Metroid Dread (Switch)

Dairon Area Map and 100% Items Guide

Metroid Dread Dairon.png

This is a 100% items guide to Dairon, one of the areas found in planet ZDR in Metroid Dread for the Nintendo Switch. Read on to learn about all the enemies, bosses, and upgrades found in Dairon and find out how to navigate the Dairon map in order to locate all the stations, teleportals, elevators, missile tanks, and energy tanks!

Dairon Map

Complete Dairon Map

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Icon Description
Samus Icon.png Samus
The Samus icon on the map shows Samus' current location.
Save Station Save Station
Save stations allow you to save the current progress of your game and are found in yellow zones.
Network Station Icon.png Network Station
You can use Network Stations found in yellow zones to contact your ship and save your progress.
Map Station Icon.png Network Station
You can visit a Map Station to download the map data of certain area and save your progress.
Ammo Recharge Station Icon.pngEnergy Recharge Station Icon.pngTotal Recharge Station Icon.png Recharge Station
Recharge Stations can replenish Samus' energy and missiles. There are three types of Recharge Stations: Ammo (Red), Energy (Pink) and Total Recharge Stations (Yellow).
Teleportal Icon.png Teleportal
Teleportals are found in specific sections of the map and can be used to warp to a different area. There are different colors of teleportals that link to each other.
Missile Tank Icon.png Missile Tank
Missile Tanks are found in hidden areas around the map and can increase your missile capacity.
Energy Tank Icon.png Energy Tank
Energy Tanks are found in hidden areas around the map and can increase Samus' maximum health.
Elevator Icon.png Elevator
Elevators can bring Samus to another area in planet ZDR.
Interactable Icon.png Interactables
Interactables are buttons, switches, or other devices that Samus can interact with to manipulate the environment.

Dairon Objectives

Dairon Objectives.png

Dairon Objectives
Activate the First Generator in Dairon
Obtain the Wide Beam
Encounter the Yellow EMMI in Dairon
Return to Cataris to Defeat the Green EMMI
Return to Dairon after defeating Kraid
Learn about Dairon from Adam
Activate the Second Generator in Dairon
Obtain the Bomb Upgrade
Head to Burenia to Obtain Flash Shift
Defeat the Yellow EMMI and Obtain Speed Booster

All Items in Dairon

Missile Tanks

All Dairon Missile Tank Locations

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Missile Tank No. How to Get

Missile Tank 01
Shoot the ceiling to reveal this Missile Tank. You can also use Bombs on the floor in the room above and use the Grapple Beam, but it is not required.
Required Ability:
Morph Ball

Missile Tank 02
Use Morph Ball and Bombs to break the blocks to get the item.
Required Ability:
Morph Ball

Missile Tank 03
Use Morph Ball Bombs halfway up the wall on the right to find this Missile Tank.
Required Ability:
Morph Ball

Missile Tank 04
After getting the Speed Booster, perform a Shinespark in this location.
Required Ability:
Speed Booster

Missile Tank 05
Use the Speed Booster to break throught he Speed Booster Block. The Missile Tank is in the next room in a Morph Ball-sized hole.
Required Ability:
Morph Ball
Speed Booster

Missile Tank 06 (Missile+ Tank)
Start from behind the EMMI Door just before the Ammo Recharge Station. Use the Speed Booster to perform a series of wall jumps to get this Missile+ Tank.
Required Ability:
Speed Booster

Missile Tank 07
From the upper left side of the room, use the Grapple Beam to reach this Missile Tank.
Required Ability:
Grapple Beam

Missile Tank 08
After arriving in Diaron from the Elevator leading to Ghavoran, go staight and there will be a Missile Tank in a room with extreme cold.
Required Ability:
Morph Ball
Gravity Suit

Missile Tank 09
Access this area by destroying the Beem Blocks in the floor of the room with the Energy Part above lava. Continue down to the long room full of lava and use the Speed Booster to break the right wall to find a Missile Tank.
Required Ability:
Speed Booster
Gravity Suit

Missile Tank 10
Space Jump to the upper right corner of the room and use the Grapple Beam to clear the way. Turn into a Morph Ball to get this Missile Tank.
Required Ability:
Morph Ball
Space Jump
Gravity Suit

