Dragon Quest 3 HD-2D Remake (DQ3)

How to Beat Robbin’ ’Ood (Skyfell)

Dragon Quest 3 Robbin Ood Skyfell
Robbin’ ’Ood (Skyfell) is a Story Boss in Dragon Quest 3 HD-2D Remake (DQ3). Check out their information and moveset, as well as the best strategies and party to beat them!

Robbin’ ’Ood Boss Guides
Skyfell Tower Kidnapper’s Cave

Robbin’ ’Ood Basic Information

Stats and Information

Robbin' 'Ood (Skyfell) Information
Rec. Level Drops
12 None
Location and Walkthrough
Skyfell Tower
Romaria to Skyfell Tower


Enemy Weakness
Robbin’ ’Ood Fire
Robbin’ ’Oodlums Ice

Robbin’ ’Ood Moveset

Robbin’ ’Ood Spells and Abilities

Move Effect
Attack Basic single target attack.
Desperate Attack Critical hit on a single target.
Defend Reduce damage taken.

Robbin’ ’Oodlum Spells and Abilities

Move Effect
Attack Basic single target attack.

How to Beat Robbin’ ’Ood

Defeat the Robbin’ ’Oodlums First

Take Down Robbin Oodlums First
Robbin’ ’Ood will fight alongside three Robbin’ ’Oodlums. Focus on defeating the three weaker enemies first with Ice attacks since they have less HP and you won't have to worry about getting hit by multiple enemies.

Cast Kabuff and Sap

Use Kabuff to Boost Party
Since the boss and his henchmen have no spells and are purely physical attackers, you'll want to increase your party's defenses with Kabuff. Also, don't forget to cast Sap on Robbin’ ’Ood to reduce his defense and make the fight easier.

Use Fire Attacks Against Robbin’ ’Ood

Flame Slash
It's recommended to bring attacks that deal Fire damage to exploit Robbin’ ’Ood's weakness. Ideally, you want the Hero to use Flame Slash for this since a Mage should focus on using Kabuff and Crack instead.

Inflict Status Effects

Apply Status Ailments on Robbin Ood
Robbin’ ’Ood is susceptible to status ailments from spells like Snooze and Dazzle. A Thief is also useful for this since they can use Abilities like Sleepy Slap and Shocking Slash that also apply negative status effects.

Best Party to Beat Robbin’ ’Ood

Recommended Party

Vocation Role and Explanations
Hero Hero ・Use Flame Slash on Robbin’ ’Ood.
・Can also heal the party if need be.
Merchant Merchant ・Use Stone's Throw on the Robbin’ ’Oodlums.
Thief Thief ・Disrupt Robbin’ ’Ood with negative status effects.
・Use Medicinal Herbs to free up the Hero for more attacks.
Mage Mage ・Increase party's defense with Kabuff.
・Use Ice Spells to quickly defeat the Robbin’ ’Oodlums.
・Use Fire Spells on Robbin’ ’Ood if he's still alive.

DQ3 Best Party Setup

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DQ3 Bosses

List of Bosses

Story Bosses

List of Bosses
Robbin ‘Ood (Skyfell) Ripper of the Rift
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Final Boss: Zoma
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