Dragon Quest 3 HD-2D Remake (DQ3)

All Missables and Points of No Return

Dragon Quest 3 - All Missables and Points of No Return
This is a list of all missables and points of no return in Dragon Quest 3 HD-2D Remake (DQ3). Read on to learn more about all missables in the game so you won't pass them by in the game.

List of All Missables and Points of No Return

All Missables

Character Appearances

Dragon Quest 3 - Can You Change Gender and Appearance Menu

Once you've selected the appearance of your hero when creating your Adventure Log, you will no longer be able to change it later in the game. The same goes for all your companions' appearances when you've chosen them from Luidae's Tavern.

Once you've progressed the game and reached the Dharma Temple, you will be able to change your companions' appearances for 100G. Do note that these only apply to your companion, meaning that the hero's appearance remains permanent.

Can You Change Gender and Appearance?

Hero Appearances Have Exclusive Personalities

Dragon Quest 3 - Can You Change Gender and Appearance Female

Some personalities are exclusive to what appearances you've chosen for your hero. Make sure to consider the personality you wish to equip when choosing the appearances for your hero, as they remain are unchangeable later in the game.

All Personality Quiz Answers and Questions List

Character Personality

Dragon Quest 3 HD-2D Remake (DQ3) - Seeds Town

Personality changes achieved through Seed Items are irreversible and cannot be undone, so consider using these items when changing personalities.

For changes done through equipment, the effects remain only if said equipment is used by the character.

How to Change Party Personality with Seeds

True Name

Dragon Quest 3 - Does the Protagonist Have a Canon Name True Name

The 'True Name' that is asked and prompted to you at the start of the game cannot be changed later throughout your progression.

True Name Guide

Golden Crown

Dragon Quest 3 - All Missables and Points of No Return Golden Crown

After you've obtained the Golden Crown, you can come back to Romaria and return the crown to the King. An event will unfold in which you are crowned the King of Romaria, earning you an achievement that unlocks a trophy.

Do note that once you've returned the Golden Crown, you will not be able to acquire it again. The story progresses even if the crown is not returned, so you can choose to keep it if you want.

Merchant Town Name

Dragon Quest 3 - All Missables and Points of No Return Merchant

The name of the Merchant Town that you'll visit in the game can be changed once you've decided to leave your merchant companion with the old man. The name will be changed to 'Merchant Name + Berk', so try not to give your merchants any weird names.

Additionally, the merchant that you'll leave in the town will not return to your party until the town is fully developed. It is recommended that you create a new Merchant companion in Luidae's Tavern to prevent your party from being reduced.

Merchant Job Class and Best Personality

Limited Items

Dragon Quest 3 - All Missables and Points of No Return Limited Items

There are limited items in the game that can no longer be acquired once you've sold them. There will be a prompt by the game if you attempt to sell a limited item, so make sure you wisely consider the transaction before continuing.

Access to Shop in Faerie Village

Dragon Quest 3 - All Missables and Points of No Return Faerie Village

If you've used the Mod Rod in the Faerie Village, you can gain access to the Item Shop found in the area. Once you've discarded it, you will no longer be able to access the shop.

Faerie Village Map and Available Items

Reclaim Mod Rod in Monster Arena

Dragon Quest 3 - All Missables and Points of No Return Monster Arena

In the remake, the Mod Rod can be won as a reward in the Monster Arena Tournament. This means that you'll be able to visit the shop again even after discarding the staff from your inventory.

Monster Arena Tournament Guide

Dragon Quest 3 HD-2D Remake (DQ3) Related Guides

Dragon Quest 3 HD-2D Remake Guides and Wiki
Dragon Quest 3 HD-2D Remake Wiki Front

Dragon Quest 3 HD-2D Remake Guides

List of Categories
DQ3 WalkthroughWalkthrough Dragon Quest 3 - Tips and Tricks Partial BannerTips and Tricks
DQ3 PersonalitiesPersonalities Dragon Quest 3 HD-2D VocationsClasses
DQ3 BossesBosses Maps Partial Maps
DQ3 Spells and AbilitiesSpells and Abilities Dragon Quest 3 HD-2D Remake MonstersMonsters
Dragon Quest 3 - Monster ArenaMonster Arena Dragon Quest 3 HD-2D Remake (DQ3) WeaponsWeapons
Dragon Quest 3 HD-2D Remake (DQ3) ArmorArmor Dragon Quest 3 HD-2D Remake (DQ3) ShieldsShields
Dragon Quest 3 HD-2D Remake (DQ3) HelmetsHelmets Dragon Quest 3 HD-2D Remake (DQ3) AccessoriesAccessories
Dragon Quest 3 HD-2D Remake (DQ3) - ItemsItems Dragon Quest 3 HD-2D Remake (DQ3) - Seeds PartialSeeds
Dragon Quest 3 HD-2D Remake (DQ3) - Books PartialBooks DQ3 NewsNews and Game Info

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1 drlovecatabout 2 months

When you won the monster tournament LV 8, You can buy item in Elven village again. Mod rod is prize for LV8 winner.


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