Dragon Quest 3 HD-2D Remake (DQ3)

Thief Job Class and Best Personality

Dragon Quest 3 HD-2D Remake - Thief Job Class and Best Personalities
Here is a guide on the Thief Job Class in Dragon Quest 3 HD-2D Remake (DQ3). See how to get Thief , the best personalities and equipment for the job class and when to become a Thief in this guide!

Best Personality for Thief

Tough Cookie

Tough Cookie Dragon Quest 3 - B Dragon Quest 3 - A Dragon Quest 3 - E Dragon Quest 3 - S Dragon Quest 3 - F Dragon Quest 3 - G

The Tough Cookie personality is a recommended personality type for the Thief class. While there is a penalty for speed in this personality, the inherent Agility stat of this class is already high. It is recommended more to increase the Strength, Resilience, and Stamina of the Thieves to make them more versatile in combat.

Best Personality for Each Job Class


Vamp Dragon Quest 3 - C Dragon Quest 3 - D Dragon Quest 3 - B Dragon Quest 3 - C Dragon Quest 3 - C Dragon Quest 3 - B

A perfectly balanced personality is the Vamp personality. It adds to all of the available stats and is no longer exclusive to female characters unlike previous Dragon Quest 3 versions.

Vamp Personality and How to Get

Thief Spells and Abilities Learned

Thief Spells and Level Learned

Lvl. Spell MP Effect
8 Eye for Distance 0 Allows you to find nearby towns and dungeons in the overworld.
10 Storyteller 2 Lets you check what floor of the dungeon you are currently on.
13 Nose for Treasure 0 Lets you know how many treasure chests are on the floor you are on.
17 Padfoot 0 Decreases appearance rate of enemies.
20 Snoop 2 Casts a bright sparkle on hidden objects in a dungeon.

Abilities and Level Learned

Lvl. Spell MP Effect
1 Sandstorm 3 Chance to Bedazzle one group of enemies.
5 Sleepy Slap 5 Attacks one enemy and has a chance to put them to sleep.
9 Gust Slash 7 Physical Wind attack to one enemy.
12 Shocking Slash 5 Deals normal attack damage to one enemy and has a chance to paralyze.
13 Nose for Treasure 0 Lets you know how many treasure chests are on the floor you are on.
16 Assassin's Stab 4 Can instantly kill one enemy.
17 Padfoot 0 Decreases appearance rate of enemies.
25 Hypnowhip 7 Attacks a group of enemies with a chance to confuse.
33 Persecutter 11 Deals colossally increased damage to sleeping or confused targets.
33 Backdraft 8 Reflects an enemy's breath-type attacks for one turn.

List of All Spells and Abilities

Best Equipment for Thief

Recommended Equipment

Weapon Destructiball
Armor Male: Dark Cape
Female: Shimmering Dress
Helmet Mythril Helmet
Shield Silver Shield
Accessory Hero Bracelet
Starry Bracelet

List of Equipment

All Thief Weapons

Weapon Attack Effect
Cypress Stick 2 No Bonus Effect
Falcon Blade 55 Allows the user to attack twice per round.
Bronze Knife 8 No Bonus Effect
Poison Needle 10 Sometimes kills enemies instantly.
Divine Dagger 12 No Bonus Effect
Chain Sickle 16 No Bonus Effect
Thorn Whip 19 Inflicts damage to one group of enemies.
Boomerang 11 Inflicts damage to all enemies.
Edged Boomerang 24 Inflicts damage to all enemies.
Assassin's Dagger 55 Sometimes kills enemies instantly
Chain Whip 27 Inflicts damage to one group of enemies.
Spiked Steel Whip 40 Inflicts damage to one group of enemies.
Knuckledusters 43 No Bonus Effect
Flametang Boomerang 65 Inflicts damage to all enemies.
Siren Sword 79 Casts Fuddle when used as an item in battle.
Dragontail Whip 62 Inflicts damage to one group of enemies.
Dragon Claws 95 No Bonus Effect
Beast Claws 107 Effective against beast-type enemies.
Gringham Whip 118 Inflicts damage to one group of enemies.
Destructiball 155 Inflicts damage to all enemies.
Hunter's Moon 131 Inflicts damage to all enemies.
Metal Wing Boomerang 102 Inflicts damage to all enemies. Guaranteed to hit metal-type enemies.
Swallowtail 52 Inflicts damage to all enemies. Increased damage to insect-type enemies.
Gusterang 46 Inflicts damage to all enemies.
Orichalcum Claws 150 No Bonus Effect
Rubiss' Sword 206 Casts Kazapple when used as an item in battle.
Empress's Whip 94 Inflicts damage to one group of enemies. Increased damage to human-type enemies.

List of All Weapons

When to Thief Class Change

Change to Sage Class at Level 20

Once you've learned all of the Thief's spells at level 20, you can then change to a Sage class to access the spells from the two classes, making for a powerful character build.

Class Change Guide: How to Change Classes

Or Change from Sage to Thief Class

You can also do the class change in reverse, meaning you can get a Sage class character to level 40 then change to Thief. In this way, you have a character that is mainly focused on spells and quick attacks.

Sage Job Class and Best Personality

Thief Explained

Collects Items by Stealing

Dragon Quest 3 HD-2D Remake (DQ3) Thief

As a Thief, you can easily farm for items by stealing it from enemies. This can be useful for stocking up resources.

How to Earn Gold Fast

Excellent Offensive and Defensive Capability

The Thief Job Class is known for its high Agility (AGL) stat growth. It can be the first to attack because of this. It also has a mechanic where half of its speed becomes its defense, so Thieves can be durable during a fight.

Best Party: Best Starting Party Members

Can Use Spells

Unlike the other physical damage dealer classes, like Warrior and Martial Artist, the Thief class can use spells. All of its available spells can be learned by level 20.

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All Vocations/Job Classes
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MageMage Cleric PriestPriest SageSage
Merchant DealerMerchant GadaboutGadabout ThiefThief
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1 Anonymous3 months

A lot of this info is just cut/pasted from the previous game & does not apply to the HD Remake. It seems these sites are often thrown together at breakneck pace... So many errors! For instance, Agility no longer affects a character's Defense, so the Thief is not super durable like he/she was in previous versions of the game.


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