Dragon Quest 3 HD-2D Remake (DQ3)

Best Equipment for Each Class

Dragon Quest 3 Best Equipment for Each Vocation
This is a list of the best equipment for each job class in Dragon Quest 3 HD-2D Remake (DQ3). Check out the best equipment in the game, and which job class and vocation should use them.

Blue SlimeAttention! This page is outdated as it uses information from the previous versions of DQ3. Stay tuned for any updates to this page.

Best Equipment for Each Job Class

Note Do not equip personality-changing accessories in the first accessory slot since stat increases are more valuable than the accessory's stat boost.

Hero's Best Equipment

Dragon Quest 3 - Hero

Weapon Destructiball
Sword of Kings
Armor Male: Light Armor
Female: Shimmering Dress
Helmet Great Helm
Shield Hero Shield
Accessory Hero Bracelet

The best equipment for the Hero is the Destructiball and the Light Armor. As a note, it's recommended to only use the whip if no one else in your party can use it since the Sword of Kings is exclusive to the Hero and it only has a slightly worse Attack.

If you're playing as a Female, then Shimmering Dress becomes your best Armor. However, it might still be better to equip the Light Armor since other party members could use the dress instead.

Hero Job Class and Best Personality

Warrior's Best Equipment

Dragon Quest 3 - Warrior

Weapon Destructiball
Gringham Whip
Armor Male: Blade Armor
Female: Shimmering Dress
Helmet Great Helm
Shield Ogre Shield
Accessory Life Ring
Hero Bracelet

The best equipment for a Warrior is the Destructiball and a Shimmering Dress. However, depending on your other party members, it might be better to equip a Bastard Sword since other party members could use the whips instead.

Also, it's recommended to recruit a Female Warrior since the Blade Armor is significantly worse than the female exclusive armors.

Warrior Job Class and Best Personality

Martial Artist's Best Equipment

Dragon Quest 3 - Martial Artist

Weapon Beast Claws
Armor Male: Dark Cape
Female: Shimmering Dress
Helmet Male: Black Hood
Female: Silver Tiara
Shield Expel Shield
Accessory Life Ring
Hero Bracelet

The best equipment for a Martial Artist is the Beast Claws and a Shimmering Dress. However, if you're fighting a Dragon, you can equip a Dragon Claws instead for an increased damage output.

Although Destructiball is one of the more powerful weapons a Martial Artist can equip, it doesn't grant criticial hits which the Martial Artist specialzes in dishing out.

Martial Artist Job Class and Best Personality

Thief's Best Equipment

Dragon Quest 3 - Thief

Weapon Destructiball
Gringham Whip
Armor Male: Dark Cape
Female: Shimmering Dress
Helmet Mythril Helmet
Shield Silver Shield
Accessory Hero Bracelet
Starry Bracelet

The best equipment for a Thief is the Destructiball and a Shimmering Dress. Ideally, the Thief is the one who will equip the Destructiball since they don't have better options outside of Claws, which are better used by Martial Artists.

Thief Job Class and Best Personality

Mage's Best Equipment

Dragon Quest 3 - Mage

Weapon Somatic Staff
Sage's Staff
Armor Male: Dragon Robe
Female: Shimmering Dress
Helmet Mythril Helmet
Shield Magic Shield
Accessory Goddess Ring

The best equipment for a Mage is the Somatic Staff and a Shimmering Dress. Alternatively, you could also equip a Bolero and a Magic Hat for reduced spell MP at the cost of lower Defense. Also, you can equip a Sage's Staff in case you need to use it for extra healing.

Mage Job Class and Best Personality

Priest's Best Equipment

Dragon Quest 3 - Priest

Weapon Sage's Staff
Armor Male: Dragon Robe
Female: Shimmering Dress
Helmet Mythril Helmet
Shield Magic Shield
Accessory Goddess Ring
Starry Bracelet

The best equipment for the Priest is the Sage's Staff and a Shimmering Dress. Unlike the Mage, you want to prioritize Defense since you need to keep your healer alive, but you can still use the Bolero and Magic Hat combo if you're feeling confident.

Also, the weapon choice doesn't matter since they'll mostly be casting spells, however, it's still nice to equip a Sage's Staff for extra heals or a Zombiesbane for max damage.

Priest Job Class and Best Personality

Merchant's Best Equipment

Dragon Quest 3 - Merchant

Weapon Astraea's Abacus
Armor Male: Magic Apron
Female: Shimmering Dress
Helmet Mythril Helmet
Shield Expel Shield
Accessory Goddess Ring
Starry Bracelet

The best equipment for a Merchant is the Astraea's Abacus and a Shimmering Dress. Similar to the Warrior, it is recommended to recruit a Female Merchant since the Magic Apron is significantly worse than the female exclusive armors.

Also, this vocation is only really useful for farming, and it may be better to reclass them into something else in the late game.

Merchant Job Class and Best Personality

Gadabout's Best Equipment

Dragon Quest 3 - Gadabout

Weapon Gringham Whip
Armor Male: Dark Cape
Female: Shimmering Dress
Helmet Horned Hat
Shield Expel Shield
Accessory Elevating Shoes

The best equipment for a Gadabout is the Gringham Whip and a Shimmering Dress. However, it's not recommended to give them your best equipment since they're pretty useless and you'll get more value by giving it to other party members instead.

Similar to the Merchant, Gadabouts are only really useful for farming enemies and their drops, so you'll want to reclass them later on.

Gadabout Job Class and Best Personality

Sage's Best Equipment

Dragon Quest 3 - Sage

Weapon Destructiball
Gringham Whip
Armor Male: Dragon Robe
Female: Shimmering Dress
Helmet Mythril Helmet
Shield Silver Shield
Accessory Goddess Ring
Starry Bracelet

The best equipment for a Sage is Destructiball and a Shimmering Dress. However, they will mostly be casting spells so you're better off giving the whips to someone else stronger who attacks more often.

Similar to a Priest, you can equip a Sage's Staff for extra heals or a Zombiesbane since its the highest damaging weapon outside of the whips.

Sage Job Class and Best Personality

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1 Anonymous3 months

In your list of accessories page there is no Hero’s Bracelet. Where do you find this item?


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