Skull and Bones

List of All Ship Weapons

Skull and Bones - List of All Ship Weapons

This is a hub of all ship weapons in Skull and Bones. See a full list of ship weapons, how to unlock weapons, all weapon damage types, and more!

Ship Weapons Guides
Best Ship Weapons All Ship Weapons

List of Ship Weapons

All Deck Weapons

Weapons by Loadout Slots
All Deck Top
Auxiliary Bow
Weapon and Level Base DMG / Repair Damage Types Perks
Culverin I
500 - -
Demi-cannon I
528 - -
Culverin II
625 - -
Demi-cannon II
660 - -
Flooding Demi-cannon I
Skull and Bones - Flooding DMG IconFlooding: +30
・Flooding II
Tearing Culverin I
552 - ・Tearing II
Culverin III
750 - -
Demi-cannon III
792 - -
Basilisk I
Skull and Bones - Piercing DMG IconPiercing: +125
・Piercing II
Zamzama I
Skull and Bones - Fire DMG IconFire: +39
・Burning II
Flooding Demi-cannon II
Skull and Bones - Flooding DMG IconFlooding: +40
・Flooding II
Tearing Culverin II
744 - ・Tearing II
Culverin IV
1000 - -
Demi-cannon IV
1056 - -
Basilisk II
Skull and Bones - Piercing DMG IconPiercing: +165
・Piercing II
Zamzama II
Skull and Bones - Fire DMG IconFire: +52
・Burning II
Culverin V
1125 - -
Demi-cannon V
1188 - -
Flooding Demi-cannon III
Skull and Bones - Flooding DMG IconFlooding: +51
・Flooding II
Tearing Culverin III
936 - ・Tearing II
Basilisk III
Skull and Bones - Piercing DMG IconPiercing: +205
・Piercing II
Zamzama III
Skull and Bones - Fire DMG IconFire: +64
・Burning II

All Deck Weapons can be installed on any ship's Deck, including the Bow and Broadsides.

List of All Deck Weapons

Top Deck Weapons

Weapons by Loadout Slots
All Deck Top
Auxiliary Bow
Weapon and Level Base DMG / Repair Damage Types Perks
Bombard I
Skull and Bones - Explosive DMG IconExploding: +150
・Explosive I
Long Gun I
Skull and Bones - Piercing DMG IconPiercing: +109
・Piercing I
Bombard II
Skull and Bones - Explosive DMG IconExploding: +187
・Explosive I
Long Gun II
Skull and Bones - Piercing DMG IconPiercing: +136
・Piercing I
Fire Bombard I
Skull and Bones - Explosive DMG IconExploding: +345
Skull and Bones - Fire DMG IconFire: +172
・Explosive II
・Burning I
Fire Long Gun I
Skull and Bones - Fire DMG IconFire: +125
Skull and Bones - Piercing DMG IconPiercing: +250
・Piercing II
・Burning I
Repair Bombard I
1725 - ・Repair Bomb
Repair Long Gun I
1150 - ・Repair
Torpedo I
Skull and Bones - Flooding DMG IconFlooding: +195
・Flooding III
Bombard III
Skull and Bones - Explosive DMG IconExploding: +225
・Explosive I
Long Gun III
Skull and Bones - Piercing DMG IconPiercing: +163
・Piercing I
Mons Meg I
Skull and Bones - Explosive DMG IconExploding: +187
Skull and Bones - Piercing DMG IconPiercing: +187
・Explosive I
・Piercing I
Shalei I
Skull and Bones - Explosive DMG IconExploding: +142
Skull and Bones - Flooding DMG IconFlooding: +142
・Explosive II
・Flooding II
Rahma's Ambition
Skull and Bones - Flooding DMG IconFlooding: +213
・Flooding III
Scurlock's Chasers
Skull and Bones - Piercing DMG IconPiercing: +408
・Mast Breaker
・Piercing III
・Tearing II
Fire Bombard II
Skull and Bones - Explosive DMG IconExploding: +465
Skull and Bones - Fire DMG IconFire: +232
・Explosive II
・Burning I
Fire Long Gun II
Skull and Bones - Fire DMG IconFire: +168
Skull and Bones - Piercing DMG IconPiercing: +337
・Piercing II
・Burning I
Repair Bombard II
2325 - ・Repair Bomb
Repair Long Gun II
1550 - ・Repair
Torpedo II
Skull and Bones - Flooding DMG IconFlooding: +264
・Flooding III
Bombard IV
Skull and Bones - Explosive DMG IconExploding: +300
・Explosive I
Long Gun IV
Skull and Bones - Piercing DMG IconPiercing: +218
・Piercing I
Mons Meg II
Skull and Bones - Explosive DMG IconExploding: +247
Skull and Bones - Piercing DMG IconPiercing: +247
・Explosive I
・Piercing I
Shalei II
Skull and Bones - Explosive DMG IconExploding: +187
Skull and Bones - Flooding DMG IconFlooding: +187
・Explosive II
・Flooding II
Bombard V
Skull and Bones - Explosive DMG IconExploding: +337
・Explosive I
Long Gun V
Skull and Bones - Piercing DMG IconPiercing: +245
・Piercing I
Fire Bombard III
Skull and Bones - Explosive DMG IconExploding: +585
Skull and Bones - Fire DMG IconFire: +292
・Explosive II
・Burning I
Fire Long Gun III
Skull and Bones - Fire DMG IconFire: +212
Skull and Bones - Piercing DMG IconPiercing: +425
・Piercing II
・Burning I
Repair Bombard III
2925 - ・Repair Bomb
Repair Long Gun III
1950 - ・Repair
Torpedo III
Skull and Bones - Flooding DMG IconFlooding: +332
・Flooding III
Mons Meg III
Skull and Bones - Explosive DMG IconExploding: +307
Skull and Bones - Piercing DMG IconPiercing: +307
・Explosive I
・Piercing I
Shalei III
Skull and Bones - Explosive DMG IconExploding: +232
Skull and Bones - Flooding DMG IconFlooding: +232
・Explosive II
・Flooding II
Dardanelles Gun
Skull and Bones - Explosive DMG IconExploding: +922
・Explosive III
Rahma's Legacy
Skull and Bones - Flooding DMG IconFlooding: +349
・Flooding III
Scurlock's Long Nines
Skull and Bones - Piercing DMG IconPiercing: +670
・Mast Breaker
・Piercing III
・Tearing II

