Dragon Quest 3 HD-2D Remake (DQ3)

New Features and Differences From the Original

Dragon Quest 3 New Features
This is a list of all the new features added in Dragon Quest 3 HD-2D Remake (DQ3). Check out all the new features that were added, and what's different between the remake and previous versions of DQ3.

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New Notable Features

New Content Added Involving Ortega

Dragon Quest 3 - New Features and Differences Ortega

The game will feature new content involving Ortega, who is known as the protagonist's father. There are several episodes and cutscenes that will feature the protagonist's father which has not been revealed until now.

New Bosses Added in the Remake

Dragon Quest 3 - New Features and Differences Bosses

Some trailers for the game suggest that new bosses will be included in the game which were not part of the original.

It is speculated that bosses from previous versions of the game such as the Super Famicon and Game Boy versions will be included.

New Vocation: Monster Wrangler

Dragon Quest 3 HD-2D Remake (DQ3) - Monster Wrangler

The Monster Wrangler is a new vocation set to be introduced in the game. It’s a mixed-support role, capable of hitting multiple enemies in a single move while also providing healing and support to the party.

Previously Teased on Collector's Edition Promo

Possible Monster Wrangler Vocation

This new vocation was also teased in the Collector's Edition Pre-Order image, which includes an Acrylic Block Set featuring all the vocations in the game. The Monster Wrangler stood out as the 10th unknown vocation, as it hadn’t appeared in any previous games. This was later confirmed to be a new vocation!

Usable Abilities in Battle

Abilities Option

In previous versions of the game, characters like the Warrior and Martial Artist didn't have access to spells and could only use regular attacks. However, they now have an option to use non-magic based abilities called Abilities in battle.

If we were to base it off the more recent Dragon Quest titles, martial classes could get powerful moves like Falcon Slash and Multifists that augment their damage output.

Enemies Could Also Get Abilities

Dragon Quest 3 - New Features Enemies

If player characters get access to Abilities, then monsters can use them as well. This will make certain enemies and bosses more terrifying since they'll have a more diverse moveset that you'll need to watch out for.

Special Episodes and Voiceovers

Dragon Quest 3 HD-2D Remake (DQ3) - New Episodes

The latest version of Dragon Quest 3 will also include new episodes that will feature new storylines and voiceovers to expand on the Erdrick Trilogy's lore. One confirmed episode is Ortega's Adventure, which focuses on the protagonist's father and his past.

New Monsters

New Monsters

As seen in the game's Release Date Trailer, a new monster to DQ3 was revealed. Previous versions of the game didn't have the Dancing Flame line of enemies, so we can expect to see even more new monsters besides this one.

Enhanced BGM and SFX

Dragon Quest 3 - New Features BGM and SFX

The game will also come with a new and improved music and sound effects. This includes a new orchestral version of the game's original sound track, as well as sound effects to enhance the player's immersion.

Volunteers and Helping Hands

Dragon Quest 3 HD-2D Remake (DQ3) - Volunteers and Helping Hands

Volunteer is a new feature in the party system that allows you to create characters who can join you in adventures to another save file. You can customize everything, from hair color and personality to vocation and even the name of your Volunteer.

You can then access these Volunteers through the new Helping Hands feature, which allows you to add any of them to your party!

Monster Arena

Dragon Quest 3 HD-2D Remake (DQ3) - Monster Arena

The Monster Arena is a new feature where you can enter rescued monsters into team battles. Each location will have one of these facilities, offering different ranks and challenges unique to each location.

New Combat Features

Equipment is Shown in Battle

Equipment Shown in Battle
In the HD-2D Remake, you'll now be able to see your party and their equipment in-game. Previously, you're only able to see the default equipment that's used by the character's sprite, and that's now changed so that you can actually see what your party has equipped.

However, a character's armor is still not displayed in favour of showing their vocation instead, with the exception of the Cat Suit that forcibly changes a character's sprite.

List of Equipment

Battle Speed Options

You can now change the battle's speed between Normal, Fast, and Super Fast. This will help make exploration and farming a lot faster, especially for returning players who just want to experience the new features of the game.

Multi-Hit Weapons Can Crit

Dragon Quest 3 - Dracky Quest

Weapons like Whips and Boomerangs couldn't land critical hits in previous versions of the game, but in the remake, they will now be able to crit.

New "Defense" Stat

The remake adds a new "Defense" stat. In previous versions, a character's defense was calculated using the Agility stat, but now there's a separate stat to calculate for that.

All Stats and Growth Rates Explained

Restore HP and MP When Leveling Up

Dragon Quest 3 - How to Heal Level Up

A new quality of life change that's been added is that you now have a character's HP and MP restored when they level up. This makes farming EXP a lot more convenient since you no longer need to use items, spells, or an inn to heal.

How to Heal

New Spells and Items

Dragon Quest 3 - How to Heal Item

The remake also adds new Items and Spells to the game. Notably, the spell Zin is now in the game, which is a lower level version of Zing and Kazing. This means you no longer need to rely on a church to revive allies in the early game.

