Skull and Bones

How to Greet Players with Ahoy: Hello, World! Guide

Skull and Bones - Hello World Trophy
Greet players in Skull and Bones with Ahoy in Text Chat by using Quick Chat! See how to greet other players through Quick Chat, and how to get the Hello, World! Trophy in this guide!

How to Greet Players With Ahoy

Achievement is Currently Locked Since Text Chat is Temporarily Disabled

Ubisoft developers have temporarily disabled text and voice chat to fix communication errors and spam caused by KINGFISHER_4.

The achievement is currently unavailable until text chat is enabled. We will update this page once text and voice chat options are back up!

All Bugs, Performance Issues, and Known Glitches

Open the Quick Chat Option

Skull and Bones - Quick Chat
You can greet other players with the Ahoy quick-chat by opening text chat, and heading to quick chat.

You can open text chat and quick-chat in your platform through:

PC PlayStation Xbox
Open Text Chat: N
Open Quick Chat: R
Open Text Chat: PS4 - L3 Button
Open Quick Chat: PS4 - Square Button
Open Text Chat: XBOX - Left Stick Press
Open Quick Chat: XBOX - X Button

Greet Players with Ahoy Trophy

Hello, World! Trophy

Bronze Trophy.png Hello, World!
G: 15
Greet players with an "Ahoy" from the quick-chat option in a server chat room.

Using the Ahoy! quick chat option in text chat will qualify you for the Hello, World! bronze trophy.

Trophy Guide and List of Achievements

Skull and Bones Related Guides

Skull and Bones - Achievements Partial Banner.png

Trophy Guide and List of Achievements

All Achievements Guide

Achievement Guides
There You Are! Hello, World!
The Silencer Rags to Riches
The Mime After a Long Day of Sailing
It's More Fun Together! -


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