Top Deck Weapons can only be fitted in the ship's top deck.

Top Deck Weapons with the Repair Perk do not deal damage but instead repair allied ships.

List of Top Deck Weapons

Auxiliary Weapons

Weapons by Loadout Slots
All Deck Top
Auxiliary Bow
Weapon and Level Base DMG / Repair Damage Types Perks
Mortar I
Skull and Bones - Explosive DMG IconExploding: +1035
Repair Mortar I
6900 - ・Repair Blast
Rocket I
Skull and Bones - Fire DMG IconFire: +50
・Burning II
Leopold I
Skull and Bones - Explosive DMG IconExploding: +1031
Skull and Bones - Flooding DMG IconFlooding: +1375
・Flooding II
The Termites I
Skull and Bones - Fire DMG IconFire: +27
Skull and Bones - Piercing DMG IconPiercing: +27
・Burning I
・Piercing I
Mortar II
Skull and Bones - Explosive DMG IconExploding: +1395
Repair Mortar II
9300 - ・Repair Blast
Rocket II
Skull and Bones - Fire DMG IconFire: +67
・Burning II
Leopold II
Skull and Bones - Explosive DMG IconExploding: +1361
Skull and Bones - Flooding DMG IconFlooding: +1815
・Flooding II
The Termites II
Skull and Bones - Fire DMG IconFire: +35
Skull and Bones - Piercing DMG IconPiercing: +35
・Burning I
・Piercing I
Mortar III
Skull and Bones - Explosive DMG IconExploding: +1755
Repair Mortar III
11700 - ・Repair Blast
Rocket III
Skull and Bones - Fire DMG IconFire: +85
・Burning II
Leopold III
Skull and Bones - Explosive DMG IconExploding: +1691
Skull and Bones - Flooding DMG IconFlooding: +2255
・Flooding II
The Termites III
Skull and Bones - Fire DMG IconFire: +44
Skull and Bones - Piercing DMG IconPiercing: +44
・Burning I
・Piercing I

Auxiliary Weapons go to a ship's Auxiliary slot. Most Auxiliary Weapons are capable of blasting targets from long range.

Auxiliary Weapons with the Repair Perk do not deal damage but instead repair allied ships.

