Skull and Bones

Kuharibu Sea Monster Location and How to Farm

Skull and Bones - Kuharibu World Boss Guide

Kuharibu is a sea monster and world boss of the Western Basin in Skull and Bones. Read on to learn about the Kuharibu sea monster's location and respawn time, how to farm Kuharibu, and how to beat it and get Kuharibu's Eye.

Kuharibu Location

Location and How to Unlock

Quest Giver
Sea People Huntmaster in Lanitra
World Boss Location
Western Basin

Kuharibu is located in the open waters of the Western Basin, slightly northwest of Lanitra Outpost.

To unlock Kuharibu as a world boss, you need to complete the From the Deep side contract from the Sea People Huntmaster located in Lanitra. The quest only appears after reaching Ship Rank 5.

How to Level Up Ship

How to Farm Kuharibu

Sea Monster Respawns Once Per Day, Per Player

The easiest way to farm Kuharibu is by retaking the From the Deep side contract from the Sea People Huntmaster in Lanitra Outpost. This contract will reappear daily (real world days) after you complete the side contract the first time.

To make the Kuharibu sea monster respawn more than once in a day, join another player who hasn't defeated it yet that day.

How to Join Friends

Kuharibu Respawns in the Same Area

Retaking the From the Deep side contract is more efficient than waiting for the Whispers of the Deep Strange Sighting since Kuharibu will spawn at the same location in the Western Basin once you accept the contract.

Group Up with Other Players

Farming Kuharibu is easiest when you have one or two other players since Kuharibu tends to focus on only one ship and lacks moves that damage multiple players.

Best Endgame Team for Farming

Ship Loadout and Team Role
Vanguard Snow
Bow: Scurlock's Long Nines
Broadsides: Culverin V
Stern:Rahma's Legacy
Auxilliary:Rocket III

This ship's main role is to draw Kuharibu's attention with its long ranged weapons. Its Tenacity Perk allows it to take repeated hits from Kuharibu's attack provided it gets healing.
Pyromaniac Sambuk
Bow: Blue Specter
Broadsides: Fire Long Gun III
Stern:Fire Bombard III
Auxilliary:Rocket III

This ship is the main damage dealer in the group, ideally keeping close to Kuharibu while it's attacking the tank and burning it down with Blue Specter.
Sentinel Cutter
Bow: Repair Bombard III
Broadsides: Repair Long Gun II

This ship's main role is to heal the tank by using its bow and broadsides weapons. It ideally should keep far away from Kuharibu as it lacks any offensive weapons.

This endgame team offers the best team composition for hunting Kuharibu. The Vanguard Snow ideally stays immobile for most of the fight, only moving to reposition when it needs to fire a different weapon or if the sea monster moves too far away from it.

The Pyromaniac Sambuk will constantly stay close to Kuharibu to burn it down with Blue Specter, only moving away if it needs to recover or reposition. All of its weapons are chosen to deal as much fire damage to Kuharibu as the Ablaze status eats away at its HP fast.

Finally, the Sentinel Cutter is the team's healer and should focus on healing its allies. Since this ship lacks any offensive weapons, it needs to stay close to Vanguard Snow to avoid getting hit.

Kuharibu World Boss Rewards

List of Kuharibu Rewards

Kuharibu's Eye

Kuharibu's Eye is a contract item and one-time reward for beating Kuharibu for the first time during the From the Deep side contract.

Return to the Sea People Huntmaster and give him Kuharibu's Eye to receive 600 Silver.

Monstrous Flesh

Kuharibu drops Monstrous Flesh, which is a raw material required to cook Tylosaurus Steak in the Cookery.

As of the Open Beta, this grilled food offers the highest stamina restoration possible at 60% and is the best food to eat to maintain your ship speed!

How to Increase Ship Speed

Monstrous Tooth and Scales

Kuharibu also drops Monstrous Tooth and Monstrous Scales which are Specialized Materials that function as boss currency used to trade with the Sea People Huntmaster in Lanitra for exclusive items!

