Dragon Quest 3 HD-2D Remake (DQ3)

List of All Accessories

Dragon Quest 3 HD-2D Remake (DQ3) All Accessories
A list of all Accessories in Dragon Quest 3 HD-2D Remake (DQ3). See all the weapons, their defense stat, what classes can equip the Accessories, and their effects.

List of All Accessories

Accessory Stats and Effects

Accessory Bonus Stats Effect
Aerofoil Earrings WIS Bonus +8 Reduces damage from Wind attacks and spells.
Agility Ring AGL Bonus +22 Changes Personality to "Acrobat"
Anti-Freeze Earrings WIS Bonus +8 Reduces damage from Ice attacks and spells.
Asbestos Earrings WIS Bonus +8 Reduces damage from Fire attacks and spells.
Banishing Bell Does not provide bonus stats. Reduces likelyhood of being affected by status ailments.
Care Ring WIS Bonus +15 Changes Personality to "Good Egg"
Care Riviere DEF Bonus +4 Prevents Spell Seal.
Cower Ring AGL Bonus +12 Changes Personality to "Wimp"
Doh-Hican DEF Bonus +11 Changes Personality to "Clown"
Dragon Scale DEF Bonus +5 Does not provide additional effects.
Dummy Does not provide bonus stats. Changes Personality to "Spoilt Brat"
Elevating Shoes LCK Bonus +50 Gains EXP while walking outside of a town or castle.
Full Moon Ring LCK Bonus +7 Prevents Paralysis.
Garter DEF Bonus +4 Changes Personality to "Vamp"
Goddess Ring WIS Bonus +33 Recovers MP while walking.
Gold Chain LCK Bonus +10 Changes Personality to "Charmer"
Golden Tiara LCK Bonus +13 Changes Personality to "Aristocrat"
Hen's Tooth LCK Bonus +20 Changes Personality to "Lucky Devil"
Holy Talisman Does not provide bonus stats. Reduces likelyhood of being instakilled.
Leg Warmers DEF Bonus +6 Does not provide additional effects.
Mercury's Bandana AGL Bonus +36 Changes Personality to "Bat Out of Hell"
Meteorite Bracer Does not provide bonus stats. Doubles AGL.
Mighty Armlet ATK Bonus +16 Changes Personality to "Paragon"
Necklace of Immunty DEF Bonus +4 Prevents Poison.
Rabbit Tail LCK Bonus +8 Changes Personality to "Happy Camper"
Recovery Ring DEF Bonus +2 Recovers HP while walking.
Restless Heart DEF Bonus +3 Changes Personality to "Plugger"
Ring of Clarity LCK Bonus +7 Prevents Confusion.
Rousing Ring LCK Bonus +7 Prevents Sleep.
Ruby Wristband DEF Bonus +8 Changes Personality to "Show-Off"
Sacred Amulet LCK Bonus +30 Immune to Instakill Spells
Scholar's Specs WIS Bonus +15 Changes Personality to "Wit"
Silver Rosary DEF Bonus +5 Changes Personality to "Daydreamer"
Skull Ring AGL Bonus +16 Changes Personality to "Lone Wolf"
Slime Earrings DEF Bonus +5 Changes Personality to "Socialite"
Spirit Bracer DEF Bonus +17 Does not provide additional effects.
Strength Ring ATK Bonus +9 Changes Personality to "Meathead"
Ten Ton Toupee DEF Bonus +18 Changes Personality to "Mule"
Torc of Truth DEF Bonus +4 Prevents Bedazzle.
Tough Guy Tattoo ATK Bonus +11 Changes Personality to "Thug"
Weightlifter's Belt ATK Bonus +13 Changes Personality to "Tough Cookie"

Accessories in Dragon Quest 3 HD-2D Remake

Gives Bonus Stats and Provides Certain Effects

Dragon Quest 3 HD-2D Remake (DQ3) All Armor Defense

The accessories in the game give specific bonus stats and provide certain effects in battle when equipped. They can be purchased from shops, acquired from monster drops, and looted from treasure chests.

Changes Your Personality

Dragon Quest 3 HD-2D Remake (DQ3) All Accessories Personality

Some accessories in the game allow you to change your personality, which can help optimize the Vocation you've chosen for your select character.

List of All Vocations

Dragon Quest 3 HD-2D Remake Related Guides

Dragon Quest 3 HD-2D Remake Guides and Wiki
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Dragon Quest 3 HD-2D Remake Guides

List of Categories
DQ3 WalkthroughWalkthrough Dragon Quest 3 - Tips and Tricks Partial BannerTips and Tricks
DQ3 PersonalitiesPersonalities Dragon Quest 3 HD-2D VocationsClasses
DQ3 BossesBosses Maps Partial Maps
DQ3 Spells and AbilitiesSpells and Abilities Dragon Quest 3 HD-2D Remake MonstersMonsters
Dragon Quest 3 - Monster ArenaMonster Arena Dragon Quest 3 HD-2D Remake (DQ3) WeaponsWeapons
Dragon Quest 3 HD-2D Remake (DQ3) ArmorArmor Dragon Quest 3 HD-2D Remake (DQ3) ShieldsShields
Dragon Quest 3 HD-2D Remake (DQ3) HelmetsHelmets Dragon Quest 3 HD-2D Remake (DQ3) AccessoriesAccessories
Dragon Quest 3 HD-2D Remake (DQ3) - ItemsItems Dragon Quest 3 HD-2D Remake (DQ3) - Seeds PartialSeeds
Dragon Quest 3 HD-2D Remake (DQ3) - Books PartialBooks DQ3 NewsNews and Game Info

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