Dragon Quest 3 HD-2D Remake (DQ3)

Best Starting Personality

Dragon Quest 3 - Best Starting Personality
The best starting personalities in the game are Vamp, Paragon, and Tough Cookie in Dragon Quest 3 HD-2D Remake (DQ3). Read on to learn more on why those are the best personalities in the game, and the stats they provide for your characters.

Personality Guides
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Best Starting Personalities

Vamp (Female-Exclusive for Heroes)

Vamp Dragon Quest 3 - C Dragon Quest 3 - D Dragon Quest 3 - B Dragon Quest 3 - C Dragon Quest 3 - C Dragon Quest 3 - B

The best personality for Heroines is Vamp. This is because you'll get an increase in every single stat, leaving you with fewer weaknesses the more you level up.

However, this personality is exclusive to female heroes and you'll get Charmer instead if you're a male.

All Personality Quiz Answers


Paragon Dragon Quest 3 - S Dragon Quest 3 - D Dragon Quest 3 - G Dragon Quest 3 - D Dragon Quest 3 - G Dragon Quest 3 - G

The Hero is only meant to use spells for emergencies, and they'll primarily be a physical attacker for the entirety of the game. Taking this into account, one of the best starting choices for the Hero is Paragon since it's the highest Strength increasing personality available.

Kill 2 or Less People During the Monster Scenario

To get the Paragon personality, you'll need to kill 0-2 people during the Monster scenario of the Personality Quiz in the game. It's best to leave the village right away since you'll get a different personality if you kill too many people.

Tough Cookie

Tough Cookie Dragon Quest 3 - B Dragon Quest 3 - A Dragon Quest 3 - E Dragon Quest 3 - S Dragon Quest 3 - F Dragon Quest 3 - G

If you want a more defensive choice, you can go for Tough Cookie since it gives the highest defensive stat increase while also giving a solid boost to Strength. It also has a lower Agility decrease than Valiant, making a Hero with this personality noticeably faster than that variation.

Push 40+ Rocks During the Forest Scenario

To get the Tough Cookie personality, you'll need to push at least 40+ rocks to the old man in the Forest scenario of the Personality Quiz in the game. This will take a long time to accomplish, but it will be worth it in the end.

Answer "Yes" Twice During the Castle Scenario

To get the Vamp personality, you will need to say "Yes" twice to the Minister in the Castle scenario. He can be found in the rightmost room of the Castle once you go down the stairs.

Don't Recommend Other Personalities

It's not recommended to divert from these choices since personalities dictate your stat growth while levelling up. Since the Hero can't change vocations, you'll be stuck with whatever stats you get when levelling up.

As a note, even if you can make an Intelligence build that revolves around the Zap spells, it's better off leaving spell-slinging to Mages and Sages who are better tailored for that role.

Personality Guide: All Personalities List

Can Use Stat Seeds to Fix Bad Stats

Even if you can't reclass in the Dharma Temple to reset the Hero's stats, you can always use stat seeds to increase whatever low stats you have.

However, it's still recommended to pick a strong starting personality so that you won't have to worry about this in the late game.

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