Dragon Quest 3 HD-2D Remake (DQ3)

List of Seeds

Dragon Quest 3 HD-2D Remake (DQ3) - List of Seeds

This guide provides a list of seeds you can use to raise stats in Dragon Quest 3 HD-2D Remake (DQ3). See a list of seeds here, and learn how to get seeds and what seeds are in this guide.

List of Seeds

List of All Seeds in Dragon Quest 3 Remake

Item Type Description
Seed of Agility Seed Increases Agility stat by 1-3 points.
Seed of Defense Seed Increases Defense stat by 1-3 points.
Seed of Life Seed Raises the maximum HP by 2-5 points.
Seed of Luck Seed Increases Luck stat by 1-3 points.
Seed of Magic Seed Raises the maximum MP by 2-3 points.
Seed of Stamina Seed Increases Stamina stat by 1-3 points.
Seed of Strength Seed Increases Strength stat by 1-3 points.
Seed of Wisdom Seed Increases Intelligence stat by 1-3 points.

These are all the seeds available in the game. You can get them by defeating enemies or stealing from them, and use them to raise stats later on.

How to Get Seeds

How to Get Seeds

Defeat Enemies

Dragon Quest 3 - Hero Class

Enemies can drop seeds upon defeat, so make sure to defeat as many as you can, especially if you're farming for seeds.

Seed Farming Guide

Steal from Enemies

Dragon Quest 3 - Thief Skill Screen.

Another way to obtain seeds is by stealing from enemies. You can do this by changing your vocation to the Thief Job Class, or even forming a team of all thieves to increase your chances of getting more seeds from enemies!

List of All Vocations

Check Towns and Dungeons

Dragon Quest 3 HD-2D Remake (DQ3) - Seeds Town

Seeds can also be found in towns and dungeons, usually in hidden places like desks. Be sure to check all the interactable objects in each town and dungeon to avoid missing any of these seeds.

Map and Location Guides
List of Towns List of Dungeons

What are Seeds?

Used to Raise Raw Stats

Dragon Quest 3 HD-2D Remake (DQ3) - Stats
Seeds are a returning feature from the original game that allow you to raise your stats, helping you become more powerful as you progress. Each seed provides stat boosts to certain attributes, with each use granting at least one point to that stat, or more!

New Features and Differences From the Original

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Dragon Quest 3 HD-2D Remake Guides and Wiki
Dragon Quest 3 HD-2D Remake Wiki Front

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