Dragon Quest 3 HD-2D Remake (DQ3)

Walkthrough Part 10: Damdara to Zoma’s Citadel

Dragon Quest 3 Walkthrough Part 10
This is a walkthrough guide from Damdara to Zoma’s Citadel for Dragon Quest 3 HD-2D Remake (DQ3). Learn what you need to do for each region, as well as points and explanations for how to progress the story.

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Castle of the Dragon Queen to the Craggy Cave Post-Game Content

Damdara to Zoma’s Citadel Walkthrough Guide


1 Recruit the Hocus-Poker
Explore the area first for any items and collectibles. There's also a friendly Hocus-Poker disguised as a human in the bottom left so make sure to recruit them as well.
▶ All Friendly Monster Locations
2 Orichalcum
Once you're done, head to the stables in the southeast and examine the grass to find some Orichalcum. This is used to make the Sword of Kings later so make sure not to miss it.
3 Magic Bikini
Afterwards, go to the inn and talk to Lena the dancer on the second floor. Doing so lets you receive the Magic Bikini from the Theatre Manager in Asham at night.
4 Travel to Cantlin
When you're done, teleport back to Damdara and head around southeast to Cantlin.

Damdara Map and Available Items


1 Broken Sword
As usual, explore the area first for items and collectibles. The main thing that you're looking for here is the Broken Sword from the table on the second floor of the southwestern house.

This is the other piece needed to create the Sword of Kings so make sure to grab it.
* Before proceeding onwards, head to the Monster Arena in the northeast to complete its battles and claim the rewards.
2 Travel to the Shrine of the Spirit
Once you're done here, head around southeast towards the Shrine of the Spirit.

Cantlin Map and Available Items

Shrine of the Spirit

1 Staff of Rain
The only important thing to do here is to go to the second floor and start a cutscene to get the Staff of Rain. This is one of the three items you need to access the final dungeon so you must come here and pick it up.

Besides that, there are a few hidden items on the ground, so make sure to grab those as well.
2 Travel to Rimuldar
After you got the staff, you can head back out and continue your journey northeast to Rimuldar.
* Travel to the Sanctum
Before going there, make a detour to the Sanctum on the island east of the shrine.

You can't do anything here yet besides grabbing the items in the area, but it's useful to unlock it as a fast travel point for later.

Shrine of the Spirit Map and Available Items


* Liquid Metal Slimes
As a note, you can encounter Liquid Metal Slimes in the area around Rimuldar. If you wish, you can spend some time here to farm EXP before continuing to the next town.
▶ EXP Farming Guide: How to Level Up Fast
1 The NPCs in this town provide a lot of useful information for your journey so make sure to talk to them while exploring the area for items and collectibles.
2 Words of Wisdom Rimuldar
The most important item to get in this town are the Words of Wisdom from the right side of the northernmost house.

Besides that, there is a Recovery Ring in the inn, but the cutscene you get from opening the chest is arguably more notable the accessory inside.
* Recruit the Chimaera
You're able to walk along the outskirts of town so make sure to explore around here as well.

There's a friendly Chimaera and house to the northwest that's only accessible through the outskirts so make sure not to miss those.
▶ All Friendly Monster Locations
3 Travel to Kol
Once you're done here, board your ship and sail north towards Kol. If the ship is far away, you can always teleport back to Kol so that it spawns nearby to the east.

You can also stop by Quagmire Cave, located between Rimuldar and Kol, on the way there so you can teleport to it later.

Rimuldar Map and Available Items


1 Faerie Flute
Again, do some exploration first to grab all the items and collectibles in the area.

The one thing that you need to get is the Faerie Flute just south of the open-air bath. This is required to get the Sacred Amulet later on inside the Tower of Rubiss.
2 Forging Hammer
Once you're done exploring, teleport to Jipang so you can grab the Forging Hammer from the house in the northwest.

This is the final item you'll need to craft the Sword of Kings, so once you have it, teleport back to Kol.
3 Sword of Kings
Go to the item shop and talk to the Swordsmith on the second floor to start a cutscene where he will craft the Sword of Kings. Make sure that you equip it on your Hero since this will be their best weapon until you reach the post-game.
* After the cutscene ends and you've got the sword, the item shop will be upgraded to sell new equipment so take this chance to make any changes to your current builds.
4 Travel to Quagmire Cave
When you're done here, you can leave the town and go to Quagmire Cave.

Kol Map and Available Items

Quagmire Cave

1 Talk to the Robbin Oodlums
The only thing you need to do here is talk to the Robbin' 'Oodlums in the southeast to learn how to get Zenithium.
* Recruit the Crone Ranger
Besides that, there are a few collectables and a friendly Crone Ranger disguised as a human so make sure to explore the area for these.
▶ All Friendly Monster Locations
2 Wrecking Ball
After talking to the 'Oodlums, teleport to Reeve and talk to the old man who gave you a Wrecking Ball before to get another one.
3 Zenithium
From there, teleport to Lanson and head to the bottom floor of Gaia's Navel. You'll now be able to get the blue ore stuck in the wall by using the Wrecking Ball to blow it up and dislodge it.
4 Auroral Helm
Once you got the Zenithium, leave the dungeon and teleport to the Shrine of the Dwarf. This will start a cutscene where he will craft the Auroral Helm, the best helmet for the Hero.
* By this point, you should have the Auroral Helm, the Hero's Shield, and the Sword of Kings. If you've missed any of these, backtrack first to get them before continuing your journey.

