Dragon Quest 3 HD-2D Remake (DQ3)

Best Friendly Monsters Tier List

Best Friendly Monsters Tier List
This is a tier list of the best Friendly Monsters in Dragon Quest 3 HD-2D Remake (DQ3). Read on for the best Friendly Monsters tier list explanation, best parties for the Monster Arena, as well as an in-depth guide on why you should recruit these monsters!

Best Friendly Monster Tier List

Early Game Friendly Monster Tier List

Tier Monster
SS Tier Bubble SlimeBubble Slime HealslimeHealslime
S Tier.png AntgobblerAntgobbler Spiked hareSpiked Hare Restless ArmorRestless Armor
A Tier.png CumaulusCumaulus MummyMummy Bag oBag o' Laughs
B Tier.png PrestidigitatorPrestidigitator Raven lunaticRaven Lunatic SlimeSlime

Bubble Slime and Healslime are the Best Early Game Monsters

Both Bubble Slime and Healslime are the best friendly monsters in the early game thanks to the healing utility they bring to parties.

While Bubble Slime is a stronger overall healer, Healslime can both heal and attack making it a versatile alternative!

All Friendly Monster Locations

Best Early Game Monsters Explanation

Monster Explanation
Bubble SlimeBubble Slime ・The first Bubble Slime can heal the whole party
・The second Bubble Slime has a stronger single-target healing than Healslime
・The second slime is easy to protect
► Skyfell Tower | Chapter 2
► Pyramid | Chapter 4
HealslimeHealslime ・A powerful healer in the early game
・The second Healslime is an effective attacker
・Can effectively heal the whole party with Bubble Slime
► Khoryv | Chapter 2
► Ibis Area | Chapter 4
AntgobblerAntgobbler ・The second Antgobbler is easy to protect
・Can recover from status ailments with Sobering Slap
► Romaria Area | Chapter 2
► Underground Lake | Chapter 3
Spiked hareSpiked Hare ・The first Spiked hare is difficult to get due to requiring to protect it
・Useful for F-Rank
► Romaria Area | Chapter 2
► Norvik | Chapter 3
Restless ArmorRestless Armor ・Has high Attack and HP
・Has powerful skills
・Strong enough without having to protect the second Restless Armor
► Ibis Area | Chapter 4

Easy to Get Monsters Before the Reaching Ibis

The best monsters in the early game are the ones that you can easily recruit before reaching Ibis to challenge the Monster Arena's E Rank Challenge

100% Walkthrough Guide

Best Party for Friendly Monsters

Jump to a Section
H Rank G Rank F Rank
E rank D Rank C Rank
B Rank A Rank S Rank

Monster Arena Tournament Guide

Best Party for H Rank

Best Monsters Location
Appears: Day, Evening, Night
Requirements: None
Shrine of Promise
Appears: Day, Evening, Night
Requirements: None
Romaria Area

Get at Least 2 Monsters to Win Easily

The H Rank challenge is relatively easy to win as long as you get at least two or more monsters. The Antgobbler is particularly useful here, and you can recruit early near Romaria.

H Rank Tournament Guide

Best Party for G Rank

Best Monsters Location
Appears: Evening
Requirements: None
Bubble SlimeBubble Slime
Appears: Evening, Night
Requirements: None
Skyfell Tower
Appears: Day, Evening, Night
Requirements: None
Underground Lake

Get Two Healers to Clear G Rank Easily

You can easily win G Rank if you have both Healslime and Bubble Slime as these two have powerful healing skills, with Healslime doubling as an attacker.

It's also a good idea to recruit a second Antgobbler in Underground Lake since this will increase its level and stats considerably.

G Rank Tournament Guide

Best Party for F Rank

Best Monsters Location
Restless ArmorRestless Armor
Appears: Night
Requirements: None
Asham Area
Bubble SlimeBubble Slime
Appears: Night
Requirements: None
Ibis Castle
Appears: Day, Evening, Night
Requirements: None
Norvik Area

Restless Armour and Bubble Slime are Strong Monsters

Restless Armor's high Attack and HP make it a great choice for F Rank and is best paired with Bubble Slime since at this point, after getting two Bubble Slimes, its healing is stronger than Healslimes!

Cumaulus is a great choice as your party's third monster thanks to its offense, though you can also use Spiked hare.

F Rank Tournament Guide

Best Party for E Rank

Best Monsters Location
Appears: Night
Requirements: None
Ibis Area
Restless ArmorRestless Armor
Appears: Night
Requirements: None
Asham Area
Bubble SlimeBubble Slime
Appears: Night
Requirements: None
Ibis Castle

Get a Second Healslime to Boost its Attack

Getting the second Healslime will significantly increase its Attack, making it a well-rounded monster that can heal when necessary. A team with Healslime, Restless Armor, and Bubble Slime has enough offense and survivability to clear E Rank easily!

E Rank Tournament Guide

Friendly Monster Tier List Criteria and Explanation

Pick Monsters with Healing Utility

When picking a monster to recruit, it's always a good idea to prioritize getting a monster that can use healing magic to function as a healer for your Monster Arena party.

Both Healslime and Bubble Slime are potent healers in the early game, with Healslime being versatile enough to deal respectable damage once the second one is recruited!

Look for Monsters with High Base Stats

Monsters with high base stats deal better damage, allowing you to easily clear the rank challenges in the Monster Arena. The Restless Armor is a good early game example, being a classic front line fighter with powerful skills!

Find Monsters with Resistances

Friendly monsters that have less or uncommon weaknesses or have more elemental resistances are also great options for your party if you prefer tanking during the challenges. Keep in mind though that these party compositions still need a healer such as Bubble Slime.

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