Dungeons & Dragons: Dark Alliance

The Hall of Judgment Act Guide and Walkthrough | Giant Urn Locations

Dark Alliance The Hall of Judgment Top Image

This is a walkthrough for The Hall of Judgment, Act 2 of The Fury of Icewind in Dungeons & Dragons: Dark Alliance. Learn more about the objectives of this quest, available rewards, tips for completion, locations of attribute shrines, as well as boss fight strategies!

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The Hunting Grounds The Hall of Judgment A Tomb of Ice

The Hall of Judgment Basic Information

Quest Information

Quest The Fury of Icewind
Icewind has been terrorizing the people of the Dale for slaying her mate, Icingdeath.

Act Information

Act No. 2
Type Dungeon
Preferred Gear Set Drop Reghed Chief (Wulfgar)
Dragonsbane (Drizzt)
Sea Sprite's Watch (Catti-brie)
Coldstone Guardian (Bruenor)
Bosses Bjorn Hewer of the Judged, Judged Spirit
Optional Bosses Nathourn the Spiteful
Unlock Requirement Complete The Hunting Grounds
Icewind had made her lair within the ruined city of Netherhall atop the broken temple of Othea. Approaching that broken city on the surface would be foolhardy even if its skies weren't patrolled by a marauding dragon. We would approach from below, making our way through the catacombs under Netherhall where we would find a key to the temple gates.

The Hall of Judgment Main Objectives

Reach the dragonspine courtyard

Reach the next area
Simply follow the objective marker to reach the dragonspine courtyard.

Pass under the dragonspine courtyard to the Netherhall Gate

Defeat the enemies and continue on
Defeat the enemies at the courtyard and continue following the main objective marker to reach Netherhall Gate.

Defeat the Netherhall Gate guardians

3 Dark Alliance The Hall of Judgment 01
Defeat all enemies
Defeat the wraiths and the goblins here.

Reach the broken bridge. Defeat the guardians at the broken bridge

Follow the marker once more to reach the bridge. Battle the enemies here. Be wary of the ice fields as you battle.

Activate the portal at the broken bridge with the lost Netherese keystone

5 Dark Alliance The Hall of Judgment 02
Pick up the keystone dropped by the enemy and activate the portal to get to the next area.

Reach the giant mausoleum

6 Dark Alliance The Hall of Judgment 03
Follow the objective marker to reach the next area, defeating the enemies along the way. As you pass midway through the area, there will be an icy field with three frozen goblins. Hidden amongst them is lever.

Activate the mausoleum gate with the missing lever. Defeat the mausoleum guardians

7 Dark Alliance The Hall of Judgment 07
Defeat the enemies just by the gate and open the gate using the lever you acquired earlier. Beyond the gate, defeat the enemies to progress.

Reach the Hall of Judgment. Defeat Bjorn

8 Dark Alliance The Hall of Judgment 04
Continue on the path to reach the Hall of Judgment. Battle Bjorn and defeat him to end the stage.

The Hall of Judgment Optional Objectives

Nathourn the Spiteful

Nathourn the Spiteful is located at the Dragon Spine Courtyard. He will spawn as soon as you open the treasure chest located behind an ice stalagmites.

Destroy the Giant Urns

Behind a barrel along the path to the Dragon Spine Courtyard.
Behind a barrel at the Netherhall Gate.
Just after entering the wooden enclosure at the Attribute Shrine.
Besides a rock formation along the path to Giant Maosoleum.
Besides a barrel along the path to the Hall of Judgement.

Tips and Strategies

Poison and Slow Resistance

Dark Alliance The Hall of Judgment 05
For the most part, the enemies here are similar to many you have faced before. What makes this stage extra dangerous however is the presence of ice and acid fields that will slow or deal continuous damage to you. Having resistances to both will be beneficial in this mission.

Boss Strategy: Bjorn Hewer of the Judged

Like Any Giant

Dark Alliance The Hall of Judgment 06
Bjorn, despite being the 2nd to the last boss, poses no significant difference with any of the giants you have faced thus far. He will be accompanied by several Judged Spirits but they are more annoying that they are dangerous.

How to Beat Bjorn, The Hewer of the Judged

The Hall of Judgment Attribute Shrines Locations

The Hall of Judgement Puzzle

The Attribute Shrine is located after taking the portal at the Broken Bridge to the Giant Maosoleum. Inside the tunnel, there is a path on the left you can take that will lead you to the Shrine.
Inside, you will find that the shrine enclosed in a forcefield. To disable the forcefield, You will have to match the runes on the floor with the symbol scattered in the area.
The first symbol is located near the portal outside the shrine.
Located underneath some barrels near the shrine.
Located at the ceiling, besides a pillar.
Located on a wall, behind the wooden enclosure near the chest.
Once you located all the symbols, match it with the symbols with the runes on the floor to deactive the force field and claim your attribute point.

All Puzzle Locations and Solutions

The Hall of Judgment Chest Locations

Location Directions
1 Behind ice stalagmites along the path to the Dragon Spine Courtyard.
2 Behind some ice stalagmites, near the entrance to Dragon Spine Courtyard.
3 Behind some ice stalagmites, in the Dragon Spine Courtyard.
4 Near a bonfire across an ice path at the Broken Bridge.
5 Near a painting down a ledge after taking the portal at the Broken Bridge.
6 Behind an ice stalagmite, just before jumping down into the hole to Giant Maosoleum
7 Near the giant skeleton inside a wooden enclosure at the Attribute Shrine.
8 Behind an ice stalagmite near the Attribute Shrine.
9 Behind an ice stalagmite at the Courtyard along the path towards the Giant Maosoleum.
10 Underneath a pile of rubble across a poison sludge at the Maosoleum Gate.
11 Behind an ice stalagmite, across a path of ice spikes near the entrance of an ice tunnel to The Hall of Judgement.
12 Underneath a pile of rubble just before the teleport ride to the Hall of Judgement.

Dark Alliance Related Links

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A Crystal Crown
The Fury of Icewind
The Hunting Grounds
The Hall of Judgment
A Tomb of Ice


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