Missile Tank 11
Use the Speed Booster starting from the patch of ice and store a Shinespark. Jump up to the ledge and use the Shinespark to destroy the wall. Next Use the Screw Attack in to break the blocks in the lower left corner of the area you just opend up and drop down. Use the Speed Booster again to break the left wall to find this Missile Tank.
Required Ability:
Speed Booster
Gravity Suit
Screw Attack

Missile Tank 12
Use Cross Bombs to break the first block, then shoot four missiles to clear the way. Hop over and position youreslf at the right edge before using another Cross Bomb to launch yourself to the other side before the blocks regenerate.
Required Ability:
Cross Bomb

Speed Booster and Shinespark Puzzle Solutions

Missile Tank 06 (Missile+ Tank)

How to Solve
Solution 1
Solution 2
Shinespark Chaining
Map Location
Missile+ Tank Dairon Shinespark Puzzle

Start inside the EMMI Zone to build up speed into the next room. As you run, you will need to do a wall jump without holding a direction on the left analog stick (this will let you keep your momentum). Before you land on your feet, tilt the Left-Analog stick to the left to keep your momentum forward and then press ZL to slide into the hole. Keep running and then start wall jumping to reach the Missile+ Tank! Remember, you will keep your Speed Booster momentum as long as you don't hold any directional input after a wall jump.

Alternatively, you can also do Shinespark Chaining. Build up your Shinespark and use it against the stairs. As you run and slide through the hole, charge your Shinespark again before you hit the wall. Hitting a Shinespark on a slope will allow you to store another. Next, jump and land on a small piece of the floor right next to the Speed Booster Blocks and activate your Shinespark!

Energy Tanks

All Dairon Energy Tank Locations

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Energy Tank No. How to Get

Energy Tank 01 (Energy Part)
Turn into a Morph Ball and carefully grab the ledge. After, just make your way towards the Energy Part.
Required Ability:
Morph Ball
Varia Suit

Energy Tank 02 (Energy Part)
Destroy the hidden walls with Missiles and then use Morph Ball Bombs to destroy the bomb block. Once done, jump up and Morph Ball in to grab the Energy Part.
Required Ability:
Morph Ball

Energy Tank 03 (Energy Part)
Use the Speed Booster to destroy the Speed Booster Blocks.
Required Ability:
Morph Ball
Speed Booster

Energy Tank 04
After obtaining the Speed Booster, head back to Dairon. Do a Shinespark to break the Speed Booster Blocks to access this Energy Tank.
Required Ability:
Speed Booster

Energy Tank 05 (Energy Part)
Store Shinespark from your Speed Boost and then use Space Jump to climb all the way up. Once on the ledge, use your Shinespark to destroy the Speed Boost Blocks.
Required Ability:
Speed Booster
Space Jump
Gravity Suit

Speed Booster and Shinespark Puzzle Solutions

Energy Tank 05 (Energy Part)

How to Solve
Map Location

This Energy Tank can be found at the top left corner of Dairon. The timing for activating your Shinespark is strict for this puzzle. The moment you hear the sound queue for the Speed Booster, activate your Shinespark and start using Space Jump to climb up. Be careful not to hit any of the walls on your way up or you will not have enough time to pull off the Shinespark. Once you reach the top, be careful not to immediately activate your Shinespark. The game requires a slight delay after landing for Shinespark to activate. If you press it too fast, you will end up jumping instead.

Power Bombs

All Dairon Power Bomb Tank Locations

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Power Bomb Tank No. How to Get

Power Bomb Tank 01
From the Elevator room in that connects to Artaria, shoot the left wall. Use the Grapple Beam to reach the ceiling and use Missiles to clear the way to the Power Bomb Tank.
Required Ability:
Morph Ball
Grapple Beam

Power Bomb Tank 02
Use Cross Bombs to clear the gap and get this Power Bomb Tank.
Required Ability:
Gravity Suit
Cross Bomb

Power Bomb Tank 03
Use a Power Bomb to get this Power Bomb Tank.
Required Ability:
Power Bomb

Dairon Bosses

There are no bosses located in Dairon.

