Dragon Quest 3 HD-2D Remake (DQ3)

List of All Monsters and Enemies

Dragon Quest 3 HD-2D Remake List of All Monsters and Enemies
This guide provides a list of all monsters in Dragon Quest 3 HD-2D Remake (DQ3). See the list of monsters and enemies, including the amount of EXP and Gold they drop.

List of All Monsters

All Monsters EXP and Gold Earned

Note: More item data can be seen by scrolling horizontally. On mobile, tap the screen and swipe sideways to scroll horizontally.

※ Select the search criteria below and press the Search button to filter the data.

Items EXP Gold
SlimeSlime 4 2
Stark RavenStark Raven 6 3
BunicornBunicorn 8 3
AntnibblerAntnibbler 12 4
BatterflyBatterfly 9 4
ToadyToady 12 5
Bubble SlimeBubble Slime 16 8
PrestidigitatorPrestidigitator 20 10
WaspionWaspion 14 6
HealslimeHealslime 24 8
AntgobblerAntgobbler 12 7
Spiked HareSpiked Hare 14 8
Toxic ToadToxic Toad 20 9
KillerpillarKillerpillar 35 12
VladdyVladdy 29 18
PutrefidoPutrefido 29 15
ScornetScornet 26 13
CrabidCrabid 35 12
CumaulusCumaulus 35 14
FunghoulFunghoul 39 18
IllerpillarIllerpillar 47 20
Raven LunaticRaven Lunatic 45 22
BullmustiffBullmustiff 53 14
Morphean MushroomMorphean Mushroom 56 20
ShadeShade ??? ???
Drac the VladDrac the Vlad 61 25
BetterflyBetterfly 55 15
Restless ArmourRestless Armour 68 30
Vampire CatVampire Cat 65 20
OvertoadOvertoad 70 23
JackanapeJackanape 60 30
Bag OBag O' Laughs 5 350
Mummy BoyMummy Boy 73 25
Crabber Dabber DooCrabber Dabber Doo 78 23
Lump WizardLump Wizard 82 35
GrillerpillarGrillerpillar 72 35
MummyMummy 82 36
Grand DragonGrand Dragon 0 39373
Rumble BeeRumble Bee 98 25
RottenweilerRottenweiler 95 20
Lump MageLump Mage 128 55
Hell NiñoHell Niño 105 28
AntguzzlerAntguzzler 110 25
CureslimeCureslime 278 38
Ram RaiderRam Raider 162 45
CatulaCatula 135 35
Leger-de-ManLeger-de-Man 1650 85
WhackanapeWhackanape 170 45
GarudaGaruda 220 71
Metal SlimeMetal Slime 4140 5
RampageRampage 297 50
HoodieHoodie 150 35
ImpImp 100 45
Lump ShamanLump Shaman 343 48
CanniboxCannibox 137 60
HoodlumHoodlum 376 53
BeakonBeakon 175 44
Shell SlimeShell Slime 210 28
Ethereal SerpentEthereal Serpent 800 180
VladiatorVladiator 235 52
CroneCrone 305 52
Weaken BeakonWeaken Beakon 228 37
Infernal ArmourInfernal Armour 315 57
Sea SlimeSea Slime 197 35
Man oMan o' War 180 38
MermanMerman 240 48
King SquidKing Squid 355 90
Handsome CrabHandsome Crab 290 45
MermaniacMermaniac 263 58
Hades CondorHades Condor 367 71
Ursa MinorUrsa Minor 440 55
Walking CorpseWalking Corpse 120 15
Battering RamBattering Ram 353 68
Dread AdmiralDread Admiral 165 35
Toxic ZombieToxic Zombie 368 25
Belisha BeakonBelisha Beakon 372 32
Lethal ArmourLethal Armour 418 80
Heavy HoodHeavy Hood 940 42
MagmaliceMagmalice 417 61
Heedoo VoodooHeedoo Voodoo 358 50
Crone RangerCrone Ranger 463 63
ShadowShadow 743 31
Firn FiendFirn Fiend 405 74
ChimaeraChimaera 1780 75
SmackanapeSmackanape 432 68
WyrtleWyrtle 652 88
Elysium BirdElysium Bird 980 85
RockbombRockbomb 660 105
Ursa MajorUrsa Major 523 65
VoodoogooderVoodoogooder 673 95
