Dragon Quest 3 HD-2D Remake (DQ3)

Walkthrough Part 8: Olivia’s Promontory to Baramos’ Lair

Dragon Quest 3 Walkthrough Part 8
This is a walkthrough guide from Olivia’s Promontory to Baramos’ Lair for Dragon Quest 3 HD-2D Remake (DQ3). Learn what you need to do for each region, as well as points and explanations for how to progress the story.

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Gaia's Navel to the Phantom Ship Castle of the Dragon Queen to the Craggy Cave

Olivia’s Promontory to Baramos’ Lair Walkthrough Guide

Olivia’s Promontory (Recommended Level 29)

1 Travel to Olivia
If you haven't visited this location yet, teleport to Khoryv and take the ship around southeast towards Olivia’s Promontory.
* Detour to the Shrine of the Dwarf
On the way there, visit the Shrine of the Dwarf for a cutscene about Ortega and to unlock it as a fast travel point for later.
2 Olivia’s Promontory Cutscene
Once you've reached the promontory, sail your boat between the two statues to start a cutscene where the Lovers' Locket gets used.
3 After the cutscene, you'll be able to sail west to the Shrine of Shackles on the small island. Also, you can sail around the newly accessible waters for some Sparkly Spots if you wish.

Olivia's Promontory Map and Available Items

Shrine of Shackles (Recommended Level 30)

1 Mountaincleaver
Quickly explore the jail for any treasures, and once you're done, head to bottom left cell for a cutscene. Afterwards, move over to the bottom right cell for another cutscene and the Mountaincleaver sword.
2 Travel to Mt Necrogond
Once you've got the sword, you can leave the jail and teleport to Asham. From there, sail south to the volcano, Mt. Necrogond

Shrine of Shackles Map and Available Items

Mt. Necrogond (Recommended Level 30)

1 Garboyle Boss
When you're ready, head up the top and interact with the pool of lava to throw Mountaincleaver into the volcano. This will start a boss fight with the Garboyle so make sure you're prepared.
▶ How to Beat Garboyle
2 Recruit the Magmalice
After the fight, interact with the lava again to start a cutscene. Once that's over, go left to recruit a friendly Magmalice.
* Teleport back to a town and rest up first before resuming your journey. The next dungeon is pretty long so make sure to restock your items.
3 Teleport to the Maw of the Necrogond
When you're ready, head south from the volcano towards the Maw of the Necrogond.

Garboyle Combat Guide

Rec. Level Drops
30 Restless Heart
Tips to Beat Garboyle
・Bring ways to reduce Fire and Spell damage.
・Monster Pile-On is highly effective.
・Beware of multiple status ailments.
・Empowers spell damage at low HP.

How to Beat Garboyle

Maw of the Necrogond (Recommended Level 31)

1 Explore the dungeon grabbing any items and collectables on the way to the 5th floor.
2 Recruit the Troll
When you reach the 2nd floor, go east first to recruit a friendly Troll. If you continue going east, you'll just loop back around to the left exit so go west instead to leave the area.
▶ All Friendly Monster Locations
3 Use Healing Glyph When Farming Liquid Metal Slimes
Continue going through the dungeon and picking up items until you reach the 3rd floor. There will be a healing glyph right before the way up to the 4th floor so use this opportunity to farm Liquid Metal Slimes.

As a note, there will also be a friendly Mimic to the south before you'll need to jump down, so make sure to go there and recruit them.
4 Once you're done farming for EXP, head up to the 4th floor and grab the treasures there. From there, head up and out through the 5th floor.
5 Travel to Necrogond Shrine
Head east and around up to Necrogond Shrine. There's a Secret Spot on the way there so make sure to stop by.

Maw of the Necrogond Map and Strategy Guide

Necrogond Shrine - Silver Orb

1 Recruit the Shell Slime
Before entering the shrine, use the Night Light to change the time to night. This is so you can recruit a friendly Shell Slime to the back right of the shrine's exterior.
2 Silver OrbHead inside and talk to the man to receive the Silver Orb. Afterwards, search the area behind him for a Mini Medal and two seeds.

Necrogond Shrine Map and Available Items

Immigrant Town - Yellow Orb

* To get the Yellow Orb, you'll need to establish the Immigrant Town and upgrade it up to Stage 4.

If you've already established the town before this and you've been visiting it regularly, then you should have already received the notification that it's been upgraded enough for you to get the Yellow Orb.
1 Recruit a New Merchant
Before doing anything else, head to Aliahan and recruit a new Merchant in Patty's Party Planning Place. Make sure to name them something you'll be happy with since the town will be named "Merchant's Name"-burg.

For this example, since the Merchant is named Nicole, the town will be called Nicoleburg.
2 Travel to Unnamed Cabin
Once you go your Merchant, go to Portoga and sail west to an unnamed cabin to the east of Persistence.
3 Leave Merchant to Start the Immigrant Town
Head inside the cabin and talk to the old man to leave your Merchant behind. They'll assist him in starting up the Immigrant Town and help it grow over time.

As a note, the Merchant cannot be re-recruited until you've upgraded the town to its 5th and final stage so make sure you leave the new one instead of someone you've been levelling up.
4 Immigrant Town Upgrade Notification
From here, you can teleport back to any town to receive a notification that you should check up on your Merchant. This is the sign that the town has been upgraded to the next level.
5 Immigrant Town Stage 2
Teleport back to the Immigrant Town to see that it's been upgraded to Stage 2. There's not much to do right now so just teleport somewhere else.

