Dragon Quest 3 HD-2D Remake (DQ3)

List of All Spells and Abilities

Dragon Quest 3 Spells and Abilities
A list of all Spells and Abilities in Dragon Quest 3 HD-2D Remake (DQ3). See all Attack Spells, Support Spells, Healing Spells, Movement Spells, Abilities, and their effects.

Dragon Quest 3 HD-2D Remake - Spoiler Warning Icon Note! This article is still a work in progress and is being updated by the team. Come back at a later time for an updated list of skills and abilities!

List of All Spells

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Spell Type MP Cost Effect
Boom Attack Spell 9 Deals 60 damage to all enemies.
Crack Attack Spell 3 Deals 30 damage to 1 group of enemy.
Crackle Attack Spell 6 Deals 50 damage to 1 group of enemy.
Kacrack Attack Spell 9 Deals 70 damage to all enemies.
Kacrackle Attack Spell 12 Deals 100 damage to 1 group of enemy.
Woosh Attack Spell 4 Deals 15 damage to 1 group of enemy.
Swoosh Attack Spell 6 Deals 40 damage to 1 group of enemy.
Kaswoosh Attack Spell 9 Deals 90 damage to 1 group of enemy.
Bang Attack Spell 5 Deals 20 damage to all enemies.
Zapple Attack Spell 8 Calls down a fearsome lightning on a single enemy.
Kaboom Attack Spell 18 Deals 140 damage to all enemies.
Zap Attack Spell 8 Deals 80 damage to 1 group of enemy.
Kazap Attack Spell 30 Deals 200 damage to all enemies.
Whack Attack Spell 7 Kills one enemy instantly.
Thwack Attack Spell 7 Kills one group of enemies instantly.
Kamikazee Attack Spell 1 Kills one enemy in exchange of yours.
Puff! Attack Spell 24 Transforms into a dragon to unleash a powerful breath attack.
Sizzle Attack Spell 6 Deals 35 damage to 1 group of enemy.
Sizz Attack Spell 4 Deals 20 damage to 1 group of enemy.
Kafrizz Attack Spell 12 Deals 180 damage to one enemy.
Frizzle Attack Spell 6 Deals 80 damage to one enemy.
Frizz Attack Spell 2 Deals 10 damage to one enemy.
Kasizzle Attack Spell 12 Deals 100 damage to 1 group of enemy.
Zin Attack Spell 5 Sometimes resurrects a fallen ally at 1HP.
Blasto Attack Spell 7 Sends a single enemy flying off into the distance.
Zoom Movement Spell 0 Allows you to teleport to a town that you have previously visited. If used in battle, you will teleport to Aliahan.
Evac Movement Spell 0 Warps the party outside of a dungeon.
Holy Protection Movement Spell 4 Prevents weak monsters from appearing.
Snoop Movement Spell 2 Casts a bright glow on hidden objects in a dungeon.
Storyteller Movement Spell 2 Lets you check what floor of the dungeon you are currently on.
Click Movement Spell 0 Lets you unlock all doors.
Peep Movement Spell 3 Lets you check appraise treasure chests. Blue and yellow treasure chests contain items while red treasure chests contain an enemy.
Tick-Tock Movement Spell 12 Changes the time from day to night and viceversa.
Fade Movement Spell 15 Allows you to become invisible.
Safe Passage Movement Spell 2 Allows the party to float unharmed over hazardous surfaces.
Midheal Recovery Spell 5 Heals 80 HP of one ally.
Heal Recovery Spell 3 Heals 30 HP of one ally.
Fullheal Recovery Spell 7 Restores all HP of one ally.
Multiheal Recovery Spell 18 Heals 80 HP of all allies.
Omniheal Recovery Spell 62 Restores all HP of all allies.
Zing Recovery Spell 10 50% chance of reviving one ally with half HP.
Kazing Recovery Spell 20 Always resurrects a fallen ally.
Squelch Recovery Spell 3 Cures poison to one ally.
Tingle Recovery Spell 6 Cures paralysis to one ally.
Cock-a-Doodle-Doo Recovery Spell 3 Wakes all allies from sleep.
Sheen Recovery Spell 18 Breaks curse on one ally.
Insulatle Support Spell 6 Creates a barrier to reduce fire and ice damage to all allies.
Moreheal Support Spell 7 Restores at least 164 HP to a single ally.
Defizzle Support Spell 3 Cures Fizzle on one ally, allowing them to use spells again.
Magic Barrier Support Spell 4 Builds a barrier around all party members that provides protection from enemy spells.
Buff Support Spell 3 Increases defense of one ally.
Kabuff Support Spell 4 Increases defense of all allies.
Bounce Support Spell 8 Repels all spells cast on you.
Bazoom Support Spell 7 Removes one enemy from combat. The expelled enemy will not drop EXP or Gold.
Poof Support Spell 2 Removes one group of enemies from the battle but you will not earn EXP or Gold.
Drain Magic Support Spell 0 Absorbs MP from one enemy.
Fizzle Support Spell 3 Block spells from one group of enemies
Snooze Support Spell 3 Puts one group of enemies to sleep.
Fuddle Support Spell 5 Casts Confuse on one enemy.
Deceleratle Support Spell 3 Lowers the speed of one group of enemy.
Dazzle Support Spell 4 Lowers the attack hit rate of one group of enemies.
Kasap Support Spell 4 Lowers the defense of one group of enemy.
Sap Support Spell 3 Lowers the defense of one enemy.
Hocus Pocus Support Spell 20 Causes random effects.
Morph Support Spell 12 Transforms into one of your allies.
Acceleratle Support Spell 3 Increases the speed of all allies.
Oomph Support Spell 6 Doubles the attack power of one ally.
Kaclang Support Spell 6 All allies become incapacitated for 3 turns but becomes immune to all enemy attacks.

