Dragon Quest 3 HD-2D Remake (DQ3)

Walkthrough Part 4: Asham to the Pyramid

Dragon Quest 3 Walkthrough Part 4
This is a walkthrough guide from Asham to the Pyramid for Dragon Quest 3 HD-2D Remake (DQ3). Learn what you need to do for each region, as well as points and explanations for how to progress the story.

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Asham to the Pyramid Walkthrough Guide

Asham (Recommended Level 15)

1 Recruit Smiley the Bag o Laughs
Explore the town and the surrounding areas to get any new items, equipment, Mini Medals, and friendly monsters.
* Northern Asham Weapon Shop Only Opens at Night
The weapon shop to the north is only open at night. There are a bunch of good weapons here so make sure to stop by when you can.
** Avoid Northwestern Shop in Asham
Avoid the equipment shop in the northwest since the items here are more expensive than normal, even at a discount. However, there is a trophy tied to buying an item here so just purchase one thing if you must.
2 Travel to Ibis
When you're ready, head southwest from Asham to Ibis, visiting any Secret Spots and Sparkly Spots on the way there.

Once you hit the desert area, it's recommended to head straight to Ibis first so you can unlock it as a fast travel point before exploring the area.
* You can also go east first to Nordy's Grotto so you can unlock it and teleport there later.

Asham Map and Available Items

Ibis (Recommended Level 15)

1 Recruit Fixer the Healslime
Explore Ibis and the surrounding desert for items, friendly monsters, Mini Medals, Secret Spots, and Sparkly Spots. Once you're done, head to Ibis Castle to do the same thing.
* Ibis Castle Basement Entrance
Before going inside the castle itself, go to the basement first via the path on the left to grab the powerful Meteorite Bracer accessory.

A short cutscene will play after opening the chest, but your answers here don't matter.
2 Pyramid Puzzle Song
Once inside, talk to the children to learn a song that will give you the solution to the button puzzle in the pyramid. This isn't necessary and you can skip this if you wish.
3 Travel to the Pyramid
When you're ready, head north from Ibis to the Pyramid. Make sure to bring a lot of supplies since this dungeon has a ton of tough fights, especially if you're getting all the chests inside.

Ibis Map and Available Items

Pyramid (Recommended Level 16 - 17)

* Can
The basement of the pyramid will prevent any spells from being casted. Make sure that you don't step on the middle tiles with scales on the first floor so you don't fall below.

If you do go down here to grab the treasures below, make sure you have party members with Abilities since they can still be used.
** Cannibox
Another thing to be wary of are the Canniboxes disguised as treasure chests. If you have a Mage, use the Peep spell to check a chest's contents and avoid any unnecessary fights.
1 Climb the Pyramid and head to the third floor, where there'll be a large door in the center. As usual, make sure to grab any items and treasures on the way up.
To open the door, press the buttons in the order from the children's rhyme in Ibis Castle.

If you've missed this or don't want to figure it out yourself, then just press the right-most button followed by the left most one.
3 Ripper of the Rift Boss Fight
Once the door's open, prepare yourself to face the Ripper of the Rift. It will be accompanied by 2 Kyllas so make sure to take them down first to stop them from supporting the Ripper.
▶ How to Beat Ripper of the Rift
4 Pyramid
After the boss has been defeated, grab the Magic Key and Banishing Bell from the treasure chests. Continue exploring the upper floors of the Pyramid and teleport back to Romaria when you're done.

Just be careful of the room with a lot of chests since opening each one will initiate a fight.
* Now that you have the Magic Key, you can backtrack to areas that have blue doors that you couldn't unlock before.
5 Travel to Portoga
When you're ready, head west from Romaria and through the Romarian Outpost to get to Portoga.

Pyramid Map and Strategy Guide

Ripper of the Rift Combat Guide

Ripper of the Rift
Rec. Level Drops
17 None
Tips to Beat Ripper of the Rift
・Kill the Kyllas first.
・Seal the Ripper's spells with Fizzle.
・Utilize the Hero's Lightning attacks.
・Bring multiple healing methods.

How to Beat Ripper of the Rift

Dragon Quest 3 HD-2D Remake Related Guides


100% Walkthrough Guide

List of All Story Walkthroughs

All Story Walkthroughs
1 Aliahan to the Path of Promise
2 Romaria to Skyfell Tower
3 Norvik to the Underground Lake
4 Asham to the Pyramid
5 Portoga to the Tower of Transcendence
6 Theddon to Orochi’s Lair
7 Manoza to the Phantom Ship
8 Olivia’s Promontory to Baramos’ Lair
9 Castle of the Dragon Queen to the Craggy Cave
10 Damdara to Zoma’s Citadel
11 Endgame Content


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