Dragon Quest 3 HD-2D Remake (DQ3)

Walkthrough Part 5: Portoga to the Tower of Transcendence

Dragon Quest 3 Walkthrough Part 5
This is a walkthrough guide from Portoga to the Tower of Transcendence for Dragon Quest 3 HD-2D Remake (DQ3). Learn what you need to do for each region, as well as points and explanations for how to progress the story.

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Portoga to the Tower of Transcendence Walkthrough Guide

Portoga (Recommended Level 17)

1 Recruit Marin the Seaslime
Explore the city for items and collectables, as well as a friendly Seaslime. When you're done, head to the castle to talk to the King.
* Safe Passage
Inside the castle, there will be three chests surrounded by tiles that damage you. Cast Safe Passage so that you can step on these tiles without hurting yourself.
2 Portoga
Go to the castle and talk to the king to get the Royal Missive. You'll be tasked with giving it to Nordy the dwarf so you can get some Black Pepper in the east.
3 Travel to Nordy
When you're ready, teleport to Asham and head northeast towards Nordy’s Grotto.

Portoga Map and Available Items

Purchase a Spiked Steel Whip From Portoga

Purchase a Spiked Steel Whip
We recommend purchasing a Spiked Steel Whip from Portoga since it's a powerful weapon that will last for a good while. Because it's a whip, it also attacks a whole group of enemies.

How to Get Spiked Steel Whip and Effects

Nordy’s Grotto

1 Nordy
Follow the path through the cave and talk to Nordy. Don't forget to explore the cave and inside the well for hidden items.
2 Go East from Nordy
After reading the letter, Nordy will open up the path east. When you're ready, exit the cave to the other side of the mountain range.
3 Travel to Baharata
From the Nordy’s Grotto, go southeast towards Baharata, gathering any collectables on the way there.
* Travel to Olivia
Optionally, head north first to Olivia's Promontory so you can unlock it as a fast travel location.

Nordy’s Grotto Map and Available Items

Baharata (Recommended Level 18)

1 Baharata Cutscene
When you enter Baharata for the first time, a cutscene will play where Gopal will run off to save his fiancee, Tanaya.

From here, you'll want to head to the Kidnapper's Cave to rescue the couple.
2 Travel to the Kidnapper
Once you're done exploring the town for any upgrades and collectables, head north towards the Kidnapper's Cave.

On the way there, make sure to grab any Sparkly Spots and visit Secret Spots as usual.

Baharata Map and Available Items

Kidnapper’s Cave (Recommended Level 18)

1 Recruit Lecter the Cannibox
Make your way to the second floor, grabbing items and the friendly Cannibox on the way. The layout of the first floor can be confusing so make sure you're constantly checking the map!
2 Kidnapper
Once you reach the hideout, some Robbin’ ’Oodlums ask if you would like to join them. Answer "No" to start combat.

Unlike their first encounter in Skyfell Tower, they now have access to Kasap and Midheal so make sure to preserve your HP and MP.
3 After the battle, activate the switch at the bottom left of the map to free Tanaya and Gopal.
4 Robbin Ood Kidnapper
When you're ready, head back to the hideout to start the second boss fight with Robbin’ ’Ood. Like last time, deal with the lackeys first to stop them from spamming Kasap and healing.
▶ How to Beat Robbin’ ’Ood (Cave)
5 Once you've beaten them a second time, leave the cave and head back to Baharata.
6 Talk to Gopal inside the spice shop, but he will inform you that they've run out of Black Pepper. To get some, you'll need to talk to the merchant in the Alltrades Abbey further north.
8 Travel to the Alltrades Abbey
When you're ready, head north past the Kidnapper's Cave to reach the Alltrades Abbey.

Kidnapper’s Cave Map and Strategy Guide

Robbin’ ’Ood (Cave) Combat Guide

Rec. Level Drops
19 None
Tips to Beat Robbin' 'Ood (Cave)
・Kill the Robbin’ ’Oodlums first.
・Cast Kabuff to increase the party's defense.
・Use Fizzle to seal the Robbin’ ’Oodlums' spells.
・Apply the Dazzle and Sleep status ailments.

