Dragon Quest 3 HD-2D Remake (DQ3)

When to Change Class and Vocation

Dragon Quest 3 - When to Change Vocations

It is recommeded to reclass at Level 20 for any class and vocation in Dragon Quest 3 HD-2D Remake. Learn more about when to specifically level up your party members and which vocation to reclass to here!

When to Change Class and Vocation

Recommended Levels to Change Vocation

Old Class Level New Class
Warrior Warrior 21
Thief Thief
Martial Artist Martial Artist - Final Job Candidate
Mage Mage 21
Sage Sage
Priest Priest 23
Thief Thief
Merchant Merchant 20
Thief Thief
Sage Sage
Gadabout Gadabout 20
Sage Sage
Thief Thief 20
Sage Sage
Sage Sage 40
Thief Thief
Monster Wrangler Monster Wrangler 44

This is a summary of all recommended vocations to change to with their recommended level.

List of Jobs and Vocations


Old Class Level New Class
Warrior Warrior 21
Thief Thief

Reclass if you want more Speed
Reclass if you wish to learn more useful skills
Reclass if you want a plain Strength upgrade

Warriors will learn the skill, Mercurial Thrust at level 21, so we recommend learning that skill before reclassing to other vocations.

Which vocation you choose to reclass to depends on what you need for your Warrior. If you wish to increase your speed, pick Thief, for more skills to learn, we recommend reclassing to Merchant, and if you just want a plain upgrade of Strength, we recommend reclassing to Martial Artist.

Warrior Job Class and Best Personality

Martial Artist

Old Class Level New Class
Monster Wrangler Monster Wrangler 44 Martial Artist Martial Artist
(Final Class Pick)

Martial Artist is the ideal final class for characters leaning towards a Physical vocation, such as Warrior or Monster Wrangler.

Since Martial Artist's critical rate increases with their level, it's ideal for them to continue leveling up to increase this stat.

We recommend only reclassing later to Martial Artist and not starting with it, since players can learn more skills from other classes and then reclassing for the late game campaign.

Martial Artist Job Class and Best Personality


Old Class Level New Class
Mage Mage 21
Thief Thief

Reclass if you want more Speed
Reclass with Oomph skill

We recommend that all Mages should reclass to Sage when possible, to gain access to more powerful offensive and support skills.

Normally, Sages are only available naturally throughout the Gadabout class but with the item, Words of Wisdom, Mages can reclass to Sage.

Reclass to Warrior After Learning Oomph

Mages who have learned the spell Oomph, a spell that doubles a party member's attack, can reclass to Warrior to benefit from the attack buff.

This means that the party will have less magic users so only reclass when you think you need more physical attackers.

Mage Job Class and Best Personality


Old Class Level New Class
Priest Priest 23
Reclass if you want more Strength
Thief Thief

Reclass if you want more Speed

Priests learn the skills Midheal, which restores a moderate amount of HP, at level 22 and the revival spell Zing, at level 23 so it's recommended to reclass after learning these spells.

Priests can reclass to Thief or Warrior depending if you wish to build more Speed or Strength onto your character.

Priest Job Class and Best Personality


Old Class Level New Class
Merchant Merchant 20 Move From and To:
Sage Sage

Reclass if you want more Magic
Thief Thief

Reclass if you want more Speed
Reclass if you want more Strength

We do not recommend staying in the Merchant vocation as a party member's final vocation, so we recommend reclassing at level 20 after learning the ShopCall skill at level 17.

Depending on how you want to build your Merchant, you can reclass to Warrior for a Strength build, Gadabout to Sage for a Magic build, and Thief for an Agility build.

Merchant Job Class and Best Personality


Old Class Level New Class
Gadabout Gadabout 20 Sage Sage

The Gadabout is a class that doesn't have good combat-oriented skills so reclassing immediately to Sage as soon as you hit level 20 would be recommended.

Since Gadaboiut is the only class that can naturally reclass to Sage, there is no need to use the Words of Wisdom item when reclassing,

Reclass at Level 45 For Channel Anger

The Gadabout has access to a spell, Channel Anger, that buffs all magic attacks at Level 45, so it might be best to wait until then before reclassing to Sage.

Having Channel Anger in your character will have great synergy with Sage as the best magic caster in the game.

Gadabout Job Class and Best Personality


Old Class Level New Class
Sage Sage 20 Thief Thief
(Final Class Pick)

Another final Vocation candidate, it's good to reclass to Thief after mastering the Sage class to be the fastest healer in your party.

Reclasing into Sage Is Viable

Old Class Level New Class
Thief Thief 20 Sage Sage
(Final Class Pick)

It is also possible to reclass to Sage with Words of Wisdom from the Thief class, if you wish to have a higher Magic stat.

Thief Job Class and Best Personality


Old Class Level New Class
Sage Sage 40
Reclass for a well-rounded DPS
Thief Thief

Reclass if you want more Speed

Sage is another final Vocation candidate, but reclassing to Thief is viable to build up your Agility or reclass to Martial Artist for an all-rounder DPS unit.

It is also possible to stay as a Sage as your final class but since this vocation levels up slower than other vocation, we recommend mastering other classes first before reclassing into Sage.

Sage Job Class and Best Personality

Monster Wrangler

Old Class Level New Class
Monster Wrangler Monster Wrangler 44 Martial Artist Martial Artist

After your Monster Wrangler learns the skill Wild Side, which allows them to attack twice, you can reclass them into a Martial Artist to increase their DPS for the team.

You can opt to master this class and learn all the skills as well, then reclass to the Martial Artist vocation.

Monster Wrangler Job Class Guide

Best Final Classes

Sage For Magic Users

Dragon Quest 3 - Sage Class

For party members with a high Magic stat, we recommend the Sage Vocation as their final class.

With the Sage class, your party members can learn both attack spells and support and healing spells to help the party out.

The downside is, unless you have the Gadabout class, you will need the Words of Wisdom item, which is obtainable in the Tower of Transcendence dungeon, to reclass into Sage.

Sage Job Class and Best Personality

Martial Artist for Physical Users

Dragon Quest 3 - Martial Artist Class

For physical attackers, we recommend the Martial Artist Vocation as their final class.

The Martial Artist has the ability to hit easy Critical hits which deals a lot of damage. Coupled with mastering skills from the Warrior or Monster Wrangler class, this is a Vocation you wouldn't want to miss out on in your final party.

Martial Artist Job Class and Best Personality

How to Change Classes

Visit Alltrades Abbey

Dragon Quest 3 - Alltrades Abbey

Party members can have their Vocation changed at Alltrades Abbey and speaking to the priest at the altar. They must be Level 20 or higher to qualify for changing to one of the 7 Vocations available in game.

Note that the Hero cannot reclass into another Vocation.

How to Class Change

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