Doing this will get you another notification so just teleport back like before.
6 Immigrant Town Stage 3
When you get back, the town will be upgraded to Stage 3. Make sure to explore the town first since there are new items that can be found.
7 Coup Event
Go to the bottom left of the map and approach the three men to observe the Coup Event. Once that's done, you can teleport to another town.
8 Immigrant Town Stage 4
After receiving another notification, teleport back again. There won't be a mini cutscene this time, but the coup should've happened and the town should be upgraded to Stage 4.

From here, go to the jail in the bottom left and talk to your Merchant to learn that they managed to get the Yellow Orb for you.
9 Yellow Orb
To get the orb, you'll simply need to visit the Merchant's mansion and inspect the back of the throne. Once you've got all 6 orbs, you can proceed to the Shrine of the Everbird.
* There's still one more town upgrade after unlocking Ramia so make sure to come back here after visiting the Shrine of the Everbird.

Immigrant Town Map and Available Items

List of Conditions for Immigrant Town Upgrades

Stage and Condition
1 Leave the Merchant and go to a different town.
Renames town to "Merchant's Name"-burg.
2 Obtain the Ultimate Key and defeat Orochi.
3 Defeat the Boss Troll and get the Mod Rod.
4 Collect 3+ Orbs and view the Coup Event.
Unlocks the Yellow Orb.
5 Unlock Ramia, the Everbird.
Can re-recruit Merchant to party.

Shrine of the Everbird

1 Travel to the Shrine of the Everbird
Once you've collected all six orbs, head to the southwesternmost island where the Shrine of the Everbird is.

As a note, there's a Mini Medal to the right of the ladder so make sure to grab it before heading up.
2 Ramia the Everbird
Head to the top and place the orbs in their respective slots. This will trigger a cutscene that will revive Ramia, the Everbird, allowing you to fly around the world.
* Now that you have the ability to fly, you can visit all the Secret Spots and Sparkly Spots that you couldn't access before.
3 Travel to Baramos
When you're ready, teleport to Necrogond Shrine and fly to Baramos' Lair.

Shrine of the Everbird Map and Available Items

All Orb Locations and How to Get Them

Orb Location How to Get
Green Theddon Defeat the Dying Fire.
Purple Jipang Defeat Orochi.
Blue Gaia’s Navel Defeat the Chiromancer.
Red Pirates’ Den. Secret room under the statue in the northeast.
Silver Necrogond Shrine. Talk to the old man.
Yellow Immigrant Town. Search behind the Merchant’s throne
Requires town to be upgraded to Stage 4.

Baramos' Lair (Recommended Level 33 - 34)

* Recruit the Armful
Before going inside, use the Night Light first since there are friendly monsters here that only show up at night.
▶ All Friendly Monster Locations
This dungeon has a lot of side areas so explore around for any items and treasures while going through it. When you want to proceed, head to the back entrance to enter the castle.
2 Baramos
Follow the path forward until you reach a room with damage tiles. To continue to Baramos, take the bottom left stairs down to B1. From there, head east and up to the South-East Tower.
3 Baramos
Go behind the waterfall and follow the path until you get to the courtyard on the other side. Head on through the door and keep following the path down through the B1 Passageway.
4 Baramos
Eventually you'll reach the throne room with some damage tiles. Inspect the throne for a Mini Medal and head outside afterwards.
5 Baramos
Head east until you see a portal that will teleport you back to the entrance. Take it to unlock the entrance portal and leave to make any final preparations before facing Baramos.

Once you're ready, you can teleport back to this dungeon and take the portal to go back to the area right before Baramos.
6 Baramos Boss
Head down the stairs to face Baramos. This fight gets harder as time goes on since he becomes more aggressive the lower his HP gets.

If you're having a hard time, it's recommended to leave again and farm EXP by defeating Liquid Metal Slimes.
▶ How to Beat Baramos
* As a note, you can also defeat Baramos solo with the Hero to get a free Bastard Sword. However, this requires you to be a decently high level so make sure to weigh the costs and benefits before attempting this.
▶ How to Solo Baramos with Hero
7 Return to the King After Defeating Baramos
After defeating Baramos, you'll be teleported back to Aliahan. Make your way through the castle to the king for a cutscene.

If you defeated Baramos solo, then you'll get the Bastard Sword here.
8 Castle of the Dragon Queen
At night, head down and talk to your mother for another cutscene. When you go back to sleep, you'll dream of a castle in the mountains.

When you're ready, head out of town and fly Ramia to the Castle of the Dragon Queen, west of the Shrine of the Dwarf.
* Siren Sword
Before continuing your journey, stop by Portoga and talk to Sabrina by the statue near the entrance to receive a free Siren Sword.

Baramos' Lair Map and Strategy Guide

Baramos Combat Guide

Rec. Level Drops
34 None
Tips to Beat Baramos
・Cast Fizzle to stop Baramos from casting spells.
・Cast Insulatle to reduce the damage of breath attacks.
・Use Oomph and Sap to maximize damage output.
・Level up a Priest or Sage to get Multiheal.

How to Beat Baramos

Dragon Quest 3 HD-2D Remake Related Guides


100% Walkthrough Guide

List of All Story Walkthroughs

All Story Walkthroughs
1 Aliahan to the Path of Promise
2 Romaria to Skyfell Tower
3 Norvik to the Underground Lake
4 Asham to the Pyramid
5 Portoga to the Tower of Transcendence
6 Theddon to Orochi’s Lair
7 Manoza to the Phantom Ship
8 Olivia’s Promontory to Baramos’ Lair
9 Castle of the Dragon Queen to the Craggy Cave
10 Damdara to Zoma’s Citadel
11 Endgame Content


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