Dragon Quest 3 HD-2D Remake (DQ3)

Best Sparkly Spot Drops

Dragon Quest 3 - Sparkly Spot Drops Banner
Sparkly Spots drop some of the best loot and equipment in the game that can make your journey in Dragon Quest 3 HD-2D Remake easier and better. Learn all the sparkly spots drops and where to find them here!

Sparkly Spot Guides
List of Sparkly Spots Best Sparkly Spot Drops

Best Sparkly Spot Drops

Best Weapons

Best Weapons
Bastard Sword Abracadabracus Sandstorm Spear

List of All Weapons

Best Armour

Best Accessories
Duplic Hat Cosair's Coat Magic Armor

List of All Armour

Best Accessories

Best Items
Spirit Bracer Titan Belt Hen's Tooth

List of All Accessories

Best Sparkly Spots Weapons

Best Weapon Ranking

Rating Weapon Effect
Dragon Quest 3HD2DR - S Icon Bastard Sword ・Attack + 113
Sandstorm Spear ・Attack + 76
Casts Dazzle when used in battle
Abracadabracus ・Attack + 45
Equipping this lets you see how much Gold you have in the overworld
Dragon Quest 3HD2DR - A Icon.png Zombiesbane ・ Attack + 68
Increased damage against zombie enemies
Dragontail Whip ・Attack + 19
・Can attack one group of enemies
・Increased damage against dragon enemies
Battle Fork ・Attack + 56
Dragon Quest 3HD2DR - B Icon.png Thorn Whip ・Attack + 19
Can attack one group of enemies

List of All Weapons

Best Weapon Locations

Map Treasure
Ship required
Magic Armour
Asham Thorn Whip
Chain Mail
Holy Water
Ship required
Bastard Sword
・Holy Talisman
Persistence Zombiesbane
Persistence Prayer Ring
・Sandstorm Spear
・Angel Bell
Ship required
Battle Fork
・Silver Cuirass
Ship required
Dragontail Whip
Near Shrine of the Dwarf Abracadabracus
Epic Apron

Best Sparkly Spots Armor

Best Armour Ranking

Rating Armour Effect
Dragon Quest 3HD2DR - S Icon Cosair's Coat ・Defense + 117
Reduces Wind spell damage
Duplic Hat ・Defense + 25
Allows spells to be cast twice
Epic Apron ・Defense + 72
Reduce spell damage
Dragon Quest 3HD2DR - A Icon.png Tempest Shield ・Defense + 52
Reduces Explosive spell damage
Dragon Shield ・Defense + 47
Reduces fire/ice damage
Magic Shield ・Defense + 40
Reduces elemental damage
Thief's Turban ・Defense + 36
Dragon Quest 3HD2DR - B Icon.png Light Shield ・Defense + 32
Silver Platter ・Defense + 22

List of All Armor

Best Armour Locations

Map Treasure
Ship required
・8605 Gold
・Corsair's Coat
Ship required
Tempest Shield
Ship required
Steel Broadsword
Magic Shield
・Banishing Bell
Persistence ・Light Shield
Near Pirate's Den ・Thief's Turban
Near Manoza
Ramia required
Medicinal Herb
Fading Jenny
・Duplic hat
Shrine of the Dwarf Abracadabracus
Epic Apron
Norvik Ocean
Ship required
・Silver Platter
Aerofoil Earrings
・732 Gold
Near Manoza
Ship required
Silk Robe
Magic Armour
・Hermes' Hat

Best Sparkly Spots Accessories

Best Accessories Ranking

Rating Armour Effect
Dragon Quest 3HD2DR - S Icon Spirit Bracer ・Defense + 13
Increases resiliencetd>
Titan Belt ・Defense + 117
Reduces Wind spell damage
Hen's Tooth ・Defense + 20
Personality changes to Lucky Devil
Garter ・Defense + 117
Personality changes to Vamp

List of All Accessories

Best Accessories Location

Map Treasure
Damdara Thorn Whip
・Titan Belt
・497 Gold
Ship required
Steel Broadsword
Iron Shield
・Spirit Bracer
Ship required
Silver Tiara
Wayfarer's Shrine
Ship required
・Bunny Ears
・Bunny Tail
Ship required
Hen's Tooth
・Torc of Truth
Ring of Clarity

Dragon Quest 3 HD-2D Remake Related Guides

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Dragon Quest 3 - Best Abilities Tier ListBest Abilities Tier List Dragon Quest 3 - Best Spells Tier ListBest Spells Tier List


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