Dragon Quest 3 HD-2D Remake (DQ3)

Best Spells Tier List

Dragon Quest 3 - Best Spells Tier List

This is a tier list of the best spells in Dragon Quest 3 HD-2D Remake. Read on for the tier list of the best spells in the game, as well as our explanation of why certain spells are placed in their respective tiers.

Best Spells Tier List

Best DQ3 Spells

S TierS Tier
Hero Kazap
Hero Priest Sage Snooze
A TierA Tier
Mage Sage Kaboom
Priest Sage Oomph
Mage Sage Kazing
B TierB Tier
Priest Sage Bazoom
Mage Sage Kabuff
Hero Priest Sage Fizzle
Mage Sage Bounce
C TierC TIer
Mage Sage Puff

Kazap and Omniheal Are Powerful Spells Exclusive to the Hero

Dragon Quest 3 - Best Spells Tier List Hero Spells

Kazap and Omniheal are two of the strongest spells in the game, both of which are only exclusive to the Hero.

Kazap is one of the most strongest attack spells against enemies, while Omniheal is one of the best recovery spells that can be used for your party.

Hero Job Class and Best Personality

Kafrizz is a Powerful Single-Target Spell

Dragon Quest 3 - Best Spells Tier List Kafrizz

Kafrizz is the most powerful single-target attack spell in the game, so it is recommended to use when facing against powerful enemies in battle or fighting boss battles you've encountered in the game.

Multiheal is a Good Recovery Spell for All Party Members

Multiheal might not as heal as much as Omniheal, but it can steal recover a decent amount of HP for all your allies in your party.

Snooze is an Effective Debuffing Spell That Can Put Enemies to Slumber

Dragon Quest 3 - Best Spells Tier List Snooze

Snooze can be learned at the early stages of the game, but can be proven useful even in the later stages.

It can put enemies into slumber, which can help you dish out powerful attacks against them without the backlash of retaliation from enemy attacks.

Tier List Spells Explanation

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S A Tier B Tier C Tier

S Rank

Abilities Info and Explanation
Kazap Job Skill Requirement:
Hero (Lv. 38)

・Powerful spell exclusive to the Hero job class
・Powerful spell that targets all enemies
・Efficient during quick battles
Kafrizz Job Skill Requirement:
Mage (Lv. 31)
Sage (Lv. 31)

・Powerful spell that can be learned by Mage or Sage
・Powerful spell against enemies without fire resistance
・Useful against boss fights
Omniheal Job Skill Requirement:
Hero (Lv. 39)

・Best recovery spell exclusive for Hero job class
・Capable of fully recovering all allies
・Drawback is that it consumes a lot of MP
Multiheal Job Skill Requirement:
Priest (Lv. 33)
Sage (Lv. 33)

・Good recovery spell that can be learned by Priest or Sage
・Recovers a good chunk of HP
Snooze Job Skill Requirement:
Hero (Lv. 12)
Priest (Lv. 8)
Sage (Lv. 8)

・Best debuff spell that can be learned early
・Effective against all enemies, including bosses

The spells listed above are the most efficient and powerful spells in the game, with Kazap and Omniheal being exclusive to only the Hero job class.

Hero Job Class and Best Personality

A Rank

Abilities Info and Explanation
Kaboom Job Skill Requirement:
Mage (Lv. 38)
Sage (Lv. 38)

・Powerful spell that can be learned by both Mage or Sage
・Powerful spell that targets all enemies
・Effective for quick battles
Oomph Job Skill Requirement:
Mage (Lv. 21)
Sage (Lv. 21)

・Effective debuff spell for ally
・Recommended for support units in the party
Kazing Job Skill Requirement:
Priest (Lv. 37)
Sage (Lv. 37)

・Revives party members with full HP
Insulatle Job Skill Requirement:
Priest (Lv. 27)
Sage (Lv. 27)

・Buffs allies and increases breath resistance
・Recommended against bosses using breath attacks

The spells listed above are not as powerful as those under S Rank, but they can still be effective nonetheless.

Kaboom can also be learned by several jobs, so it's best to use it for quick battles.

