Dragon Quest 3 HD-2D Remake (DQ3)

Sage Job Class and Best Personality

Dragon Quest 3 HD-2D Remake - Sage Job Class and Best Personalities
Here is a guide on the Sage Job Class in Dragon Quest 3 HD-2D Remake (DQ3). See how to get Sage, the best personalities, learned spells and abilities, equipment for the job class, and when to become a Sage in this guide!

How to Get Sage

Reach Level 20 and Change Job Classes in Alltrades Abbey

You can change your job class to Sage by reaching level 20. To change to the Sage Job Class, there are two conditions you must complete: use the item, Words of Wisdom or be a Gadabout class. You can do these changes in the Alltrades Abbey.

Class Change Guide: How to Change Classes

Best Personality for Sage


Genius Dragon Quest 3 - D Dragon Quest 3 - E Dragon Quest 3 - B Dragon Quest 3 - F Dragon Quest 3 - S Dragon Quest 3 - F

Sages focus on using multiple spells. The Genius personality fits this character, since it has the most Wisdom increases, which helps in increasing MP for spell casting.

Best Personality for Each Job Class


Vamp Dragon Quest 3 - C Dragon Quest 3 - D Dragon Quest 3 - B Dragon Quest 3 - C Dragon Quest 3 - C Dragon Quest 3 - B

A perfectly balanced personality is the Vamp personality. It adds to all of the available stats and is no longer exclusive to female characters unlike previous Dragon Quest 3 versions.

Vamp Personality and How to Get

Sage Spell List

Sage Spells and Level Learned

Lvl. Spell MP Effect
1 Heal 3 Restores 30 HP to a single ally.
1 Frizz 2 Weak Fire spell against a single target.
2 Poof 2 Removes one group of enemies from the battle but you will not earn EXP or Gold.
4 Buff 3 Increases defense of one ally.
5 Acceleratle 3 Increases the speed of all allies.
5 Crack 3 Weak Ice spell against a single target.
7 Sizz 4 Weak Fire spell against a group.
7 Dazzle 4 Chance to Bedazzle one group of enemies.
8 Sap 3 Lowers the defense of one enemy.
9 Evac 0 Warps the party outside of a dungeon.
9 Kabuff 5 Increases defense of all allies.
9 Snooze 3 Chance to put a group of enemies asleep.
10 Zin 5 Sometimes resurrects a fallen ally at 1HP.
11 Bang 5 Weak Explosion spell to all targets.
11 Squelch 3 Cures poison from one ally.
12 Zoom 0 Allows you to teleport to a location that you have previously visited.
12 Woosh 4 Weak Wind spell against a group.
12 Deceleratle 3 Lowers the speed of one group of enemy.
13 Fizzle 5 Chance to Spell Seal one group of enemies
14 Sizzle 6 Medium Fire spell against a group.
14 Defizzle 4 Cures Fizzle on one ally, allowing them to use spells again.
14 Midheal 5 Restores 75 HP to a single ally.
15 Drain Magic 0 Absorbs MP from one enemy.
15 Tingle 6 Cures paralysis from one ally.
16 Magic Barrier 6 Builds a barrier around all party members that provides protection from enemy spells.
16 Cock-a-Doodle-Doo 3 Wakes all allies from sleep.
17 Frizzle 6 Medium Fire spell against a singlet target.
18 Peep 3 Reveals the nature of a treasure chest's contents.
18 Kasap 5 Lowers the defense of one group of enemy.
19 Safe Passage 2 Allows the party to float unharmed over hazardous surfaces.
20 Bazoom 7 Removes one enemy from combat. The expelled enemy will not drop EXP or Gold.
20 Crackle 6 Weak Ice spell against a group.
20 Blasto 7 Sends a single enemy flying off into the distance.
21 Oomph 6 Doubles the attack power of one ally.
22 Whack 7 Chance to kill a single target.
23 Moreheal 7 Restores 164 HP to a single ally.
23 Boom 9 Medium Explosion spell to all targets.
24 Bounce 8 Repels all spells cast on you.
24 Zing 10 50% chance of reviving one ally with half HP.
25 Tick-Tock 12 Changes the time from day to night and viceversa.
26 Swoosh 6 Medium Wind spell against a group.
26 Kacrack 10 Medium Ice spell against all targets.
27 Fuddle 6 Chance to Confuse an enemy.
28 Thwack 10 Chance to kill a group.
29 Kasizzle 12 Strong Fire spell against a group.
30 Sheen 18 Removes a curse from one ally.
30 Fullheal 9 Restores all HP to a single ally.
32 Insulatle 8 Creates a barrier to reduce breath damage for all allies.
32 Kacrackle 14 Strong Ice spell against all targets.
33 Fade 15 Allows you to become invisible.
34 Multiheal 18 Restores 75 HP to all party members.
34 Puff! 24 Transforms into a dragon to unleash a powerful breath attack.
35 Click 0 Opens locked doors.
36 Kafrizz 12 Strong Fire spell against a single target.
36 Kaswoosh 10 Strong Wind spell against a group.
37 Morph 12 Transforms into one of your allies.
38 Kaboom 18 Strong Explosion spell to all targets.
38 Kazing 20 Always resurrects a fallen ally.
40 Hocus Pocus 20 Causes random effects.
41 Kamikazee 1 Kills all enemies in exchange for your life.

