Dragon Quest 3 HD-2D Remake (DQ3)

All Personality Quiz Answers and Questions List

Dragon Quest 3 Personality Quiz Answers
The personality quiz will dictate your starting personality in Dragon Quest 3 HD-2D Remake (DQ3). Check out the best starting personalities you can get and the answers, questions, and actions to get each personality.

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Personality Quiz Mechanics

Hero's Personality Depends on Answers and Actions

The personality quiz will give you multiple questions to answer, and depending on the questions asked and how you answer them, you'll be given a scenario that dictates your personality. The personality that you get is dependent on the scenario that you get and what you do in it.

Recommend Picking a Female Heroine

If you don't have a preference for the main character's gender, we recommend picking a female Heroine since the Vamp personality is the best one you can get, but it's exclusive to female characters.

Best Starting Personalities

Vamp (Female-Exclusive for Heroes)

Vamp Dragon Quest 3 - C Dragon Quest 3 - D Dragon Quest 3 - B Dragon Quest 3 - C Dragon Quest 3 - C Dragon Quest 3 - B

The best personality for Heroines is Vamp. This is because you'll get an increase in every single stat, leaving you with fewer weaknesses the more you level up.

However, this personality is exclusive to female heroes and you'll get Charmer instead if you're a male.

How to Get the Castle Scenario


Paragon Dragon Quest 3 - S Dragon Quest 3 - D Dragon Quest 3 - G Dragon Quest 3 - D Dragon Quest 3 - G Dragon Quest 3 - G

The Hero is only meant to use spells for emergencies, and they'll primarily be a physical attacker for the entirety of the game. Taking this into account, one of the best starting choices for the Hero is Paragon since it's the highest Strength increasing personality available.

Kill 2 or Less People During the Monster Scenario

To get the Paragon personality, you'll need to kill 0-2 people during the Monster scenario. It's best to leave the village right away since you'll get a different personality if you kill too many people.

How to Get the Monster Scenario

Tough Cookie

Tough Cookie Dragon Quest 3 - B Dragon Quest 3 - A Dragon Quest 3 - E Dragon Quest 3 - S Dragon Quest 3 - F Dragon Quest 3 - G

If you want a more defensive choice, you can go for Tough Cookie since it gives the highest defensive stat increase while also giving a solid boost to Strength. It also has a lower Agility decrease than Valiant, making a Hero with this personality noticeably faster than that variation.

Push 40+ Rocks During the Forest Scenario

To get the Tough Cookie personality, you'll need to push at least 40+ rocks to the old man in the Forest scenario. This will take a long time to accomplish, but it will be worth it in the end.

How to Get the Forest Scenario

Answer "Yes" Twice During the Castle Scenario

To get the Vamp personality, you will need to say "Yes" twice to the Minister in the Castle scenario. He can be found in the rightmost room of the Castle once you go down the stairs.

How to Get the Castle Scenario

Don't Recommend Other Personalities

It's not recommended to divert from these choices since personalities dictate your stat growth while levelling up. Since the Hero can't change vocations, you'll be stuck with whatever stats you get when levelling up.

As a note, even if you can make an Intelligence build that revolves around the Zap spells, it's better off leaving spell-slinging to Mages and Sages who are better tailored for that role.

Can Use Stat Seeds to Fix Bad Stats

Even if you can't reclass in the Dharma Temple to reset the Hero's stats, you can always use stat seeds to increase whatever low stats you have.

However, it's still recommended to pick a strong starting personality so that you won't have to worry about this in the late game.

Personality Quiz Question Guide

The left side of the table will show you the question that's asked and its associated number. Choosing Yes or No will then lead you to the number of the next question you should jump to.

First Question

Question Yes No
1 Is life boring? 7 9
2 Do you believe that the sun in the sky above is the king of all nature...? 14 8
3 Is adventuring a hardship? 6 8
4 Does victory come in battle? 15 6
5 Do you feel more confident with strong equipment as opposed to taking allies? 8 16

