Dragon Quest 3 HD-2D Remake (DQ3)

Hero's Name and Gender

Dragon Quest 3 HD-2D Remake Protagonist Canon Name and Gender
This is a guide to the hero's name and gender in Dragon Quest 3 HD-2D Remake (DQ3). Learn the hero's canon name in Dragon Quest 3 HD-2D Remake (DQ3) and see whether the hero's gender matters in the game.

Hero Canon Name

Game Refers to the Main Character as Hero

Protagonist is Called the Hero
For most of the game, the protagonist is simply called Hero for the male protagonist and Heroine for the female protagonist. The protagonist's name here can be up to the player's choice.

However, in other media, Arus is the commonly used name for the Dragon Quest 3 protagonist to help differentiate them from the other Dragon Quest protagonists.

Does the Protagonist Have a Canon Name?

Does the Hero's Gender Matter?

Some Personalities are Exclusive

Male Exclusive Personalities Female Exclusive Personalities
・Lucky Devil

The names of the personalities are based on the mobile and Switch version of Dragon Quest III: The Seeds of Salvation.

There are two personalities that are exclusive for the male protagonist and four exclusive personalities for the female protagonist. Keep these in mind when as personalities alter the stats of your protagonist.

List of All Personality Types

Some Equipment are Exclusive to the Female Protagonist

Female Exclusive Equipment
Siren Sword Scandalous Swimsuit Leather Dress
Silk Robe Magical Skirt Party Dress
Magic Bikini Blessed Bikini Shimmering Dress
Fur Hood Rabbit Ears Silver Tiara
Garter Golden Tiara Leg Warmers

The original version of Dragon Quest 3 introduces the Siren Sword and Scandalous Swimsuit as female exclusive equipment. The later remake versions added 13 new equipment.

Can You Change Gender and Appearance?

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