Metroid Dread (Switch)

List of All Enemies

Metroid Dread - List of Enemies.png
This page contains a list of all the enemies in Metroid Dread for the Nintendo Switch. Read on to see all the enemy types Samus will encounter throughout the game and learn about how to beat them.

List of Metroid Dread Enemies

All Artaria Enemies

Enemy Description How to Beat
KlaidaKlaida A passive terrestrial, four-footed creature with bright crystals on its back. Will cause damage and repel you if touched. This passive creature can be left alone by jumping over it. You may also blast it with beams or missiles.
PlyPly A small, flying creature whose head resembles a large eyeball. These enemies have a delayed attack. When they are close, time you counter carefully and parry them when they charge you. They have low health, so shooting them from a distance works equally well.
MuzbyMuzby A terrestrial creature with heavy arms. It drags its arms behind as it walks. Watch as this creature raises its claws before executing a melee counter to quickly take out this powerful creature.
DizzeanDizzean A sea creature that resembles a small jellyfish. Individually weak but can be overwhelming in large numbers. Rapid fire your power beam at a group of them to quickly eliminate their numbers. You may also walk up to them and press X to swing your arm and swat them away.
UnknownUnknown Wormlike agile creatures with wings for gliding. Stay low to be clear of it's flight path. Fire your power beam at it to shoot it down.
UnknownUnknown A brown slime that is mostly passive throughout until provoked. Shoot this enemy from behind or wait until it faces you. Once it detects your presence, this blob may lunge forward which gives you a chance to land a melee counter to knock it back.
UnknownUnknown A pod like robot found in EMMI zones that drops health and missiles when you kill it, Keep your distance and use your missile to kill it.

All Cataris Enemies

Enemy Description How to Beat
PlyPly A small, flying creature whose head resembles a large eyeball. These enemies have a delayed attack. When they are close, time you counter carefully and parry them when they charge you. They have low health, so shooting them from a distance works equally well.
VulkranVulkran This small creature can stick to and move across floors, walls, and ceilings. It spits magma. This wall-crawler periodically spits out magma towards Samus. Avoid these projectiles while shooting back beams to take this enemy out.
AutclastAutclast A robot with cylinders on both sides that slam down with great force. As the pistons straighten up, quickly move in and melee counter this robot to take it out in one shot. Alternatively, you can destroy it from a distance with missiles.
ObsydomithonObsydomithon A rock-like creature that lives near magma. Has a burst attack that penetrates terrain. This creature's attacks deal massive damage. Run in quickly and melee counter when it readies to attack for a quick finish.
UnknownUnknown Wormlike agile creatures with wings for gliding. Stay low to be clear of it's flight path. Fire your power beam at it to shoot it down.
UnknownUnknown A brown slime that is mostly passive throughout until provoked. Shoot this enemy from behind or wait until it faces you. Once it detects your presence, this blob may lunge forward which gives you a chance to land a melee counter to knock it back.
UnknownUnknown A creature with three tentacles. Sticks to the wall and jumps on you when you get close. Parry once it jumps on you and hit it with your power beam.
UnknownUnknown A caterpillar like creature that crawls on the walls and burrows in the ground. Commonly encountered in narrow passageways, try to wait till they burrow into the walls and the path is clear before proceeding. You may also use Bombs or Cross Bombs to clear the path.
UnknownUnknown A wormlike creature that attacks by quickly resurfacing and diving. You can flash shift above this creature if it's slithering across the ground, or run beneath if its slithering across the ceiling. They're a bit hard to hit with the beam so it might be best to just run past them.
UnknownUnknown A pod like robot found in EMMI zones that drops health and missiles when you kill it, Keep your distance and use your missile to kill it.
UnknownUnknown A triangular robot that levitates and explodes when you get too close. Shoot at it from a safe distance with your plasma beam before it explodes. You can also use missiles to kill it quickly.

