy to obtain Cutthroat Cargo.

The player that obtains the cargo needs to race towards the designated port to deliver the stolen goods to win the World Event. Attacking the player with the Cutthroat Cargo will drop the item, giving you an opportunity to steal it for yourself!

Successfully delivering a Cutthroat Cargo will reward you with a Legendary Treasure Map, which leads to a chest that contains rarer and higher-quality items!

Because not a lot of players are participating in the event, you can easily get around 10,000 Silver using this method.

How to Win at Cutthroat Cargo Hunt

Late Game Money Farming Guide


If you're already in the late game, we recommend going for bounty contracts that can be found on bounty boards.

These are repeatable contracts that will award you with a large payout once completed. They're more challenging than your typical side contracts so this is better for advanced players that have battle-ready ships.

List of Bounties and Elite Captains

All Types of Money

All Types of Money
Silver Pieces of Eight Gold Smuggler Pass Token


Silver is the main currency in the game. You can use these to buy different equipment and clothing from merchants.

The amount of silver that you have can be seen at the upper right corner of your screen.

Pieces of Eight

Pieces of Eight is the currency used at the Black Market. With these, you can buy cosmetics and upgrade your smuggler operations.


Gold is a currency that can be used to buy cosmetics at the Ubisoft Store. You can also use it to get access to the Premium Smuggler Pass!

Gold can be purchased at the in-game store or the Ubisoft store.

Smuggler Pass Token

Smuggler Pass Tokens are the rewards you can get from completing challenges in the Smuggler Pass. We're still not sure what we can use them for but it's likely that you can spend them to get other equipment and cosmetics!

The pass will become available after completing the “Heist on High Seas” contract and docking at any den.

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1 Anonymous10 months

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