Dairon EMMI

Yellow EMMI

Yellow EMMI
Metroid Dread Yellow EMMI
Rewards Speed Booster
Abilities • Able to climb walls
• Can dash at high speeds
• Instant kill attack

Yellow EMMI Map Location

EMMI Zone Map

How to Beat the Yellow EMMI

Upgrades and Power-Ups in Dairon

Wide Beam

Wide Beam Location
Description A beam upgrade that allows Samus to fire three beams simultaneously.
Upgrade Type Beam

How to Obtain the Wide Beam


Bomb Location
Description Bombs can break down certain walls and obstacles.
Upgrade Type Morph Ball

How to Obtain the Bomb

Dairon Stations

Station Locations

Map Icon Legends
Red Arrow.jpgSave Station Blue Arrow.jpgNetwork Station Green Arrow.jpgMap Station
Orange Arrow.jpgAmmo Recharge Station Pink Arrow.jpgEnergy Recharge Station Yellow Arrow.jpgTotal Recharge Station

Dairon Transportation

Elevator, Shuttle, and Teleportal Locations

Map Icon Legends
Pink Arrow.jpgElevator or Shuttle Blue Arrow.jpgTeleportal

Shuttle to Cataris

Darion - Cataris Shuttle.jpg

The Shuttle to east of the map leads back to Cataris. Samus will exit this elevator on her first visit to Dairon to obtain the Wide Beam.

Shuttles to Burenia

Dairon - Burenia Shuttle.jpg

There are two shuttles to Burenia, both found on the west side of the map. When Samus first travels to Burenia, she takes both of these elevators to get to and from Burenia.

Elevator to Artaria

Dairon - Artaria Elevator.jpg

To the southeast side of the map is an elevator that leads back to Artaria. Samus first travel through this elevator after obtaining the Grapple Beam in Artaria.

Elevators to Ferenia

Dairon - Ferenia Elevator.jpg

There are two elevateors that lead to Ferenia, both located on the north side of the map. The elevator to the east requires Grapple Beam to access, while the one to the west will require Samus to first take the elevator in Ferenia.

Elevator to Ghavaron

Dairon - Ghavaron Elevator.jpg

The elevator to Ghavaron is found on the northwest side of the map. This elevator is one of the few elevators not required to complete the game.

Purple Teleportal

Dairon Purple Teleportal Connection.jpg

The Purple Teleportal in the middle of the map is connected to a matching Teleportal in Cataris. Samus travels through this Teleportal after her battle against Kraid.

Yellow Teleportal

Dairon Yellow Teleportal Connection.jpg

The Yellow Teleportal to the east is connected a matching Teleportal in Artaria. Traveling through this Teleportal is the only way to access its matching Teleportal.

Dairon Interactables

Generator Locations

Some areas in Dairon have blackouts, causing some doors and machines to remain inactive. Activating a generator in an area will turn the power back on allowing you to progress further into the map.

Enemies in Dairon

List of Enemies
AutsharpAutsharp AutsniperAutsniper ArmadiggerArmadigger
UnknownUnknown UnknownUnknown UnknownUnknown
UnknownUnknown UnknownUnknown

List of Enemies

Metroid Dread Related Guides

Locations and Maps Partial Banner.png
Locations and Maps Top Page

Metroid Dread Artaria.jpgArtaria Metroid Dread Cataris.jpgCataris
Metroid Dread Dairon.jpgDairon Metroid Dread Burenia.jpgBurenia
Metroid Dread Ghavoran.jpgGhavoran Metroid Dread Ferenia.jpgFerenia
Metroid Dread Elun.jpgElun Metroid Dread Hanubia.jpgHanubia
Metroid Dread Itorash.jpgItorash -


3 Anonymousabout 3 years

Nvm I saw in a different part of the site how to do it lol.

2 Anonymousabout 3 years

Yeah there’s this one energy tank part missing in this guide. You have to do a series of wall jumps after building up speed in the ice room next to the elevator leading to Ghavoran. I drew up a small guide for reference. I was checking here to see if there was any tips on this speed booster puzzle but alas, I will keep trying.


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