List of All Spells and Abilities

New Exploration Features

Map is Now 4-5 Times Larger in Scope Compared to the Original

Dragon Quest 3 - New Features and Differences Map

The map for the game has significantly increased in scope, which is now 4-5 times larger compared to the original. Exploration for the game will now be expanded to include new secret locations and sparkling items.

All Regions and Maps

Sparkling Items Have Been Added

Players will now find sparkling items scattered aross the world. As seen in later Dragon Quest titles, interacting with them will give you various rewards such as items, stat seeds, and even Mini Medals!

Cast Zoom Within Dungeons

You can now cast Zoom and use Chimera Wings inside dungeons. Additionaly, you can now use Zoom to teleport to dungeons that you've already been to. The only question now is what happens to the Evac spell since you can now just teleport to and from dungeons.

Direction of Entering a Town Now Matters

Normally, when you enter a town, you'll always be placed in the default entrance point. However, in the remake, you'll now spawn in on the side that you enter the town.

For example, if you enter on the right side of the town, you'll now spawn in the western entrance!

Added Minimaps for Dungeons

The remake has added a minimap to the top right of the screen while exploring dungeons. This will greatly help out new players since you can easily get lost within a dungeon that you've never explored before.

Hidden Areas Called "Secret Spot"

Dragon Quest 3 - New Features Secret Spot

There's also a new areas called "Secret Spot". This will most likely be tied to side quests or "Episodes" where you'll have to talk to new NPCs or gather new items that aren't in the previous versions of the game.

All Secret Spot Locations

3 Words of Wisdom Are Now Available

In the previous versions of the game, you can only acquire up to 2 Words of Wisdom. For the remake, a total of 3 are now available which enables you to change more characters into Sages in the game.

How to Get Words of Wisdom and Effects

New System Changes

Treasures n' Trapdoors WIll No Longer Be Included

It was announced that the Treasures n' Trapdoors feature from previous versions of the game will no longer be included in the remake. It will instead have the Monster Arena Tournament as a new feature.

You Now Save in Churches

Dragon Quest 3 - Divination 1

Unlike the modern titles, DQ3 used to have you save inside a castle by talking to the King. This has been changed to align with the games that came after it by having you save inside a church by talking to the residing priest.

Things to Do at the Church

Create Up to 9 Save Files

Dragon Quest 3 - Regular Save Option

Another change they've made regarding saving is that you can now create up to 9 save files. The original game used to have only 3 saves, so this is a nice quality of life change.

How to Save: Is There Autosave?

Change the Difficulty Level

Dragon Quest 3 - Dragon Quest

You can now select between an Dracky, Dragon, and Draconian difficulty. This is great since the remake can cater to both new players and veterans alike with this change.

Difficulty Settings and Differences

View Story Progress and Objectives

Secret Spot West of Reeve

The remake will also allow you to check your current story objectives and progress. This is another great quality of life change since previous versions didn't tell you where to go unless you talk to every NPC you come across.

100% Walkthrough Guide

Exclamation Marks Above Key NPCs

There will also be exclamation marks above NPCs that you need to talk to to progress the story. This extremely useful for new players who nothing about the game and are playing it for the first time.

Added "Rest" Option to Inns

Dragon Quest 3 - Inn

Another change that's been made to align with newer titles is the option to Rest at an Inn. Previously, you were only allowed to Stay the night, where you'd always wake up in the morning.

The option to Rest will now allow you to change the time from day to night and vice versa. This means you'll no longer need to rely on a Lv 25 Mage to cast Tick-Tock to change the time.

How to Heal

Equip Up to Two Accessories

Dragon Quest 3 HD-2D Remake (DQ3) All Armor Defense

Previously, you were only allowed to equip one accessory at a time, however, you'll now be able to equip a Main and Secondary Accessory.

The main slot will include the personality change tied to the accessory, while the secondary slot will only include the stat bonuses and effects of the item. Make sure that you don't accidentally equip accessories in the wrong slot, especially if you still need to level up a character.

List of All Accessories

Some Personalities Have Different Names

Some of the personalities in the game have had their name changed so that it's gender neutral rather than being male/female specific. Even though some personalities have changed names, their stat growths will still be the same.

Personality Guide: All Personalities List

Customization For Your Characters is Now Available

Dragon Quest 3 HD-2D Remake (DQ3) All Weapons Vocation Exclusive
You can now customize the appearances of your characters once you've reached Ruvia's Tavern. The customization feature includes overall character appearance, hair color, voice, and other traits you want to change.

Can You Change Gender and Appearance?

Help Feature Available in Adventure Logs

You can now borrow or lend characters between Adventure Logs that are stored in a single account. If you've registered a helper character in Ruvia's Tavern, then you can access a differenct character that shares the same equipment and level upon registration.

This feature can give you an advantage when you decide another run at the game using another Adventure Log. A total of 9 Adventure Logs can be stored into a single account, with 1 helper character being available in a single Adventure Log.

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