Dragon Quest 3 HD-2D Remake (DQ3)

Martial Artist Job Class and Best Personality

Dragon Quest 3 HD-2D Remake (DQ3) Martial Artist Job Class and Best Personalities
Here is a guide on the Martial Artist Job Class in Dragon Quest 3 HD-2D Remake (DQ3). See how to get Martial Artist, the best personalities, learned spells and abilities, equipment for the job class, and when to become a Martial Artist in this guide!

Best Personality for Martial Artist

Bat Out of Hell

Bat Out of Hell Dragon Quest 3 - D Dragon Quest 3 - E Dragon Quest 3 - S Dragon Quest 3 - D Dragon Quest 3 - D Dragon Quest 3 - D

The Bat Out of Hell is a good personality for Martial Artists. It increases the Agility stat the most, allowing this class to attack quickly and get off damage as much as possible.

Best Personalities for Each Vocation

Tough Cookie

Tough Cookie Dragon Quest 3 - B Dragon Quest 3 - A Dragon Quest 3 - E Dragon Quest 3 - S Dragon Quest 3 - F Dragon Quest 3 - G

Since fighters have a chance to deal high damage, the Tough Guy personality is a good supplement for this. It increases your Strength and Stamina the most. This can help during the early stages of a Martial Artist, where it is at its weakest.


Vamp Dragon Quest 3 - C Dragon Quest 3 - D Dragon Quest 3 - B Dragon Quest 3 - C Dragon Quest 3 - C Dragon Quest 3 - B

A perfectly balanced personality is the Vamp personality. It adds to all of the available stats and is no longer exclusive to female characters unlike previous Dragon Quest 3 versions.

Vamp Personality and How to Get

Martial Artist Abilities Learned

All Abilities Level Learned

Lvl. Spell MP Effect
3 Leg Sweep 1 Occasionally causes one enemy to get knocked over for 1 turn.
7 Flying Knee 3 Flying kick against one enemy.
13 Hawkeye Claw 4 Physical attack against on enemy that never misses.
17 Wind Sickles 5 Physical Wind attack to one enemy.
24 Knuckle Sandwich 7 Increased physical attack against one enemy.
28 Double Up 9 Heavily increases damage at the cost of lowered defenses.
34 Helichopter 8 Physically attacks a group of enemies. Damage decreases gradually from the left side of the screen based on normal attacks.
38 Multifists 12 Damages random enemies up to four times.
43 Ripple of Disruption 10 Negates all buffs on one enemy.
64 Critical Claim 64 Always lands a critical hit on one enemy.

List of All Spells and Abilities

Best Equipment for Martial Artist

Recommend Equipment

Weapon Beast Claws
Armor Male: Dark Cape
Female: Shimmering Dress
Helmet Male: Black Hood
Female: Silver Tiara
Shield Expel Shield
Accessory Life Ring
Hero Bracelet

Best Equipment for Each Vocation

Martial Artist Equipment List

All Martial Artist Weapons

Weapon Attack Effect
Cypress Stick 2 No Bonus Effect
Oaken Club 5 No Bonus Effect
Copper Sword 10 No Bonus Effect
Divine Dagger 12 No Bonus Effect
Chain Sickle 16 No Bonus Effect
Iron Claws 27 No Bonus Effect
Iron Lance 24 No Bonus Effect
Steel Broadsword 32 No Bonus Effect
Iron Axe 37 No Bonus Effect
Knuckledusters 43 No Bonus Effect
Golden Claws 62 No Bonus Effect
Dragon Claws 95 No Bonus Effect
Beast Claws 107 Effective against beast-type enemies.
Destructiball 155 Inflicts damage to all enemies.
Orichalcum Claws 150 No Bonus Effect
Fire Claws 80 Casts Sizzle on a group of enemies when used as an item in battle.
Rubiss' Sword 206 Casts Kazapple when used as an item in battle.

List of All Weapons

When to Martial Artist Class Change

Learn All the Spells from the Gadabout and Sage Classes

To change to the best Martial Artist class, it is recommended you start off as a Gadabout then become a Sage. Learn all of the possible spells from these two classes before changing to a Martial Artist. With this method, you have a Martial Artist that not only will deal high critical attacks, but can also cast spells!

Class Change Guide: How to Change Classes

Martial Artist Explained

Increased Strength and Speed

Dragon Quest 3 HD-2D Remake (DQ3) Martial Artist

Once you level up your Martial Artist, it can attack quicker and stronger than any of the classes in your party. It's an excellent damage-dealing class that you would want for your battles!

Best Party: Best Starting Party Members

Increased Critical Hit Rate

The Martial Artist has an inherent high critical hit rate, which makes it easy to deal high damage attacks. However, keep in mind that Martial Artists are not that strong during the early stages, so only use it when you have enough in-game experience.

When Choosing the Martial Artist Class, Select Female

The Martial Artist class works best on the Female gender. Aside from the Vamp personality that's exclusive to females, the equipment. Dress of Light, is also a female-only equipment. This can enhance the Martial Artist's defense greatly.

Can You Change Gender?

Dragon Quest 3 HD-2D Remake (DQ3) Related Guides

Dragon Quest 3 HD-2D Vocations
List of All Vocations

All Vocations

All Vocations/Job Classes
HeroHero WarriorWarrior Fighter Martial ArtistMartial Artist
MageMage Cleric PriestPriest SageSage
Merchant DealerMerchant GadaboutGadabout ThiefThief
Dragon Quest 3 HD-2D Remake (DQ3) - Monster Wrangler IconMonster Wrangler


4 Anonymousabout 2 months

I got Critical Claim when LV 46, not 64.

3 Anonymous3 months

Critical Claim is 47, not 64.


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