Metroid Dread (Switch)

Version 2.1.0 Free Update Patch Notes

Metroid Dread Second Free Update

The second free update for Metroid Dread was released on April 8, 2022. Read on to see an update summary of Version 2.1.0, including the new Boss Rush, Survival Rush, Dread Rush, and Practice Modes, as well as patch notes.

Several New Game Modes Added

Boss Rush Mode

Metroid Dread Boss Rush Mode

This new game mode was first teased during the release of the first free update of Metroid Dread on February 10, 2022, and it has now finally been released. In this mode, you can participate in 12 continuous boss battles and aim for the best time.

Your health is not replenished between each battle, but your ammo supply is restocked. Though you can restart a boss fight after losing, this will result in a time penalty so it best to avoid taking damage as much as possible.

Boss Rush Mode Differences and How to Unlock

Survival Rush Mode

Metroid Dread Survival Rush Mode

In Survival Rush Mode, you are locked into a 5-minute time limit and will need to defeat as many bosses as you can within that time frame. Neither your health nor ammo is replenished between battles. However, you receive additional time after defeating each boss.

Survival Rush Mode Differences and How to Unlock

Dread Rush Mode

Metroid Dread Samus Dread Rush

Dread Rush combines the elements of Dread Mode and Boss Rush, creating an incredibly challenging mode for veteran players. Like Boss Rush Mode, you will need to fight 12 bosses consecutively, but any hit from the boss or its projectiles will immediately result in a game over.

Dread Rush Mode Differences and How to Unlock

Practice Mode

Metroid Drad Practice Mode Time Elapsed

Practice Mode is the final game mode added to the update. In this mode, you can battle each boss in Boss Rush mode individually to practice and hone your skills. You can also compare your current run with your best time to see how much you've improved or still need to improve.

Practice Mode Differences and How to Unlock

Additional Bug Fixes

New Details and Fixes
BUG FIX: The Game Over screen would not display properly when Samus takes damage and is defeated immediately after destroying a central unit

Several other improvements and fixes were made to improve the overall performance and gameplay of Metroid Dread. You can read a full list of patch notes on the Nintendo Support Website to find out more!

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