List of Specialized Materials

List of items you can buy with Monstrous Tooth

Item Price
Mysterious Chest 50 Monstrous Tooth
Beast Hunter's Hat 15 Monstrous Tooth
Ocean King's Top 20 Monstrous Tooth
Escapist's Eyepatch 10 Monstrous Tooth
Wrappings of the Deep 10 Monstrous Tooth
Seascale Belt 10 Monstrous Tooth
Pants of Tumult 15 Monstrous Tooth
Sea Butcher's Boots 15 Monstrous Tooth
Mchuzi wa Kuharibu 10 Monstrous Tooth
Great Springald III 30 Monstrous Tooth
Ouroboros 50 Monstrous Tooth

We recommend prioritizing getting the Ouroboros Armor Blueprint first since it provides a unique perk that restores your ship's health while bracing, and also restores 100 Severe Damage every second.

Getting and crafting this armor for your ship will make repeated hunts for Monstrous Teeth significantly easier as it gives your ship better armor and superior self-sustain!

List of All Ship Armors

How to Beat Kuharibu

Kuharibu World Boss Tips and Tricks

Evade its Attacks by Circling Around

Skull and Bones - Evade its Attacks by Circling Around. mode:scale
Kuharibu tends to attack by charging in a straight line towards ships while underwater. Although fast, you can evade this attack by turning quickly to the left or right just before it breaches.

Although smaller ships have an easier time turning quickly, you can do this as well with larger ships simply by keeping up your top speed and circling around Kuharibu when it dives underwater to charge at you.

Shoot its Eyes

Kuharibu's main weak spot is its head, specifically its eyes which take increased damage from even basic cannon fire. Although hitting this spot is tricky when it swims around, Kuharibu also tends to expose its head and eyes when doing its charge attack.

One of its charge attacks involves diving and then popping its head from the water, "peeking" through the waters as it charges your ship. Focus your attacks on its eyes to interrupt its charge and deal massive damage to its health!

Attack it After its Charge Attack

Kuharibu tends to move slowly after a charge attack, often taking a few seconds to slowly swim near the surface before it dives back down the waters to attack.

Use this opportunity to shoot at it with your strongest weapons, such as Bombards and Torpedoes which can deal a lot of damage to the sea monster when targeting its head and tail!

Kuharibu Recommended Ships

Bombardier Padewakang

The Bombardier Padewakang is one of the best ships for hunting Kuharibu due to its higher firepower and health, allowing you to deal as much damage to the sea monster while also having enough health to withstand its attacks.

Another advantage this ship has is that it has gunports on its bow and stern, which means you can shoot at Kuharibu even if its in front or behind you!

How to Get the Bombardier Padewakang Ship

Best Weapon Loadout for Bombardier

Location Weapon T ype
Bow (Front) Long Gun
Broadsides Demi-cannon
Stern (Back) Culverin

Since you'll spend most of your time close to Kuharibu after it charges, it's best to equip Demi-cannons on your broadsides to maximize the weapon's spread damage and burst potential on the boss.

Long Guns are best placed on the bow as a way to snipe Kuharibu from afar when chasing after it. You'll also spend most of the time facing your broadsides and stern towards Kuharibu, slightly negating the Long Gun's slower reload time.

Finally, the standard Culverin is a great choice for the stern gunports since these have balanced damage and reload speed. It's especially useful when Kuharibu does its charging attack since the gun's consistent fire rate means you have more chances to hit its exposed eyes!

Best Ship Weapons and Cannons

Who is Kuharibu?

World Boss of the Western Basin

Kuharibu is sea monster and the World Boss of the Western Basin. The monstrous Tylosaurus is located in the northwestern section of the map and has been spotted attacking Ungwanan Ships.

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3 Lotus11 months

Seems like they moved the quest giver or changed the respawn timer or both

2 Anonymous11 months

Wie oft spawnt der Boss muss Mann immer eine Quest an nehmen oder spawnt er auch so hab ihn jetzt einmal gemacht Brauch ihn aber noch paar mal


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