All Dairon Enemies

Enemy Description How to Beat
AutsharpAutsharp A robotic enemy that shoots towards Samus with a spinning energy blade. These repetitive enemies are continuously shot out of their launchers. It is best to simply predict their path and jump out of the way if possible.
AutsniperAutsniper A small sniper robot with a precision laser. Use your Plasma Beam or Missiles to quickly finish off these pesky snipers. Although a bit riskier, you can also jump up close to them right before they shoot to land a melee counter.
ArmadiggerArmadigger An agile and violent, four-footed creature that quickly charges at Samus. A few charge shot blasts will take it out. You may also land a melee counter as it leaps forward to knock it back. Follow up with beam attacks to finish it off.
UnknownUnknown This tropical colored creature has tentacles and can levitate in the air. This creature attacks you by charging at you. To instantly defeat it, wait for the right moment to parry and shoot at it with your beam attacks or missiles.
UnknownUnknown A pod like robot found in EMMI zones that drops health and missiles when you kill it, Keep your distance and use your missile to kill it.
UnknownUnknown A triangular robot that levitates and explodes when you get too close. Shoot at it from a safe distance with your plasma beam before it explodes. You can also use missiles to kill it quickly.
UnknownUnknown A flying yellow creature that spits out red projectiles. Be mindful of your position against this enemy. It sends out projectiles in 8 directions around it while hovering in place. Find a safe spot to shoot it from.
UnknownUnknown A purple slime-like creature. Once you go near it's radius, it pounces on you with lightning-fast speed. Shoot it from a distance with your missile to destroy it immediately. Since they move around quickly, locking onto them with Storm Missiles can help you take them out as they move around.

All Burenia Enemies

Enemy Description How to Beat
BatalloonBatalloon A surprisingly durable aquatic creature that floats underwater. Keep your distance from these slow moving aquatic creatures and fire charge shots or missiles until they go down.
DizzeanDizzean A sea creature that resembles a small jellyfish. Individually weak but can be overwhelming in large numbers. Rapid fire your power beam at a group of them to quickly eliminate their numbers. You may also walk up to them and press X to swing your arm and swat them away.
SlaagaSlaaga A creature with a yellow hump on its back where it stores acid. Dodge or shoot at the acid balls it spits. Regular power beam fire will be enough to defeat them. There's also a quick moment just before it spits where you can run close to land a melee counter. Follow it up with a few beam blasts to finish it off.
UnknownUnknown A creature that almost acts robotlike; it moves vertically and turns into a bulb that shoots laserlike magma that damages you. Dodge it's vertical attack and try to get out of it's range. You can shoot it with a beam attack or a missile.
UnknownUnknown A caterpillar like creature that crawls on the walls and burrows in the ground. Commonly encountered in narrow passageways, try to wait till they burrow into the walls and the path is clear before proceeding. You may also use Bombs or Cross Bombs to clear the path.
UnknownUnknown It first appears as a bulbous creature. It becomes an electric tentacle-like creature that charges at you once you shoot it. Shoot at it first. Once it changes form, wait for it to approach you and use your dash melee then shoot at it with your beam.
UnknownUnknown A bulbous creature that hangs on walls and shoots fiery lava that pierces through platforms. This wall-crawler periodically spits out magma towards Samus. Avoid these projectiles while shooting back beams to take this enemy out.
UnknownUnknown A giant squid-like creature that emits a blue light when you get too close. Shoot at it from a safe distance with your charge beam and avoid the blue light it emits. You may also opt to use missiles for more damage.
UnknownUnknown An eel-like creature that has glowing spots. Usually comes in groups. They're fairly easy to take out, there's just a lot of them. Clear them out from a safe distance with your beam attacks.

All Ghavoran Enemies

Enemy Description How to Beat
HecathonHecathon A large creature flying between trees and plants in high and low areas. Hide beneath overhangs when this creature flies overhead. When it's safe, blast missiles and charge beams at it. Hecathons have a ton of health so it may take some time to take them down.
YampaYampa A spider-like creature with a powerful bite attack. Their long legs offer them a larger reach than you'd expect. Fire beams from a distance but be ready to melee counter once walks up and reaches out.
QuetzoaQuetzoa An insect-like, mid-sized flying creature that homes in on Samus and charges at great speeds. Similar to the Ply, this creature has a delayed attack. It will hover back slightly before charging forward. Be ready to land a melee counter as it comes close. Alternatively, shoot with beams or missiles from a distance to safely take it out.
UnknownUnknown A caterpillar like creature that crawls on the walls and burrows in the ground. Commonly encountered in narrow passageways, try to wait till they burrow into the walls and the path is clear before proceeding. You may also use Bombs or Cross Bombs to clear the path.
UnknownUnknown A sturdy enemy that oozes black slime. It hits you with melee attacks. You can either shoot it with Missiles or Charge Beams. You can also walk up next to it and land a melee counter before it strikes its claw. Follow up with beam attacks to take it out.