Tower of Rubiss

1 Travel to the Tower of Rubiss
When you're ready, teleport back to Kol and sail northwest to the Tower of Rubiss.

While you're making your way up the tower, remember to search for any treasures and friendly monsters on the way.
* Arrow Tile Infographic
This dungeon introduces the arrow tile gimmick which changes the direction of your inputs. The easiest way to navigate these tiles is by rotating your controls to where your input for up is the same as the orange triangle.
When you get to the second floor, you'll come across a room with 8 chests, as well as a bunch of arrow tiles and damaging floors. Follow the path and inputs above to safely reach both sets of chests to the north and south.

As a note, the Safe Passage spell allows you to walk on the floor and ignore the arrows. However, you should use this opportunity to practice your movement on the arrows since you'll encounter more of them later.
Once you've opened all the chests, head up to the middle room on the fourth floor. Grab the friendly Chimaera on the top path and the Auroral Armour at the end of the middle path. Afterwards, head back down to the third floor.

Getting the Auroral Armour also completes your Hero's equipment set, perfectly setting them up for the rest of the game.
To access the top floors of the tower, you'll first need to jump off the northern part of the third floor. To do this, simply step on the tile below the top left one and move left twice.
5 Tower of Rubiss - Path up to the 5th Floor
From here, just head up to the fifth floor. On the way there, you'll encounter two more sets of arrow tiles, but all you need to do is move down to cross them.
6 Soul of Baramos Rubiss Boss
Once you're at the top, heal up before going through the red doors to face the Soul of Baramos. They fight alongside two Ashdemons so make sure to deal with them first.
▶ How to Beat Soul of Baramos (Rubiss)
7 Sacred Amulet
After the boss has been defeated, examine the statue to use the Faerie Flute and free Rubiss. She'll give you the Sacred Amulet as a reward, which is also the last piece that you need to make the Rainbow Drop.
8 Travel to the Sanctum
When you're done here, feel free to leave and teleport to the Sanctum.

If you haven't unlocked this location yet, teleport to the Shrine of the Spirit and sail to the island in the east.

Tower of Rubiss Map and Strategy Guide

Soul of Baramos (Rubiss) Combat Guide

Soul of Baramos (Rubiss)
Rec. Level Drops
39 None
Tips to Beat Soul of Baramos (Rubiss)
・Kill the Ashdemons first.
・Cast Magic Barrier and Insulatle.
・Remove any buffs applied by the Ashdemons.
・Inflict the Spell Seal and Sleep status effects.

How to Beat Soul of Baramos (Rubiss)


1 Rainbow Drop
Once you've arrived, talk to the man so that he can make the Rainbow Drop. The cutscene that plays will also show you where to use it so that you can access Zoma's Citadel.
2 Rainbow Drop Area
When you're ready, teleport to Quagmire Cave and sail west to get to the area where you'll use the Rainbow Drop. Interacting with the spot on the ground will start a cutscene and create a bridge that leads to the other side.
3 Travel to Zoma
After the cutscene ends, all you need to do now is walk west to Zoma's Citadel.
* Before taking on the final dungeon, it's recommended to tie up any loose ends such as collecting any Mini Medals and Friendly Monsters, as well as clearing all Sparkly Spots, Secret Spots, and Monster Arena fights.

Doing all of these things will generally get you all the items and equipment you'll need to take on the final boss.

Items Required to Make the Rainbow Drop

Item Location How to Get
Sunstone Tantegel Inside the room accessed by the stairs south of the castle kitchen.
Staff of Rain Shrine of the Spirit Talk to the Servant of Rubiss on the second floor.
Sacred Amulet Tower of Rubiss Use the Faerie Flute in front of the statue on the fifth floor.

How to Get Rainbow Drop and Effects

Zoma's Citadel

1 When you're ready, head inside to take on the final dungeon of the game. There are a bunch of misleading paths in here so be careful when you're exploring for any items and collectibles.
2 Stone Guardians
Start by exploring the side rooms and B1 first. Once you're done, head to the large room in the middle to face six Stone Guardians, in three batches of two.
3 Interact Behind the Throne
After defeating all the statues, head to the throne room in the back to grab a Mini Medal and open up the path down via a switch behind the throne.
4 Recruit the Liquid Metal Slime
Head down to B2 and go to the room with all the arrow tiles from the Tower of Rubiss. Before proceeding forward, drop down the hole in the middle to explore the floor below.
Once you're done there, head back up and navigate the arrow tile room. If you want to quickly reach the next floor, you can just press up starting from the tile right before the hole.
* Arrow Tile Infographic
There are two chests on the sides of the arrow tile room. If you want to pick them up, follow the image above for the appropriate controls.
6 Ortega Cutscene in Zoma
Make your way down to B4, opening any chests on the way. Reaching this floor will play a series of cutscenes regarding Ortega, and once they're done, continue downwards.