B Rank

Abilities Info and Explanation
Bazoom Job Skill Requirement:
Priest (Lv. 20)
Sage (Lv. 20)

・Ejects enemies out of battle
・Can be likened to an instakill spell
・Cannot receive EXP or Gold after battle
Kabuff Job Skill Requirement:
Mage (Lv. 8)
Sage (Lv. 8)

・Buffs the defense of all party members
・Recommended against enemies with strong physical attacks
Acceleratle Job Skill Requirement:
Priest (Lv. 9)
Sage (Lv. 9)

・Increases the agility of all party members
・Enables you to act first instead of enemies
Fizzle Job Skill Requirement:
Hero (Lv. 14)
Priest (Lv. 12)
Sage (Lv. 12)

・Prevents enemies from casting spells
・Low percentage of effectiveness
Bounce Job Skill Requirement:
Mage (Lv. 22)
Sage (Lv. 22)

・Reflect enemy spells
・Can be cast to only 1 party member

The spells listed above are mostly to provide buffs for your party and debuffs against enemies in battle. These spells will help you tank enemy attacks, and help you outlast enemies in battle.

C Rank

Abilities Info and Explanation
Kacrackle Job Skill Requirement:
Mage (Lv. 34)
Sage (Lv. 34)

・Powerful attack spell
・Powerful spell that targets all enemies
Kaswoosh Job Skill Requirement:
Priest (Lv. 31)
Sage (Lv. 31)

・Powerful attack spell
・Exclusive to only Priests and Sages
Kasizzle Job Skill Requirement:
Hero (Lv. 32)
Mage (Lv. 29)
Sage (Lv. 29)

・Powerful atttack spell
Kaclang Job Skill Requirement:
Hero (Lv. 11)

・Powerful buffing spell that casts invulnerability to all allies
・Cannot attack during the duration of the spell
・Recommended to use when planning to tank enemy attacks
Puff! Job Skill Requirement:
Mage (Lv. 37)
Sage (Lv. 37)

・Spell that transforms a Mage or Sage into a dragon
・Breath spells can instantly kill enemies
・Effective when hunting down metal type monsters

The spells listed above are powerful spells, even if they rank lower to attack spells in higher tiers. These spells can still decimate enemies when used correctly or casted to exploit enemy weakness.

Kaclang and Puff are spells that can be useful when certain conditions are met, which is why they are rank in this tier.

Best Spells For Exploration

Recommended Exploration Spells

Abilities Info and Explanation
Zoom Job Skill Requirement:
Hero (Lv. 14)
Mage (Lv. 12)
Sage (Lv. 12)

・Teleport to towns you've visited ・Necessary for story progression
Evac Job Skill Requirement:
Hero (Lv. 7)
Mage (Lv. 9)
Sage (Lv. 9)

・Escape away from a dungeon
Snoop Job Skill Requirement:
Thief (Lv. 20)

・Treasure chests and items in proximity will light up ・Treasure chests and items will show on the minimap ・Necessary for collecting items
Peep Job Skill Requirement:
Mage (Lv. 15)
Sage (Lv. 15)

・Learn if a treasure chest is an item or a monster
Tick-Tock Job Skill Requirement:
Gadabout (Lv. 25)
Thief (Lv. 25)

・Change the time to day or night ・Useful for hunting monsters that appear at specific times

Zoom is Necessary for Story Progression

Zoom is a necessary spell to advance story progression, as it can help you travel faster to previously visited locations that might need to be revisited when progressing the main storyline of the game.

Use Snoop When Collecting Items

Dragon Quest 3 - Best Spells Tier List Snoop

Use the Snoop spell to help you track down items much faster, as items will begin to shine and flicker once the spell has been casted. Items will also sparkle in the minimap as well, enabling you to see where these items are located.

Use Peep to Identify Traps Inside Treasure Chests

Dragon Quest 3 - Best Spells Tier List Peep

The Peep spell will prevent you from falling victim to enemies waiting inside treasure chests, as it will give a color marker to treasure chests you see in the game.

A red treasure chest means that an enemy looms inside it, while a blue treasure chest simply contains an item.

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