List of All Auxiliary Weapons

Bow Weapons

Weapons by Loadout Slots
All Deck Top
Auxiliary Bow
Weapon and Level Base DMG / Repair Damage Types Perks
Ballista I
Skull and Bones - Piercing DMG IconPiercing: +276
・Piercing II
Sea Fire I
Skull and Bones - Fire DMG IconFire: +93
・Burning III
Great Springald I
Skull and Bones - Piercing DMG IconPiercing: +300
・Tearing II
・Piercing II
Kallinikos Flame I
Skull and Bones - Fire DMG IconFire: +101
・Burning III
Ballista II
Skull and Bones - Piercing DMG IconPiercing: +372
・Piercing II
Sea Fire II
Skull and Bones - Fire DMG IconFire: +125
・Burning III
Great Springald II
Skull and Bones - Piercing DMG IconPiercing: +396
・Tearing II
・Piercing II
Kallinikos Flame II
Skull and Bones - Fire DMG IconFire: +133
・Burning III
Ballista III
Skull and Bones - Piercing DMG IconPiercing: +468
・Piercing II
Sea Fire III
Skull and Bones - Fire DMG IconFire: +157
・Burning III
Great Springald III
Skull and Bones - Piercing DMG IconPiercing: +492
・Tearing II
・Piercing II
Kallinikos Flame III
Skull and Bones - Fire DMG IconFire: +166
・Burning III
Blue Specter
Skull and Bones - Fire DMG IconFire: +150
・Burning III
Twin-winch Ballista
Skull and Bones - Piercing DMG IconPiercing: +860
・Double Draw
・Piercing II

Bow Weapons can only be mounted on medium or large ships. Bow weapons include Ballistas that can be drawn for more damage and the Sea Fire that spews liquid fire to deal burning damage.

List of All Bow Weapons

How to Unlock Weapons

Craft Weapons From Blacksmiths

Skull and Bones - Craft Weapons From Blacksmiths

Weapons can be crafted at Blacksmiths located in Pirate Dens and Outposts in exchange for Resources and Silver.

How to Get All Resources and Materials

Unlock Better Weapons with Higher Infamy

Skull and Bones - Unlock Better Weapons with Higher Infamy

Better weapons can be unlocked at the Blacksmith the higher your Infamy grows. Infamy can be increased by fulfilling Contracts and other side quests.

Infamy System Explained

Seasonal Rewards

Skull and Bones - Seasons
Seasons offer seasonal ship gear as rewards. This includes weapons and other attachments for participating in various seasonal activites while they are active.

Season Start/End Date
Raging Tides ~March 2024
Chorus of Havoc ~June 2024
Into the Dragon's Wake ~October 2024
Shadows Of the Deep ~January 2025

The speculative dates above are based on the confirmed in-game events being tied to holidays or real world events.

List of All Seasons (Year 1 Roadmap)

How to Equip Weapons

Attach Weapons While Docked

Skull and Bones - Attach Weapons While Docked

Weapons can be equipped while your ship is docked at any Pirate Den or Outpost. You can access the Manage Ship menu from any point inside these areas to attach your weapons to the different slots of your ship.

What are Ship Weapons?

Ship Attachments

Skull and Bones - Ship Weapons

Weapons are ship attachments that serve as your ship's offensive tools for combat at sea. When picking your ship's weapons, consider the slots they go into, as each weapon can only be attached into specific slots.

Equipped Weapons Occupy Cargo Space

Skull and Bones - Weapon Weight
Take note that a ship can only bear a specific amount of cargo at any given time. Everything you bring aboard has weight. This includes the weapons and other attachments on your ship.

Weapons Grant Ship Perks

Some weapons come with Perks that give them certain properties, like increasing the damage they deal with certain damage types. Carefully select your weapon loadout to fit your preferred play style!

Weapon Stats Explained

Aside from the slots that weapons go into, they also have stats and their own strengths and weaknesses. Below is a list of stats and a brief description of each.

Stats Description
Damage Damage rating of the weapon
Reload Reload speed of the weapon in seconds.
Range The weapon's effective range in meters.
Weakpoint Damage The extra damage dealt by a weapon when it hits a ship or structure's weakpoint.
Blast Radius The area-of-effect of a weapon in meters.
Projectile Speed How fast the weapon fires in meters per second.

Weapons Deal Specific Damage Types

Each Weapon excels at a specific damage type and are improved by weapon Perks. Players should pick their weapon loadouts carefully to exploit the weaknesses of enemies.

Weapon Damage Types
Explosive Flooding
Fire Tearing

Skull and Bones Related Guides

Game8 Skull and Bones Wiki

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Skull and Bones Walkthrough Wiki

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Skull and Bones Side ContractsSide Contracts Skull and Bones - TreasuresTreasures
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Skull and Bones - CharactersCharacters Skull and Bones Bugs and Errors ReportBugs and Errors
Skull and Bones News and UpdatesNews and Updates Skull and Bones - CommoditiesCommodities
Skull and Bones - FoodFood -


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