Skull and Bones

Failed to Join Game Session Error

Skull and Bones Failed to Join Game Session Error

Failed to Join Game Session is an error in Skull and Bones that players have been experiencing in the Open Beta. See how to fix Failed to Join Game Session and what to do when Failed to Join Game Session.

How to Fix Failed to Join Game Session Error

How to Fix Failed to Join Game Session Error

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Reconnect to the Game

The very first thing you can do to fix the error is to try reconnectiing to the game.

This is usually an effective fix for common errors such as the Failed to Join Game Session error in Skull and Bones.

Restart Your Device

The classic “Have you tried turning it off and on again?” is also a common fix for such errors!

Try restarting your device if restarting the game didn't work. This helps your device perform better especially if they've already been running for a long time.

Update Your Device

Updating your device can also do the trick!

Remember that devices need updates on their operating system every now and then so they can perform at their best.

Make sure your device has been updated to their lates OS version to avoid performance errors.

Make Sure You Have a Stable Internet Connection

Skull and Bones is an online multiplayer game, so an internet connection is a must when you're playing the game.

Having an unstable or slow internet connection on your end can sometimes cause errors such as the Failed to Join Game Session.

Make sure your internet connection is stable when playing Skull and Bones to avoid such errors. If you're having persistent internet connection problems, try to restart your router or contact your internet service provider to fix the issue.

Allow Skull and Bones Through the Firewall

You also need to make sure that you allow Skull and Bones through your network's firewall to avoid the Failed to Join Game Session error.

This can be done by tweaking your network settings.

Update your PC Graphics Card Drivers

Similar to operating systems, you need to keep your PC's Graphics Card Drivers updated to avoid compatibility issues!

Check updates from AMD, Intel, or Nvidia if you encounter visual bugs and game performance issues.

Verify Game Files on PC

Crashes can also occur when game files are missing or corrupted. Try verifying game files through the launchers, Epic Games, and Ubisoft Connect.

Contact Ubisoft Support

If all else has failed, you can always contact Ubisoft Support. They can help you troubleshoot the game and fix the issues you're encountering in Skull and Bones.

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All Bugs, Performance Issues, and Known Glitches

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