WyrtoiseWyrtoise 1420 120
Boreal SerpentBoreal Serpent 440 90
TrollTroll 1030 105
Freezing FogFreezing Fog 1070 68
GoodybagGoodybag 10 1023
MinidemonMinidemon 587 89
SquidzillaSquidzilla 1280 120
Skeleton SwordsmanSkeleton Swordsman 843 68
MimicMimic 735 110
ArmfulArmful 1190 73
SilhouetteSilhouette 1040 42
Living StatueLiving Statue 1780 82
Infernal SerpentInfernal Serpent 6000 180
She-SlimeShe-Slime 8 2
Muddy HandMuddy Hand 720 78
UmbraUmbra 1710 77
TroobloovoodooTroobloovoodoo 1930 105
Liquid Metal SlimeLiquid Metal Slime 40200 10
GhoulGhoul 1270 48
InfanticoreInfanticore 1350 98
Gold GolemGold Golem 390 1023
SkelegonSkelegon 2350 78
MerkingMerking 1590 110
TentacularTentacular 2090 160
Ursa MegaUrsa Mega 2080 130
Stone GuardianStone Guardian 2500 150
ManticoreManticore 2780 90
Hocus-PokerHocus-Poker 2850 140
Hocus ChimaeraHocus Chimaera 2240 125
Flying FlayerFlying Flayer 2490 90
HydraHydra 3090 95
Great TrollGreat Troll 3050 120
Green DragonGreen Dragon 2600 107
Soaring ScourgerSoaring Scourger 3270 80
Dragon ZombieDragon Zombie 3500 53
FranticoreFranticore 3060 120
One-Man ArmyOne-Man Army 3180 87
PhoenixPhoenix 3700 150
Great KeeperGreat Keeper 8500 130
Metal ChimaeraMetal Chimaera 9000 50
AbracadabrerAbracadabrer 4300 210
Crab KingCrab King 2500 80
Terror TrollTerror Troll 3700 63
Currently UnavailableDemon Sword 2800 52
BaramonsterBaramonster 7300 150
ZomaZoma 0 0
XenlonXenlon 41204 0
Grievous Bodily ArmGrievous Bodily Arm 3938 70
Golden GloomGolden Gloom 5056 86
Iron KnightIron Knight 5379 302
PandoraPandora's Box ??? ???
Ursa ArgentumUrsa Argentum 4075 117
Steely StatueSteely Statue 6595 187
Hardy HandHardy Hand 3200 18
ArcticoreArcticore 6020 122
Blue DragonBlue Dragon 7224 166
Dread DragonDread Dragon 7335 198
RobbinRobbin' Ood ??? ???
RobbinRobbin' Oodlum ??? ???
KyllaKylla 2800 32
Ripper of the RiftRipper of the Rift 12520 430
PhantasmPhantasm 1060 32
Dying FireDying Fire 1990 145
MadvladMadvlad 2760 775
ChiromancerChiromancer 4960 1546
OrochiOrochi ??? ???
Boss TrollBoss Troll 87200 6559
GarboyleGarboyle 97200 7260
BaramosBaramos 102400 0
AshdemonAshdemon 3110 290
King HydraKing Hydra 97600 0
Soul of BaramosSoul of Baramos ??? ???
Bones of BaramosBones of Baramos 114400 0
Mushroom MageMushroom Mage 218 12

What are Monsters?

Enemies Encountered during Exploration

Dragon Quest 3 - Monster Encounter

Monsters are enemies you encounter in the overworld. You can find them by walking around or by using skills like Whistle to force a spawn.

All Regions and Maps

Can You Catch Monsters?

Only Possible for Friendly Monsters

Dragon Quest 3 HD-2D Remake (DQ3) - Secret Spot Friendly Monsters

Recruiting or catching monsters is a new feature introduced in the HD-2D remake. However, you can only do this with monsters stationed at secret spots or in specific locations in the overworld, such as towns. This means that monsters encountered in battles are not catchable.
DQ3 All Friendly Monster Locations

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