Dragon Quest 3 HD-2D Remake (DQ3)

How to Beat Orochi (Jipang)

Dragon Quest 3 Orochi Jipang
Orochi (Jipang) is a Story Boss in Dragon Quest 3 HD-2D Remake (DQ3). Check out their information and moveset, as well as the best strategies and party to beat them!

Orochi Boss Guides
Orochi's Lair Jipang

Orochi Basic Information

Orochi Stats and Information

Orochi (Jipang) Information
Orochi (Jipang)
Rec. Level Drops
24 None
Location and Walkthrough
Theddon to Orochi’s Lair

Orochi Weaknesses

Enemy Weakness
Orochi Ice, Lightning

Orochi Moveset

Orochi Spells and Abilities

Number of Actions
2 Turns
Move Effect
Attack Regular basic attack
War Cry Chance to fear all targets
Fire Breath Weak Fire Breath attack
Wildfire Medium Fire Breath attack
Inferno Strong Fire Breath attack
Burning Breath Chance to paralyze all targets

How to Beat Orochi

Grind for Insulatle if You're Struggling

Grind for Experience to Level Up

Spell Name Effect
Insulatle Creates a barrier to reduce fire and ice damage to all allies.

Now that Orochi has access to the powerful Inferno breath attack, Insulatle becomes significantly more important to have. If you find yourself often getting wiped out from this attack, then it would be best to grind for experience and level up your Priest or Sage to 27.

EXP Farming Guide: How to Level Up Fast

Bring Ways to Deal With Paralysis

Full Moon Ring
Aside from its new Fire attacks, Orochi can also use Burning Breath to paralyze your party members. Make sure to bring countermeasures for this, like Full Moon Rings or the Tingle spell, so that your party members don't get stunned.

Utilize Previous Boss Fight's Tips

Orochi Wildfire
Since you're facing Orochi right after the first fight in their lair, most of its moves and behaviour are more or less the same. Because of this, the tips and tricks used in the previous battle can still be applied to this one.

How to Beat Orochi (Lair)

Bring Ways to Mitigate Fire Damage

Equipment Where to Buy Price
Ice Shield Mur 3,100 G
Fur Vest 3,900 G
Asbestos Earrings 3,300 G

Orochi's most threatening move are its Fire Breath attacks since they hit the entire party. Make sure to use equipment that reduces Fire damage to help your healers keep up with Orochi's damage output.

List of Equipment

Use Kabuff to Increase Defenses

Cast Kabuff

On top of the previously mentioned tips, make sure to also cast Kabuff to provide a further defense increase. It will also reduce the damage of Orochi's basic attacks, which isn't covered by the other two points.

Apply the Dazzle Status Ailment

Blind Orochi

Another way to deal with Orochi's regular attacks is by using moves with a blinding effect, like Dazzle and Sandstorm. This way, there's a high chance that Orochi wastes turns missing attacks.

List of All Spells and Abilities

Increase Damage with Oomph and Sap

Use Oomph and Sap
To help speed up this fight, use the combination of Oomph on your Hero and Sap on Orochi to the damage of their Lightning Slashes. Whenever you have free turns to cast spells, make sure to apply this buff and debuff combo.

Best Party to Beat Orochi

Recommended Party

Vocation Role and Explanations
Hero Hero ・Spam Lightning Slash on Orochi.
Monster Wrangler Monster Wrangler
Merchant → Monster Wrangler

・Prioritize healing the party.
・Can attack with monster abilities.
Monster Wrangler Monster Wrangler
Thief → Monster Wrangler

・Maintain Dazzle with Sandstorm.
・Assisst with healing when needed.
・Can attack with monster abilities.
Sage Sage
Mage → Sage

・Cast Insulatle if available.
・Support the party with Kabuff, Oomph, and Sap.

DQ3 Best Party

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Story Bosses

List of Bosses
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Robbin ‘Ood (Cave) Dying Fire
Orochi (Lair) Orochi (Jipang)
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Final Boss: Zoma
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