Make sure to have the Auroral Helm equipped to get the full cutscene experience.
7 Sage
Before going down, go to the north room to open the six chests inside. The most important items to get here are the Sage's Stone and the Shimmering Dress so don't miss them.
8 Zoma
Once you've reached the bottom floor, take the portal to go back to the entrance. From here, leave the dungeon to rest up and make any final preparations before the final boss gauntlet.
9 When you're ready head back to the bottom floor of the citadel to face a series of four bosses in a row. Thankfully, you'll have breaks in between them so make sure to heal up and restock your bags before facing the next boss.
10 King Hydra Boss
The first boss that you'll face is King Hydra. Besides applying status effects, their most threatening move is a Fire Breath attack so make sure to bring ways to deal with it.
▶ How to Beat King Hydra
11 Soul of Baramos Citadel Boss
Once they go down, continue forwards to face the Soul of Baramos again. They'll be alone this time around, but they have an upgraded moveset so make sure that you're prepared.
▶ How to Beat Soul of Baramos (Citadel)
12 Bones of Baramos Boss
Afterwards, keep going forwards to the penultimate boss, the Bones of Baramos. This boss is a pure physical attacker so bring Kabuff and Attack Attacker with you to help out.
▶ How to Beat Bones of Baramos
* Now that you've beaten the three bosses, the only one left to defeat is Zoma. Before facing him, make sure that you have the Sphere of Light in one of your party member's bags.
13 Zoma Boss
When you're ready, approach the throne to face the final boss, Zoma. Remember to use the Sphere of Light at the start of the fight to dispel his Shroud of Shadows and weaken him.
▶ Final Boss Guide: How to Beat Zoma
14 After defeating Zoma, a cutscene will play and you'll fall into Talontear Tunnel. You still can't use spells in here so escape the cave on foot.
▶ Talontear Tunnel Map and Strategy Guide
15 The End
Once you've escaped, teleport to Tantegel and go to the castle to talk to the king. One final cutscene will play and you'll have successfully completed Dragon Quest III HD-2D!

Once the credits end, make a save and you'll be taken back to the main menu.
16 Congratulations on beating the game! When you reload the save, you'll be taken back to Tantegel before Zoma is defeated.

You'll also have access to all the post-game content so feel free to go to the Castle of the Dragon Queen to take them on!
▶ Post-Game Content Walkthrough

Zoma's Citadel Map and Strategy Guide

King Hydra Combat Guide

King Hydra
Rec. Level Drops
45 None
Tips to Beat King Hydra
・Use Sage's Stone for healing to preserve MP.
・Cast Insulatle to reduce Inferno's damage.
・Wear anti-sleep equipment or accesories.

How to Beat King Hydra

Soul of Baramos (Citadel) Strategy Guide

Soul of Baramos (Citadel)
Rec. Level Drops
45 None
Tips to Beat Soul of Baramos (Citadel)
・Bring Dieamends to prevent instadeath.
・Use Sage's Stone for healing to preserve MP.
・Seal their spells with Fizzle or the Staff of Rain.
・Cast Insulatle to reduce Inferno's damage.

How to Beat Soul of Baramos (Citadel)

Bones of Baramos Combat Guide

Bones of Baramos
Rec. Level Drops
45 None
Tips to Beat Bones of Baramos
・Use Sage's Stone for healing to preserve MP.
・Cast Kabuff twice to max out your party's defense.
・Attack Attacker reduces their damage output.
・Inflict Dazzle to lower their hit rate.

How to Beat Bones of Baramos

Zoma Combat Guide

Rec. Level Drops
45 None
Tips to Beat Zoma
・Sphere of Light removes the Shroud of Shadows.
・Setup Magic Barrier and Insulatle buffs.
・Wear anti-Ice equipment and accesories.
・Cancel Bounce with Ripple of Disruption.
・Physical attackers equip anti-dazzle accesories.

How to Beat Zoma

Dragon Quest 3 HD-2D Remake Related Guides


100% Walkthrough Guide

List of All Story Walkthroughs

All Story Walkthroughs
1 Aliahan to the Path of Promise
2 Romaria to Skyfell Tower
3 Norvik to the Underground Lake
4 Asham to the Pyramid
5 Portoga to the Tower of Transcendence
6 Theddon to Orochi’s Lair
7 Manoza to the Phantom Ship
8 Olivia’s Promontory to Baramos’ Lair
9 Castle of the Dragon Queen to the Craggy Cave
10 Damdara to Zoma’s Citadel
11 Endgame Content


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