Dragon Quest 3 HD-2D Remake (DQ3)

All Sparkly Spot Locations

Dragon Quest 3 HD-2D Remake (DQ3) - All Sparkly Spots

This guide provides a list of all Sparkly Spots in Dragon Quest 3 HD-2D Remake (DQ3). See the full list of Sparkly Spots in this guide and learn more about their locations here.

Sparkly Spot Guides
List of Sparkly Spots Best Sparkly Spot Drops

Sparkly Spots Map

Sparkly Spots Interactive Map

List of Sparkly Spots

All Sparkly Spots List

Checkmark.png Map Image
Sparkly Spot 1 Sparkly Spot 1
Sparkly Spot 2 Sparkly Spot 2
Sparkly Spot 3 Sparkly Spot 3
Sparkly Spot 4 Sparkly Spot 4
Sparkly Spot 5 Sparkly Spot 5
Sparkly Spot 6 Sparkly Spot 6
Sparkly Spot 7 Sparkly Spot 7
Sparkly Spot 8 Sparkly Spot 8
Sparkly Spot 9 Sparkly Spot 9
Sparkly Spot 10 Sparkly Spot 10
Sparkly Spot 11 Sparkly Spot 11
Sparkly Spot 12 Sparkly Spot 12
Sparkly Spot 13 Sparkly Spot 13
Sparkly Spot 14 Sparkly Spot 14
Sparkly Spot 15 Sparkly Spot 15
Sparkly Spot 16 Sparkly Spot 16
Sparkly Spot 17 Sparkly Spot 17
Sparkly Spot 18 Sparkly Spot 18
Sparkly Spot 19 Sparkly Spot 19
Sparkly Spot 20 Sparkly Spot 20

Note: Click on the Checkbox to mark Sparkly Spots that you have already obtained!

What are Sparkly Spots?

Glittering Spots that Provides Items

Dragon Quest 3 - Sparkly Spot

Sparkly Spots are shiny, glittering locations found on the overworld map. Interacting with them provides a variety of items, including consumables, equipment, and occasionally weapons!

All Regions and Maps

How to Find Sparkly Spots

Look for Sparkly Blue Areas in the Overworld

Dragon Quest 3 - Look Out For Sparkly Spots

Sparkly Spots can be found by exploring the overworld and looking for shiny, glittering areas. Approach and interact with them to obtain items!

How to Respawn Sparkly Spots

Dragon Quest 3 HD-2D Remake Related Guides


List of All Maps

List of All Towns

All Town Maps
Aliahan Reeve Romaria Khoryv
Norvik Faerie Village Asham Ibis
Portoga Nordy's Grotto Baharata Alltrades Abbey
Theddon Lanson Edina Shallow Shrine
Mur Persistence Immigrant Town Jipang
Pirates' Den Lozamii Grimland Teleportal Shrine
Wayfarer's Chapel Manoza Olivia's Promontory Jail Shrine
Necrogond Shrine Shrine of the Everbird Castle of the Dragon Queen Great Pit of Giaga
Tantegel Jetty Tantegel Galen's House Damdara
Cantlin Shrine of the Spirit Kol Rimuldar
Sacred Shrine Cloudsgate Citadel - -

List of All Town Maps

List of All Dungeons

All Dungeon Maps
Fifer's Spire Kidnapper's Cave
Baramos' Lair Tower of Transcendence
Maw of the Necrogond Mysterious Cave
Mysterious Tower Nail Mark
Dreamer's Tower Gaia's Navel
Underground Lake Phantom Ship
Promontory Passage Pyramid
Craggy Cave Tower of Rubiss
Manoza Cave Skyfell Tower
Path of Promise Orochi's Lair
Zoma's Castle Temple of Trials

List of All Dungeon Maps


1 Anonymous2 months

You've missed almost all of the sparkly spots in this list. Your whole website for this game is a joke. Just training to bait and spam pop-up video ads.


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