Dungeons & Dragons: Dark Alliance

Order of the One Light Act Guide and Walkthrough | Soul Coins Locations

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This is a walkthrough for Order of the One Light, Act 2 of The Order of the One Light in Dungeons & Dragons: Dark Alliance. Learn more about the objectives of this quest, available rewards, tips for completion, locations of attribute shrines, as well as boss fight strategies!

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An Infernal Dispute Order of the One Light Return of the Tyrant

Order of the One Light Basic Information

Quest Information

Quest The Order of the One Light
Cultists that worship the Crystal Shard like a god have found Kessell's body and infused it with arcane power, reanimating him. Now he seeks to rebuild his army and take his revenge on Icewind Dale.

Act Information

Act No. 2
Type Mission
Preferred Gear Set Drop Captive of the Abyss (Wulfgar)
Wearer of the Mask (Drizzt)
Alustriel's Gift (Catti-brie)
Keeper of Secrets (Bruenor)
Bosses Kronus Seven Scars
Optional Bosses Wennir the Consumed
Unlock Requirement Complete An Infernal Dispute
Crystal cult necromancers had reanimated the corpse of Akar Kessell and granted him arcane power he never achieved in life. From the safety of the warded inner sanctum of their fortress, he called out to any ally that would assist his rise to power once again. We would need to break down the sanctum's defenses before we could deal with Kessell himself, hopefully for the last time.

Order of the One Light Main Objectives

Enter the cultist fortress. Reach the access corridor

Explore the area and gather loot
Just follow the objective marker as you travel in the first area of the stage. Continue on some steps until you reach the access corridor.

Defeat the cultist forces guarding the urn at the access corridor

2 Dark Alliance Order of the One Light 01
Defeat all enemies.
This area features what would the format of this quest line - duergars and cultists joining forces. It is advisable to deal with the ranged duergars first as they are the easiest to deal with so you can focus on the more agile cultists.

Destroy the urn at the access corridor

3 Dark Alliance Order of the One Light 02
Destroy the urn
Defeat all the enemies and pick up the lever. Then head north past a fork towards a broken bridge. Use the lever you found to bring down a platform you can jump on. Destroy the urn at the end.

Reach the mining pit. Defeat the forces holding the mining pit

Enter the mining pit and defeat all enemies
Head back to the fork and this time head right. Cross the cavern via a platform to enter the mining pit. Defeat all the enemies there.

Destroy the urn at the mining pit

Find the urn in the mining pit and destroy it
Explore the mine. Note that the urn inside the mine itself will just summon enemies. The true urn is at the wooden ledges near the pit. Climb it and it will be on a table for you to destroy.

Reach the mine entrance. Destroy the urn at the foreman's table

Find the main entrance and destroy the urn within
From the previous urn, head back down and head to the main mine entrance. Defeat all the enemies here and find the urn (left of the mine entrance). Destroy it.

Cross the canal

Battle through the next areas and defeat all enemies.
The next part is simple - get through all the enemies until you can get to the canal. Just follow the objective marker.

Survive the Stygian Ambush. Destroy the urn at the chasm overlook

7 Dark Alliance Order of the One Light 03
Defeat the stygians
By the end of the canal area, you will be battling two huge stygians. Defeat them one at a time. Then, destroy the urn nearby.

Reach the entry to the Inner Sanctum. Defeat Kronus Seven Scars

8 Dark Alliance Order of the One Light 04
Defeat the boss
Backtrack a bit from that area to find some stairs. Climb it to battle the boss.

Order of the One Light Optional Objectives

Retrieve Soul Coins

Located inside the entrance area, just besides the giant skull.
Located behind some barrels in the Access Corridor.
Located besides a chest, just before reaching the Mining Pit.
Located underneath a barrel, near the Urn in the Mining Pit.
Located on top of a table, inside a cave with ice spikes leading to it. It's near the area of your second short rest.
Located besides the urn in the Chasm Overlook.
The final soul coin is inside a structure near a chest located left of the entrance to the Chasm Overlook. Jump across a gap from the wooden plank and destroy the barricade ahead to get to the coin.

Defeat Wennir the Consumed

You can find Wennir the Consumed inside the Mining Cave, across a path filled with lava traps. His attacks are similar to the cultist so be careful!

Tips and Strategies

Cultists Galore

Like the previous mission, this stage is packed heavily with cultists. And it is more common now that they come in huge bunches. Being cornered is quite easy so take 'em out quickly.

Boss Strategy: Kronus Seven Scars

Kronus Seven Scars

Dark Alliance Order of the One Light 05
This boss maybe as difficult as The Chef. However, it's not because the boss is inherently strong. It's his minions - he summons a variety of duergar and cultists and some of them will also spawn some shadow figures. At a time you could be battling eight entities all at the same time.

The key is to use AoE attacks such as Catti-Brie's charged heavy attack to deal with the huge crowd or Bruenor's Anvil of Clanggedin (triggered by holding down the triangle button). Once the crowd is clear, Kronus is all yours to defeat.

Take note that the battle will not end if Kronus' minions are still alive - they have to be dealt with.

How to Beat Kronus Seven Scars

Order of the One Light Attribute Shrines Locations

You can find the Attribute Shrine in the Mining Cave, near where Wennir the Consumed is.

Order of the One Light Chest Locations

Location Directions
1 Located just outside of the starting area. Break the barricade to get to the chest.
2 Located just besides the Urn in the Access Corridor
3 Located right before the Mining Pit, inside a wooden structure.
4 Located at the left path near the Urn in the Mining Pit.
5 Located down the Mining Pit. There is a ledge you can climb down to at the other side.
6 Located just before the path to Wennir the Consumed.
7 Located just after entering the area of Wennir the Consumed.
8 Located inside a cave with ice spikes leading to it. It's near the area of your second short rest.
9 Located besides a minecart in the area just before crossing the canal. Climb the ledge in the area before crossing the canal to get it.
10 Located to the left of Chasm Overlook. Jump across a gap from the wooden plank then destroy the barricade ahead to get to the chest.
11 There is a ledge you can climb up in the Chasm Overlook to get to the chest.
12 The chest is located in Chasm Overlook, near the cliff. Destroy the barricade then jump across. Head inside the wooden structure to get to the chest.
13 There is a chest located inside the boss area. If you're using Drizzt, you can use blink to safely open the chest.

Dark Alliance Related Links

All Quest Walkthroughs

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A Tomb of Ice


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