How to Beat Robbin’ ’Ood (Cave)

Alltrades Abbey (Recommended Level 20)

1 Recruit Slimon the Slime
Explore the area first to grab any collectables and items, as well as the friendly Slime to the east at night.
2 Obtain the Black Pepper
Talk to the merchant in the temple to grab some Black Pepper for Portoga's King.
* If you wish, you can return to Portoga and give the pepper to the King. This will unlock the boat and allow you to resume the main story.
▶ Theddon to Orochi’s Lair Walkthrough
3 Change Vocations
Before leaving the temple, it's recommended to change your party members Vocations, except for Mages and Priests since you'll want to unlock the Sage Vocation first.

Doing this will reset their levels to 1 and cut their stats in half, but that means they will grow stronger over time and they'll also get to learn new Spells and Abilities.
▶ How to Class Change
* As a note, your party members get to keep their spells and abilities when changing Vocations, so it may be worth holding off on changing classes first until they've learned all the Spells and Abilities that you want.
4 Travel to the Tower of Transcendence
After changing Vocations, head north towards the Tower of Transcendence to get the Words of Wisdom needed to unlock the Sage Vocation.
* Travel to Mur
Alternatively, you could go northeast first to Mur to do a quick sidequest. As usual, visit any Sparkly Spots and Secret Spots on the way.

Alltrades Abbey Map and Available Items

Mur (Recommended Level 21)

1 Mur Cutscene
If you go to Mur, a quick cutscene will play and you will start the short sidequest to get Ortega's Helm.
2 Recruit Shella the Shell Slime
Before continuing, explore the area for items and a friendly Shell Slime. Once you're done, go through the door by the docks.
3 Mur Flashback
When you go through the door to the back of the market, another cutscene will play. Afterwards, head up to the second floor and talk to Petya for one final cutscene.
4 Ortega
Head back down to the first floor and the man behind the counter will give you Ortega's Helmet. Make sure to equip this helmet since it will be the best one you'll have for a while.
5 When you're done here, you can resume your journey to the Tower of Transcendence.

Mur Map and Available Items

Tower of Transcendence (Recommended Level 21)

1 Recruit Alutac the Catula
Head up the tower to the 5th floor. The Words of Wisdom aren't at the top, but you'll need to go there first to access the path to the scroll.

There are a lot of chests and items around the tower so make sure to fully explore it first.
* Metal Slimes
Fights on the 5th floor have a chance of spawning Metal Slimes that reward a ton of EXP when defeated. Use this spot to farm levels, especially if you've just changed Vocations.

However, they're hard to kill so use Weapons or Abilities that instakill, like a Poison Needle or the Thief's Assassin's Stab, to deal with them.
▶ EXP Farming Guide: How to Level Up Fast
2 Fall Off the Rope on the 5th Floor
Once you're at the top, fall of the middle part of the rope to reach the next area. If you're playing on controller, use the D-Pad so that you don't prematurely fall off.
3 Words of Wisdom
Head down to the 2nd floor and grab the Words of Wisdom from the chest. This will allow you to change a character's Vocation to Sage.
4 Once you're done in the tower, return to the Alltrades Abbey and make any final adjustments to your team.
5 When you're ready, teleport back to Portoga and give the Black Pepper to the King. After a cutscene, you'll now be able to sail the seas and collect 6 orbs to continue your quest.
▶ Theddon to Orochi’s Lair Walkthrough
* Portoga Lighthouse
Before going off to explore the world, go directly south to Portoga Lighthouse first to grab any treasures inside, as well as to visit the Secret Spot just to the southwest of it.

Tower of Transcendence Map and Strategy Guide

Dragon Quest 3 HD-2D Remake Related Guides


100% Walkthrough Guide

List of All Story Walkthroughs

All Story Walkthroughs
1 Aliahan to the Path of Promise
2 Romaria to Skyfell Tower
3 Norvik to the Underground Lake
4 Asham to the Pyramid
5 Portoga to the Tower of Transcendence
6 Theddon to Orochi’s Lair
7 Manoza to the Phantom Ship
8 Olivia’s Promontory to Baramos’ Lair
9 Castle of the Dragon Queen to the Craggy Cave
10 Damdara to Zoma’s Citadel
11 Endgame Content


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