Abilities and Level Learned

This section will be updated soon. Stay tuned!

List of All Spells and Abilities

Best Equipment for Sage

Recommend Equipment

Weapon Destructiball
Gringham Whip
Armor Male: Dragon Robe
Female: Shimmering Dress
Helmet Mythril Helmet
Shield Silver Shield
Accessory Goddess Ring
Starry Bracelet

List of Equipment

All Sage Weapons

Weapon Attack Effect
Cypress Stick 2 No Bonus Effect
Falcon Blade 55 Allows the user to attack twice per round.
Oaken Club 5 No Bonus Effect
Copper Sword 10 No Bonus Effect
Divine Dagger 12 No Bonus Effect
Wizard's Staff 21 Casts Frizz when used as an item in battle.
Chain Sickle 16 No Bonus Effect
Staff of Rain 16 Casts Fizzle when used as an item in battle.
Thorn Whip 19 Inflicts damage to one group of enemies.
Staff of Antimagic 31 Casts Fizzle when used as an item in battle.
Iron Lance 24 No Bonus Effect
Chain Whip 27 Inflicts damage to one group of enemies.
Snooze Stick 29 Casts Sleep when used as an item in battle.
Morning Star 38 Inflicts damage to one group of enemies.
Staff of Strife 48 Casts Bounce when used as an item in battle.
Staff of Resurrection 40 Casts Zing when used as an item in battle.
Steel Broadsword 32 No Bonus Effect
Holy Lance 34 No Bonus Effect
Staff of Sentencing 42 Casts Woosh when used as an item in battle.
Spiked Steel Whip 40 Inflicts damage to one group of enemies.
Rune Staff 39 No Bonus Effect
Lightning Staff 53 Casts Sizzle when used as an item in battle.
Sage's Staff 84 Casts Midheal when used as an item in battle.
Dragontail Whip 62 Inflicts damage to one group of enemies.
Somatic Staff 96 Consumes user's MP to increase attack.
Orochi's Sword 70 Casts Sap when used as an item in battle.
Zombiesbane 68 Effective against undead enemies.
Gringham Whip 118 Inflicts damage to one group of enemies.
Destructiball 155 Inflicts damage to all enemies.
Demon Spear 96 Sometimes kills enemies instantly
Godbird Sceptre 123 Casts Kafrizz when used as an item in battle.
Aurora Staff 115 Casts Ripple of Disruption when used as an item in battle.
Rubiss' Sword 206 Casts Kazapple when used as an item in battle.

List of All Weapons

When to Become a Sage

Change from Thief or Martial Artist at Level 40

It's best to become a Sage after you reach level 40 with either your Thief or Martial Artist class.

Once you learn all of the powerful spells and transition into these classes, you can get a lot of versatility with it. It can create a character that can cast a lot of spells while also being able to deal high physical damage.

Leveling Guide: How to Level Up Fast

Sage Explained

Can Cast Powerful Offensive Spells

Dragon Quest 3 HD-2D Remake (DQ3) Sage

Sages is a class that can use powerful offensive spells. It's recommended to have this class in your party for a balance between offense and healing.

Best Party: Best Starting Party Members

Balanced Stats

The stats that are ideal for a Sage are generally well-balanced, which is great for a beginner player or someone who likes to play safe. However, keep in mind that while they are balanced, take a considerable amount of time to grow.

Best Classes Tier List

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