Dragon Quest 3 HD-2D Remake (DQ3)

Warrior Job Class and Best Personality

Dragon Quest 3 HD-2D Remake - Warrior Job Class and Best Personalities
Here is a guide on the Warrior Job Class in Dragon Quest 3 HD-2D Remake (DQ3). See how to get Warrior, the best personalities, learned spells and abilities, equipment for the job class, and when to become a Warrior in this guide!

Best Personality for Warrior

Tough Cookie

Tough Cookie Dragon Quest 3 - B Dragon Quest 3 - A Dragon Quest 3 - E Dragon Quest 3 - S Dragon Quest 3 - F Dragon Quest 3 - G

This personality increases your Strength, Resilience, and Stamina. This can further increase the effectiveness of your Warrior, giving them the advantage on any battle you encounter.

Best Personalities for Each Vocation


Paragon Dragon Quest 3 - S Dragon Quest 3 - D Dragon Quest 3 - G Dragon Quest 3 - D Dragon Quest 3 - G Dragon Quest 3 - G

Another personality that can buff your Warriors. With the great increase on the Strength stat, this can help increase the power of this class.

All Personalities List

Warrior Abilities Learned

Abilities and Level Learned

Lvl. Spell MP Effect
1 Cop Out 2 Redirects attacks to an enemy or ally.
3 Whipping Boy 1 Reditect attacks targeted at an ally towards self.
9 Mercurial Thrust 3 Strike one enemy before anyone can act.
16 Double-Edged Slash 6 Increased damage at the cost of some HP.
21 Pressure Pointer 4 Can instantly kill one enemy.
25 Forbearance 4 Reditect attacks targeted at all allies towards self.
37 Sword Dance 10 Damages random enemies up to four times.
39 Metal Slash 6 Physical attack that always hits metal monsters.
48 Multislice 8 Physical attack to all enemies.
48 Cutting Edge 14 Heavily increased physical attack against one enemy.

List of All Spells and Abilities

Best Equipment for Warrior

Recommend Equipment

Weapon Destructiball
Armor Male: Blade Armor
Female: Shimmering Dress
Helmet Great Helm
Shield Ogre Shield
Accessory Life Ring
Hero Bracelet

List of Equipment

When to Warrior Class Change

Change from the Mage Class at Level 21

Level up your Mage Class to level 21 to access the spell, Oomph. Once you do, it's the perfect time to change to a Warrior Class since this spell increases the power the Warrior can do!

Class Change Guide: How to Change Classes

Warrior Equipment List

All Warrior Weapons

Weapon Attack Effect
Cypress Stick 2 No Bonus Effect
Oaken Club 5 No Bonus Effect
Copper Sword 10 No Bonus Effect
Divine Dagger 12 No Bonus Effect
Chain Sickle 16 No Bonus Effect
Iron Lance 24 No Bonus Effect
Steel Broadsword 32 No Bonus Effect
Iron Axe 37 No Bonus Effect
Sizeable Scissors 48 No Bonus Effect
Siren Sword 79 Casts Fuddle when used as an item in battle.
Mountaincleaver 74 Event item used to open the path to the Maw of the Necrogond.
Dragontail Whip 62 Inflicts damage to one group of enemies.
Sledgehammer 61 No Bonus Effect
Battle-Axe 66 No Bonus Effect
Orochi's Sword 70 Casts Sap when used as an item in battle.
Zombiesbane 68 Effective against undead enemies.
War Hammer 81 No Bonus Effect
Dragonsbane Claws 87 Effective against dragon enemies.
Thunderbolt Blade 90 Casts Boom when used as an item in battle.
Blizzard Blade 101 Casts Crackle when used as an item in battle.
Stormlord's Sword 107 Casts Kasizzle when used as an item in battle.
Gringham Whip 118 Inflicts damage to one group of enemies.
Bastard Sword 113 No Bonus Effect
Headsman's Axe 110 Has the chance to miss the target entirely.
Sword of Ruin 135 Has the chance of paralyzing the user for one turn.
Double-Edged Sword 148 User receives recoil damage when using this weapon.
Destructiball 155 Inflicts damage to all enemies.
Conqueror's Axe 162 No Bonus Effect
Poker 139 No Bonus Effect
Demon Spear 96 Sometimes kills enemies instantly
Battle Fork 56 No Bonus Effect
Sandstorm Spear 76 Casts Sandstorm on a group of enemies.
Rubiss' Sword 206 Casts Kazapple when used as an item in battle.
Scourge Whip 77 Inflicts damage to one group of enemies.

List of All Weapons

Warrior Explained

The Party's Main Physical Attacker

Dragon Quest 3 HD-2D Remake (DQ3) Warrior

The Warrior is your "frontline" when it comes to battles. Their great strength and stamina can allow them to deal damage and survive tough battles.

Best Party: Best Starting Party Members

Only Strength and Vitality Increases

Only the Strength and Vitality stats of the Warrior can increase. The other stats do not, which makes them purely attackers. WIth this in mind, they need a well-balanced team of s and/or healers for them to be effective.

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