These are all the confirmed spells in the remake so far. To learn spells, keep leveling up your characters to unlock additional spells in their vocation line.

All DQ3 Classes: List of Jobs and Vocations

List of Abilities

Abilities and Effects

Spell Type MP Cost Effect
Hawkeye Claw Attack Ability 4 Always hits one enemy and deals the same damage as a normal attack.
Mercurial Thrust Attack Ability 3 Takes the first action on one enemy.
Shocking Slash Attack Ability 5 Deals normal attack damage to one enemy and has a chance to paralyze the enemy.
Paralysing Gas Attack Ability 7 Deals 1.3x normal attack damage to one enemy. Has a chance to stun.
Double Up Attack Ability 9 Damage dealt to enemies is double normal attacks, but damage received from enemies is also doubled.
Knuckle Sandwich Attack Ability 7 Chance to deal 1.6x normal attack damage to one enemy.
Sword Dance Attack Ability 10 Damages enemies four times with up to 0.6x normal attack damage.
Roundhouse Kick Attack Ability 3 Damages enemies four times with up to 15 damage each.
Flying Knee Attack Ability 3 Deals 1.3x normal attack damage to one flying enemy.
Sleepy Slap Attack Ability 5 Attacks one enemy and has a chance to put them to sleep. The sleep effect stacks and its duration is extended.
Multifists Attack Ability 12 Damages enemies four times with up to 0.5x normal attack damage.
Falcon Slash Attack Ability 9 Unleashes two consecutive attacks against one enemy, each dealing up to 0.7x normal attack damage.
Propeller Blade Attack Ability 8 Deals 0.9x normal attack damage to one group of enemies.
Persecutter Attack Ability 11 Deals up to 6x normal attack damage to sleeping or confused enemies.
Mist Me Attack Ability 8 Damages enemies four times. Power changes depending on the number of monsters protected.
Helichopter Attack Ability 7 Physically attacks a group of enemies. Damage decreases gradually from the left side of the screen based on normal attacks.
Harvest Moon Attack Ability 8 Attacks all enemies. The fewer the number of enemies, the greater the damage.
Metal Slash Attack Ability 6 Physical attacks always hit metal monsters and deal about 1.5x more damage.
Double-Edged Slash Attack Ability 6 Deals 1.6x normal attack damage and takes a small amount of recoil damage.
Attack Attacker Attack Ability 6 Deals normal attack damage to one enemy and sometimes lowers the opponent's attack power.
Hypnowhip Attack Ability 7 Attacks a group of enemies with 1.1x normal attack power and may confuse them.
Call of the Wild Attack Ability 0 Summons a wolf warrior that unleashes four strikes on all enemies.
Lashings of Love Attack Ability 5 Damages one group of enemies. Deals 1.3x damage to monsters.
Monster Pile-On Attack Ability 8 Sics the monsters you've rescued on all enemies.
Cutting Edge Attack Ability 14 Deals 2.2x normal attack damage to one enemy.
Assassin's Stab Attack Ability 4 Instantly kills one enemy. If it fails, deals normal attack damage.
Multislice Attack Ability 8 Deals damage to all enemies equal to a normal attack.
Stone's Throw Attack Ability 3 Deals up to 17 damage to all enemies.
Lightning Slash Attack Ability 7 Deals 1.3x normal attack damage to one enemy.
Gust Slash Attack Ability 3 Deals 1.15x normal attack damage to one enemy and then deals wind-based damage.
Critical Claim Attack Ability 64 Always lands a critical hit on one enemy.
Flame Slash Attack Ability 5 Deals 1.3x normal attack damage to one enemy.
Flame Breath Attack Ability 5 Deals up to 35 fire damage to all enemies.
C-c-cold Breath Attack Ability 22 Deals up to 130 ice damage to all enemies.
Wind Sickles Attack Ability 5 Deals up to 50 wind-based damage to one enemy.
Boulder Toss Attack Ability 14 Deals up to 100 damage to all enemies but may miss.
Gigaslash Attack Ability 38 Deals up to 250 damage to all enemies.
Pressure Pointer Attack Ability 4 Instantly kills one enemy. If the enemy is not killed instantly, deals half normal attack damage.
Call to Arms Attack Ability 1 Enlists an army of mercenaries for a fee of 50 gold coins multiplied by your current level.