All Ferenia Enemies

Enemy Description How to Beat
PlyPly A small, flying creature whose head resembles a large eyeball. These enemies have a delayed attack. When they are close, time you counter carefully and parry them when they charge you. They have low health, so shooting them from a distance works equally well.
AutsharpAutsharp A robotic enemy that shoots towards Samus with a spinning energy blade. These repetitive enemies are continuously shot out of their launchers. It is best to simply predict their path and jump out of the way if possible.
AutsniperAutsniper A small sniper robot with a precision laser. Use your Plasma Beam or Missiles to quickly finish off these pesky snipers. Although a bit riskier, you can also jump up close to them right before they shoot to land a melee counter.
UnknownUnknown A pod like robot found in EMMI zones that drops health and missiles when you kill it, Keep your distance and use your missile to kill it.
UnknownUnknown A slug-like creature that hangs on walls and hardens it's shell once threatened. Continuously shoot this creature with Ice Missiles to freeze and shatter this enemy to pieces.
UnknownUnknown A tetrapod robot that shoots laser beams from its red eye. This huge robot can be bulky to take down. A Melee Counter opportunity will appear just before it fires its lasers. Be sure to land it or suffer a powerful blast to your face.

All Elun Enemies

Enemy Description How to Beat
AutsniperAutsniper A small sniper robot with a precision laser. Use your Plasma Beam or Missiles to quickly finish off these pesky snipers. Although a bit riskier, you can also jump up close to them right before they shoot to land a melee counter.
UnknownUnknown A bulbous creature that hangs on walls and shoots fiery lava that pierces through platforms. This wall-crawler periodically spits out magma towards Samus. Avoid these projectiles while shooting back beams to take this enemy out.
UnknownUnknown A sturdy enemy that oozes black slime. It hits you with melee attacks. You can either shoot it with Missiles or Charge Beams. You can also walk up next to it and land a melee counter before it strikes its claw. Follow up with beam attacks to take it out.
UnknownUnknown This is exactly like the caterpillar-like creature we see in Cararis and Burenia, and it also has the same attack except it's green and a bit bigger. Commonly encountered in narrow passageways, try to wait till they burrow into the walls and the path is clear before proceeding. You may also use Bombs or Cross Bombs to clear the path.
UnknownUnknown This is like the purple slime creature in Dairon, but once it lands when it pounces on you, it emits an electric wave and electrifies the platform it's on. Shoot it from a distance with your missile to destroy it immediately before it lands. Since they move around quickly, locking onto them with Storm Missiles can help you take them out as they move around.

All Hanubia Enemies

Enemy Description How to Beat
YampaYampa A spider-like creature with a powerful bite attack. Their long legs offer them a larger reach than you'd expect. Fire beams from a distance but be ready to melee counter once walks up and reaches out.
UnknownUnknown Wormlike agile creatures with wings for gliding. Stay low to be clear of it's flight path. Fire your power beam at it to shoot it down.
UnknownUnknown A pod like robot found in EMMI zones that drops health and missiles when you kill it, Keep your distance and use your missile to kill it.
UnknownUnknown A sturdy enemy that oozes black slime. It hits you with melee attacks. You can either shoot it with Missiles or Charge Beams. You can also walk up next to it and land a melee counter before it strikes its claw. Follow up with beam attacks to take it out.
UnknownUnknown A slug-like creature that hangs on walls and hardens it's shell once threatened. Continuously shoot this creature with Ice Missiles to freeze and shatter this enemy to pieces.
UnknownUnknown A tetrapod robot that shoots laser beams from its red eye. This huge robot can be bulky to take down. A Melee Counter opportunity will appear just before it fires its lasers. Be sure to land it or suffer a powerful blast to your face.

All Itorash Enemies

Samus vs Raven Beak in Metroid Dread.jpg
The only enemy found on Itorash is Raven Beak. There are no other enemies around the area.
How to Beat Raven Beak


Found roaming throughout ZDR's EMMI Zones, these imposing robots have gone rogue and, for some reason, are now hunting Samus down.

EMMI Types Abilities
Damaged EMMI.jpgDamaged • Instant kill attack
White EMMI.jpgWhite • Able to climb walls
• Instant kill attack
Green EMMI.pngGreen • Able to climb walls
• Can fit through small spaces
• Instant kill attack
Yellow EMMI.jpgYellow • Able to climb walls
• Can dash at high speeds
• Instant kill attack
Blue EMMI.pngBlue • Able to climb walls
• Can freeze other lifeforms
• Instant kill attack
Purple EMMI.pngPurple • Instant kill attack
Red EMMI for MEtroid Dread.pngRed • Power Bomb Abilities

Metroid Dread Related Guides

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Metroid Dread Top Page

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Metroid Dread List of Bosses Partial Banner.pngBosses Enemies Partial Banner.pngEnemies
Ability Upgrades Partial Banner.pngAbility Upgrades Tips and Tricks Partial Banner.pngTips and Tricks
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