Subsequent Questions

Question Yes No
6 Do you enjoy talking with town people? 7 8
7 You see a cave. Do you have an urge to explore it? 10 5
8 Do you spend more on weapons than armor? 10 9
9 Do you help people in trouble? 11 12
10 Rather than an expensive nearby inn, would you go to a cheap inn that's far away? 14 13
11 Do you have trouble sleeping because you are thinking too much? 14 13
12 Do you prefer the mountains to the sea? 31 13
13 Do you find boredom annoying? 25 14
14 Do you dream often? 18 15
15 Do you prefer magic to a sword? 16 19
16 Do you wonder what it's like to fly? 17 20
17 Do you think birds are free? 21 22
18 Do you ever dream of being pursued? 19 25
19 Do you find the company of unfamiliar people tiresome...? 20 23
20 Do you trust in the words of those who tell fortunes...? 21 25
21 If you could be reborn, would it be as a prince or a princess? 23 22
22 Do you find it difficult to turn down others' requests? 38 23
23 Are you able to prevent failure from preying upon your mind...? 24 40
24 Do you find yourself unable to argue with others, even if you disagree with them strongly...? 34 25
25 Do you enjoy physical activity? 31 26
26 Are cats cuter than dogs? 27 28
27 Is it wrong to be attracted to a friend's lover? 28 29
28 Do you get embarrassed by other's praise? 29 30
29 Do you worry about what others think of the way you dress? 30 30
30 Do you enjoy physical activity? Village 40
31 Do little things bother you? 32 34
32 Do you put your thoughts into action right away? 33 36
33 Do you have confidence in your beliefs no matter what? Desert 36
34 Do you believe that a promise, once made, can under no circumstances be broken...? 35 36
35 Do you believe in Gods? Monster 36
36 Do you get busy with one thing and lose sight of other goals? 37 48
37 Do you save your favourite food for last? 43 49
38 Do you daydream to amuse yourself? 39 40
39 If there were one wish in the world you could have come true, could you say that wish right now? Tower 41
40 Do you have many friends? 42 41
41 Do you often dwell on the past? 43 42
42 Are you bothered by gossip? 43 44
43 Do you think the world has more sadness than happiness? Forest 45
44 If you're conned, do you share some of the responsibility? Theater 45
45 Do you want to grow up quickly? 47 46
46 If something is unattainable, do you only want it more? Cave 47
47 If you hold onto a dream long enough, will it come true? Cave Theater
48 Do you hold anything precious? Castle 49
49 Do you trip on a boulder and blame yourself? Castle Cave

Final Scenarios

Jump to Scenario
Village Desert
Monster Tower
Forest Theater
Cave Castle


How to Get the Village Scenario
Answer "Yes" until you reach "If your opinion differs from someone, would you rather let it go?" Answer "No" twice and then "Yes" to every question after that.
Choices and Actions Personality
Check the dresser and steal the purse. Reveal that you stole it. Show-Off
Check the dresser and steal the purse. Don't say that you stole it. Slippery Devil
Leave the village without taking the purse. Shrinking Violet


How to Get the Desert Scenario
Answer "Yes" until you reach "If your opinion differs from someone, would you rather let it go?" Answer "No" to the question and then "Yes" to every question after that.
Choices and Actions Personality
Grab the canteen and head to town.
Carry the brother into town. Idealist
Give the brother the canteen and head to town. Daredevil


How to Get the Monster Scenario
Answer "Yes" to every question asked.
Choices and Actions Personality
Kill 2 or less people Paragon
Kill 3+ people, and kill a woman or old person, but no children.
Kill 3+ people, including children. Egghead
Kill 3+ people, but not women, old people, or children. Spoilt Brat
Kill 9+ people, but not the man hiding near the inn. Klutz


How to Get the Tower Scenario
Answer "Yes" until you reach "If you could be reborn, would you like to be reborn as a prince or a princess?" Answer "No" to the question and then "Yes" to every question after that.
Choices and Actions Personality
Jump off the tower. Daydreamer
Go down using the stairs. Socialite


How to Get the Forest Scenario
Answer "Yes" until you reach "Is it unforgivable to break a promise no matter what?" Answer "No" to the question, and then "Yes" to every question after that.
Choices and Actions Personality
Push 0-1 Rocks Lazybones
Push 2-5 Rocks Show-Off
Push 6-19 Rocks Plugger
Push 20-39 Rocks Drudge
Push 40+ Rocks Tough Cookie


How to Get the Theater Scenario
Answer "No" to every question asked.
Choices and Actions Personality
Leave the Theatre Free Spirit
Reply "Yes" to the man who wants to marry Ponny. Crybaby
Reply "No" to the man who wants to marry Ponny. Lone Wolf
"Play Dumb" when responding to the man who wants to marry Ponny. Lout


How to Get the Cave Scenario
Answer "Yes" until you reach "Is it unforgivable to break a promise no matter what?" Answer "No" to every question once that's been asked.
Choices and Actions Personality
Ignore the first sign Narcissist
Ignore the second and subsequent signs Sore Loser
Follow the signs and go for the Treasure Chests Scatterbrain
Follow the signs and save the lady Straight Arrow
Follow the signs and go up the stairs Mule


How to Get the Castle Scenario
Answer "Yes" until you reach "Do you believe that a promise, once made, can under no circumstances be broken?" Answer "No" three times and then "Yes" to every question after that.
Choices and Actions Personality
Talk to the chancellor and say "Yes" → "Yes" Vamp
Talk to the chancellor and say "Yes" → "No" → "Yes" Wit
Talk to the chancellor and say "Yes" → "No" → "No" → "Yes" Clown
Talk to the chancellor and say "No" → "Yes" Wit
Talk to the chancellor and say"No" → "No" Good Egg
Leave the Castle Happy Camper

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2 Anonymous4 months

I have different questions than here? why is it?

1 CyberGhost424 months

It's worth noting there's one other personality you can start with. After the Quiz but before you speak with the king you can turn around and talk with your mother, telling her you won't see the King 3 times and then tell her you won't stay out of trouble will cause her to leave and change your personality to Contrarian. Telling her you will stay out of trouble will change it to Mule insteald. Note that this happens before the first save point and happened to me after pushing all 40 rocks....


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