Eye for Distance Movement Ability 0 Allows you to find nearby towns and dungeons in the overworld.
Nose for Treasure Movement Ability 0 Lets you know how many treasure chests are on the floor you are on.
Animal Instinct Movement Ability 0 Reveals monsters nearby that can be befriended.
Whistle Movement Ability 0 Calls for a random monster to battle.
Service Call Movement Ability 15 Spawns a makeshift Inn, Church services, and duplicates the last item shop, weapon and armor shop the party visited.
Recall Movement Ability 0 Recalls three memorized conversations.
Padfoot Movement Ability 0 Decreases appearance rate of enemies.
Forget Movement Ability 0 Forgets one memorized conversation.
Recollect Movement Ability 0 Recalls 32 memorized conversations.
Remember Movement Ability 0 Recalls 10 memorized conversations.
Dig Movement Ability 0 Dig underground to find items and gold.
Soothing Song Recovery Ability 5 Restores up to 25 HP to all allies.
Kerplunk Dance Recovery Ability 0 Revives all allies and fully recovers their HP in exchange for all of the caster's life and MP.
Meditation Recovery Ability 5 Restores 500 HP to the caster.
Hustle Dance Recovery Ability 14 Restores up to 75 HP to all allies.
Sobering Slap Recovery Ability 4 Cures one ally from paralysis, sleep, or confusion.
Focus Pocus Recovery Ability 3 Recovers MP for 3–5 turns. The amount recovered depends on the user's level. Effects can stack.
Emergency Groom Recovery Ability 5 Recovers up to 50 HP for one ally.
Tongue Bashing Support Ability 7 High chance to inflict goosebumps.
Cop Out Support Ability 2 Parries an enemy's physical attack and redirects the damage to an enemy or ally. It rarely fails.
Backdraft Support Ability 8 Reflects an enemy's breath-type attacks back to them only once. Effects can stack and the effect duration extends.
Egg On Support Ability 3 Grants the effect of "power" to one ally. Effects do not stack when layered. Can be used in combination with "Biquilt."
Burning Breath Support Ability 9 Breathes out to all enemies, rarely paralyzing them.
Spooky Aura Support Ability 6 Reduces one enemy's spell resistance by one stage. Effects can stack.
Whipping Boy Support Ability 1 Takes over all normal attacks, spells, and special skill attacks aimed at the allies it protects.
Tongue Lashing Support Ability 2 Occasionally inflicts goosebumps.
Sandstorm Support Ability 3 Occasionally reduces the hit rate of attacks by half for each enemy group. Effects do not stack.
Fog of War Support Ability 12 Cancels all enemy and ally spells for 3 turns. Effects can stack.
War Cry Support Ability 4 Scares all enemies.
Ripple of Disruption Support Ability 10 Negates all buffs on one enemy.
Leg Sweep Support Ability 1 Occasionally causes one enemy to fall and rest for 1 turn.
Dodgy Dance Support Ability 4 Occasionally evades enemy normal attacks and evasive special skills. If stacked, effects overlap and duration extends.
Channel Anger Support Ability 16 Increases the power of your attack spells. Effects can stack.
Wild Side Support Ability 9 Acts twice. Even more speed increases. Effects do not stack.
Forbearance Support Ability 4 Takes over all normal attacks, spells, and special skill attacks aimed at the target it protects (all allies).
Muster Strength Support Ability 3 Increases attack power on your next turn.
Defending Champion Support Ability 2 Reduces damage from all attacks this turn by 1/10.

Abilities are special skills that can only be learned by certain vocations. Like spells, not every vocation will have abilities!

When to Change Class and Vocation

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1 Jesse4 months

It would be super useful to know which levels the various spells/abilities are gained. I know a different page suggested switching classes when a mage reaches 21, and when a sage reaches 20 (!), but it seems like that would be missing out on a lot of spells. Maybe the higher-level spells aren't worth it? More info needed.


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