Dragon Quest 3 HD-2D Remake (DQ3)

Metal Slime Location and Farming Guide

Metal Slime Farming Guide All Metal Slime Locations
This is a list of Metal Slime farming locations in Dragon Quest 3 HD-2D Remake (DQ3). Read on to learn how to farm Metal Slimes, locations, drops, spells and abilities, and their weaknesses and resistances!

Metal Slime Farming Tips

Set Up a High Attack, High Agility Build

Recommended Weapons for Farming

Weapon Attack Effect
Falcon Blade 55 Allows the user to attack twice per round.
Poison Needle 10 May sometimes kill enemies instantly. Strong against metal types.
Headsman's Axe 148 Has the chance to miss the target entirely.

Here are the weapons we recommend bringing into Metal Slime farming. Since Metal Slimes can run away during battle, we prioritized powerful and fast weapons that can attack twice, or insta-kill enemeies.

Falcon Blade allows you to deal damage twice per round, and the Headsman's Axe has a chance to crit but can also miss entirely.

Poison Needle will be your best counter weapon against Metal Slimes, allowing to potentially eliminate your enemies instantly. If the insta-kill doesn't trigger, it will still do a lot of damage against metal-type enemies..

List of All Weapons

Equip Meteorite Bracer to Double Agility

Accessory Bonus Stats Effect
Meteorite Bracer Does not provide bonus stats. Doubles AGL.

We also recommend wearing the Meteoriite Bracer to double your speed during the battle, ensuring you will get your turn first before the slimes have a chance to run away.

List of All Accessories

Best Spells for Farming

Spell Name Effect
Puff! Transforms into a dragon to unleash a powerful breath attack.
Whistle Calls for a random monster to battle.

We are currently updating this list!

We highly suggest using these skills when farming for Metal Slims to make your grind session more efficient,

Puff! unleashes a super effective fire breath attack on the slime, allowing you to eliminate multiple of them at a time, and Whistle allows you to force an encounter with Metal Slimes.

List of All Spells and Abilities

Use Coagulants

Item Type Description
Coagulant Recovery Item Casts Confuse on one enemy.

Coagulants are also highly recommended to be used when farming for Metal Slimes. Confused Metal Slimes will let you land critical hits easier, which allowing the fight to end much faster, ensuring the hefty 4140 EXP for your party.

However, gathering multiple Coagulants can be difficult as it is pricey, going for 310G at general stores.

Metal Slime Locations

Tower of Transcendence 5F


There's a high chance for Metal Slimes to spawn in the 5th Floor of the Tower of Transcendence, each giving roughly 4140 EXP.

Baramos's Lair

Dragon Quest 3 - Baramos

In Baramos' Lair, Liquid Metal Slimes are more likely to show up, each giving 49848 EXP.

Since this is the final dungeon of the game, there's also a lot of enemies that give a lot of EXP like the Liquid Metal Slime. We recommend farming levels here before defeating Baramos.

Baramos' Lair Map and Strategy Guide

Slime Hills

Alltrades Abbey


Alefgard Slime Island


Metal and Liquid Metal Slimes are more likely to show up in these Slime Hills, making them ideal farming spots.

How to Get to Slime Hill

Recommended Classes for Metal Slime Farming

Thief, Mage, Monster Wrangler, Gadabout

Vocation Description
Thief Thief
  • Can Equip the Poison Needle
  • Can learn Assassin's Stab
  • Metal Slime farming is still viable even after changing vocations
    Assassin's Stab allows for insta-kill chance for metal-type enemies and since skills carry over, you can equip other Vocations to continue grinding,
  • Mage Mage
  • Can Equip the Poison Needle
    The Mage will use the Poison Needle to deal super effective damage against the Metal Slimes.
  • Monster Wrangler Monster Wrangler
  • Can attack multiple times with the skill, Monster Pile-On
    Monster Pile-On has a chacne to attack multiple times, allowing for the Monster Wranglers to hit and eliminate several enemies at once.
  • Gadabout Gadabout
  • Can learn Whisper to make grinding efficient
    Whistle can force encounters of Metal Slimes in certain areas like in Slime Hill.
  • This is the recommended party for early-game Metal Slime Farming for players who wish to raise their level efficiently.

    Both Thief and Mage will wield the super effective weapon, Poison Needle, while the Monster Wrangler will use the AoE skill, Monster Pile-On to hit multiple enemies at once. The Gadabout can summon and force Metal Slime encounters for the party with Whistle.

    Best Starting Party

    Martial Artist, Mage, Sage, Warrior

    Vocation Description
    Martial Artist Martial Artist
  • Can hit critical hits easier
    Martial Artists can deal a lot of damage with their heightened critical rate. This allows them to potentially insta-skill Slimes during farming,.
  • Mage Mage
  • Can use Puff! to deal big damage against Metal Slimes
    Puff! unleashes a very powerful fire breath attack that is very effective against Metal Slimes, potentially taking multiple of them out at once.
  • Sage Sage
    Warrior Warrior
  • Can learn Metal Slash
  • Can use Headsman's Axe to deal critical damage
    Metal Slash is a skill that deals extra damage on metal-type enemies, combined with Headsman's Axe allows the Warrior to be a powerhouse in grinding.
  • These classes are meant for late-game farming, perfect for farming around Baramos' Lair and other late-game areas.

    The Martial Artist and Warrior will try to deal critical damage to Metal Slimes, potentially killing them with one hit while the Sage or Mage in your team will summon a dragon with Puff! to use its fire breath to deal damage to multiple enemies.

    When to Change Class and Vocation

    Metal Slime Drops

    Seed of Agility

    Item Type Description
    Seed of Agility Seed Increases Agility stat by 1-3 points.

    Metal Slimes are worth farming due to them dropping Seeds of Agility, which can allow players to raise their characters' Agility stat apart from just leveling up.

    List of Seeds

    Metal Slime Moveset

    Metal Slime Spells and Abilities

    Spell/Skill MP Cost/Effect
    Oomph MP Cost: 6MP
    Effect: Doubles the attack power of one ally.
    Frizzle MP Cost: 6MP
    Effect: Deals 80 damage to one enemy.

    List of All Spells and Abilities

    Metal Slime Weaknesses and Stats

    Stats and Information

    HP MP Gold EXP
    4 12 6 4140

    Weakness and Resistances

    Weakness None
    Resistance Frizzle, Sizz, Bang, Crack, Woosh, Physical Attacks

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