Dragon Quest 3 HD-2D Remake (DQ3)

All Mini Medals List: Mini Medal Locations and Rewards

Dragon Quest 3 HD-2D Remake (DQ3) - All Mini Medal Locations
This is a list of all 110 Mini Medals and their locations in Dragon Quest 3 HD-2D Remake (DQ3). Learn how to get all Mini Medals here, see a list of their locations, and discover the rewards for collecting them all.

Mini Medals List and Locations

All Mini Medal Map Locations

Checkmark.png No. Map Image World Image
1 Aliahan
Obtained by examining the barrel
2 Aliahan
Obtained by examining the table.
3 Dreamer's Tower
Obtained from a treasure chest
4 Dreamer's Tower
Obtained from a treasure chest
5 Shrine in Romaria
Obtained from the two pots on the right
6 Romaria
Obtained from a vase in a house in the northwest
7 Romaria Castle
Obtained by examining the area near the southeast fountain.
8 Romaria Checkpoint
Obtained from a pot in front of the entrance
9 Khoryv
Obtained by examining the graveyard, east of the church
10 Khoryv
Obtained by examining the barrel in the bar at the north entrance
11 Skyfell Tower
Obtained from a treasure chest
12 Norvik
Obtained by examining the bag on the 2nd floor of the inn
13 Super Secret Faerie Village
Obtained from the flower patch, east of the central pond
14 Super Secret Faerie Village
Obtained by examining the back of the rock
15 Underground Lake
Obtained from a treasure chest
16 Asham
Obtained by examining the table in the waiting room of the theater
17 Asham
Obtained by examining the 2nd floor of the northwest house
18 Pyramid
Obtained from treasure chest in the first floor (via 2nd floor)
19 Pyramid Exterior
Obtained by examining the left area of the pyramid
20 Desert Shrine
Obtained by examining the pot.
21 Nordy’s Grotto
Obtained by examining the barrel.
22 Ibis
Obtained by examining the jar in the back room of the weapon and armor store.
23 Ibis
Obtained by examining the tomb to the southwest.
24 Ibis Castle
Obtained from the treasure chest in the northeast room.
25 Ibis Castle
Obtained by examining the throne (night only).
26 Portoga
Obtained by examining the grass outside the weapon shop after exiting through the red door on the right.
27 Portoga
Obtained by examining the pot in the basement through the southwest entrance.
28 Baharata
Obtained by examining the chest of drawers in the back room of the inn.
29 Baharata
Obtained by checking the south portion of Baharata.
30 Kidnapper’s Cave
Obtained from the treasure chest.
31 Alltrades Abbey
Obtained by examining the area north of the church.
32 Tower of Transcendence
Obtained from the treasure chest.
33 Olivia’s Promontory
Obtained by examining the floor in the middle of the next room.
34 Shallows Shrine
Obtained by examining the floor in front of the door in the back.
35 Theddon
Obtained by examining the northeast of the swamp.
36 Lanson
Obtained by examining the dead end to the right of the temple.
37 Gaia’s Navel
Obtained from the treasure chest on the left.
38 Edina
Obtained by examining the flowerbed in the southwest of the second floor.
39 Persistence
Obtained from a pot in a private house in the north.
40 Arp Tower
Obtained from the treasure chest in the bottom left of the third floor.
41 Traveler's Shrine
Obtained from the bottom of the pond.
42 Greenlad
Obtained from the treasure chest.
43 Greenlad
Obtained by examining the chest on the left of the old man's house.
44 Mur
Obtained by examining the back of the room to the right of the tool shop.
45 Mur
Obtained from the pot on the second floor of the market (enter through the back door and go up to the second floor).
46 Traveler's Shrine
Obtained from the chest in the right room.
47 Jipang
Obtained from the underground pot.
48 Jipang
Obtained from the vase in Himiko's mansion.
49 Orochi’s Lair
Obtained from the west treasure chest.
50 Pirates’ Den
Obtained from the middle barrel in the north room.
51 Pirates’ Den
Obtained from the right corner of the right prison.
52 Manoza
Obtained from the tomb in the northeast cemetery.
53 Manoza Castle
Obtained from the kitchen barrel.
54 Manoza Castle
Obtained from the upper left prison vase.
55 Cave of Ra
Obtained from the treasure chest in the north of the second basement.
56 Lozamii
Obtained from the center of the flowerbed in the northeast.
57 Phantom Ship
Obtained from the barrel in a room with lots of treasure chests.
58 Shrine of Shackles
Obtained from the northwest prison vase.
59 Phantom Ship
Obtained from the right corner next to the ladder.
60 Necrogond Shrine
Examine the center part.

Note: Click on the Checkbox to mark Mini Medals that you have already obtained!

List of Mini Medal Rewards

All Mini Medal Rewards

No. of Medals Reward
2 Thorn Whip
3 Leather Dress
5 Garter
8 Edged Boomerang
12 Silver Platter
15 Prayer Ring
20 Strength Ring
23 Scholar's Specs
27 Agility Ring
30 Staff of Resurrection
35 Weightlifter's Belt
40 Agility Gilet
50 Dragontail Whip
60 Stealth Suit
65 Flametang Boomerang
70 Mercury's Bandana
75 Scourge Whip
80 Dragon Claws
85 Astraea's Abacus
90 Dragon Robe
95 Blessed Bikini
100 Goddess Shield
105 Gringham Whip
110 Exotoga

Most of the Mini Medal rewards are equipment, which you can use to make your hero or party members stronger. Be sure to gather all Mini Medals to get all these pieces of equipment.

List of Equipment

Where to Exchange Mini Medals

Exchange with the Man in the Well at Aliahan

Dragon Quest 3 HD-2D Remake (DQ3) - Morgan Minimann

You can hand over the Mini Medals to Morgan Minimann at Aliahan, in exchange for rewards. He'll give you various prizes and let you know how many more Mini Medals you need to collect to reach the next reward.

Aliahan Map and Available Items

How to Find Mini Medals

Find in Treasure Chests, Drawers, Floor Tiles

Dragon Quest 3 HD-2D Remake (DQ3) -  110 Medals

There are 110 Mini Medals to collect in Dragon Quest 3. They're typically found in treasure chests, dresser drawers, vases, and hanging sacks, but also be sure to check floor tiles, bushes, and patches of grass.

Thief spells such as Smell and MapMagic can be used to help find Mini Medals. Smell tells you how many items are left to pick up in a certain area, while MapMagic reveals hidden items.

Thief Job Class and Best Personality

Talk to the Mini Medal Sage to Get Hints

Additionally, you can talk to the Mini Medal Sage in Zenith Castle. He will give you hints about remaining Mini Medal locations, if you're able to solve his riddles.

Zenith Castle Map and Available Items

Dragon Quest 3 HD-2D Remake Related Guides

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9 OmegaManX4 months

The guide helped a bunch but by time I was at the 60 mini medal mark I had to resort to other sources and backtrack a ton. The mistranslations, the fact the mini medals was vastly out of order in terms of the flow of the game it was hard to keep track. I sure hope the site updates some day. Also, make sure to check the secret locations. Many mini medals are located there.

8 Anonymous4 months

There is one in the shrine of plains in the barrel in the south west.


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