Metroid Dread (Switch)

EMMI Guide: How to Counter and Beat an EMMI

Metroid Dread How to beat EMMI

This is a guide on the EMMI, a new enemy type found in Metroid Dread for the Nintendo Switch. Read to learn how to counter and escape an EMMI, how to beat an EMMI with your Omega Cannon, as well as the different EMMI types and their abilities.

How to Counter an EMMI

Press X to Counter an EMMI

EMMI Counter Window.jpg

When an EMMI corners Samus, you are given two opportunities to parry the EMMI and escape from its grasp. The counter timing for an EMMI will come when you see a bright flash and hear a high pitched sound effect. When you see or hear either of these prompts, quickly press X to escape from the EMMI.

Metroid Dread - Countering EMMI.gif

The EMMI counter window is extremely narrow, so you need to carefully watch out for the right moment. After successfully parrying an EMMI, the EMMI will freeze for a few moments, allowing you to jump over or slide under it.

How to Beat an EMMI

Defeat the Central Unit First

Defeat Central Unit.jpg

Before you can defeat an EMMI, you must first find the Central Unit located in the same area as that EMMI. Once you have found the Central Unit, destroy it to obtain the temporary Omega Cannon upgrade.

Use the Omega Cannon

Metroid Dread Omega Cannon Damaged EMMI

EMMI can only be damaged by using the Omega Cannon. To use the Omega Cannon, hold the L button to aim at the EMMI. Once you have proper aim, hold the R button to charge the Omega Blaster, and press the Y button to fire.

Find the Proper Vantage Point

EMMI Find a Vantage Point.jpg

The Omega Blaster takes a significant amount of time to charge and the Omega Stream also takes a while to destroy the EMMI's shielding. Because of this, you will need to find the proper vantage point to aim and fire at the EMMI

The proper vantage point will likely be a long hallway which will give you enough time to use the Omega Stream and charge your Omega Blaster.

Destroy the EMMI's Shielding with the Omega Stream

Use Omega Stream on EMMI

Most EMMI will have shielding on their head that will need to be destroyed. To use the Omega Stream, hold the L button to aim and press Y to fire a volley of shots at the EMMI's shielding. Once an EMMI's shielding is destroyed, you can destroy them with your Omega Blaster.

Defeat the EMMI with the Omega Blaster

Use Omega Blaster to Defeat EMMI
The Omega Blaster will finally put an EMMI down for good. However, you will need time to charge up this attack. If an EMMI is too close after destroying its shielding, retreat and wait for the right time to charge up the Omega Blaster.

How to Escape from an EMMI

Avoid Detection

EMMI Yellow Detection Area.jpg

The easiest way to make it out of an EMMI Zone alive is to avoid detection. EMMI react to sound and will investigate when you make sound within their range. A yellow area will indicate when you are in an EMMI's sound range.

Destroy Robot Enemies.jpg

Be sure to take out he robot enemies and land mines found in EMMI Zones from a distance. These will alert the EMMI if you are attacked by them.

EMMI Behaviors

As Mobile Identifiers, EMMIs continuously patrol their designated EMMI Zones, constantly on the lookout for signs of life and movement. Depending on what their sensors are picking up, the EMMI may take one of three actions.

Patrol Mode - Blue Light

EMMI - Patrol Mode.gif
As EMMIs patrol their respective EMMI Zones, they will have a blue light on. EMMI Zone Doors remain unlocked as long as EMMIs are patrolling.

Search Mode - Yellow Light

EMMI - Search Mode.gif
Once EMMIs start to detect nearby disturbances, they will switch to a yellow light. They will move towards the sound of activity to investigate the suspicious sounds.

Pursuit Mode - Red Light

EMMI - Pursuit Mode.gif
If the EMMI identifies the source of a disturbance, all EMMI Zone doors will lock down and escape will be impossible. EMMIs will switch to a red light and relentlessly go after its target.

Use the Phantom Cloak Abilitiy

Making use of the Phantom Cloak Aeion Ability will help Samus greatly to avoid being spotted. However, it comes with a cost. Movement becomes limited and using it for prolonged periods of time will eat in your health, so use it wisely!

Aeion Ability Effects
Metroid Dread Phantom Cloak.gifPhantom Cloak ● Optical camouflage that renders Samus invisible
● Makes Samus undetectable to EMMI
● Able to walk through Sensor-Lock Doors
● Uses up Energy if Aeion is depleted

Check the Map

Gray Zone.jpg

Knowing the map as much as possible before entering an EMMI Zone can help you form a game plan of escape. Use the handy markers on the map to plot where you want to go. This will help you to avoid getting lost or cornered in the larger EMMI Zones. The map will also inform you of the EMMI's location, indicated by a large glowing red orb.

All Locations and Maps Guide

Keep Moving

Yellow EMMI.jpg

If you happened to be spotted by an EMMI, the best thing to do is escape as quickly as possible. Stopping for even a second could spell your death. Be aware of your surroundings including any places that may have hidden blocks to destroy or areas where you can slide under.

Use the Flash Shift Ability

The Flash Shift Aeion Ability greatly increases Samus' evasion and will allow her to quickly dash away from oncoming EMMI threats. However, Samus can only travel horizontally during the Flash Shift. It will not be able to help you vertically escape from pursuing EMMI.

Aeion Ability Effects
Metroid Dread Flash Shift.gifFlash Shift ● Travel at a set distance up to three times in a row
● Can be used on the ground and in the air
● Can be used to dodge enemy attacks
● Able to pass through Shutter Platforms

EMMI Types and Abilities

7 Different EMMI Types

There are seven different types of EMMIs. Each EMMI has different abilities that you will need to overcome in order to defeat them.

EMMI Types Abilities
Damaged EMMI.jpgDamaged • Instant kill attack
White EMMI.jpgWhite • Able to climb walls
• Instant kill attack
Green EMMI.pngGreen • Able to climb walls
• Can fit through small spaces
• Instant kill attack
Yellow EMMI.jpgYellow • Able to climb walls
• Can dash at high speeds
• Instant kill attack
Blue EMMI.pngBlue • Able to climb walls
• Can freeze Samus with projectiles
• Instant kill attack
Purple EMMI.pngPurple • Instant kill attack
• Paralyzing Beam that can pierce walls
Red EMMI for MEtroid Dread.pngRed • Power Bomb Abilities

What are the EMMI

EMMI Profile.png

The Extraplanetary Multiform Mobile Identifiers—or E.M.M.I.—are highly agile, large research robots. Their peaceful purpose has been somehow corrupted, and they are now on a relentless chase to capture Samus. For her, getting caught means certain doom.
Source: Official Metroid Site

As Samus explores Planet ZDR, she will have to be wary of the EMMI Zones, home to the deadly EMMIs. These robotic sentinels are invulnerable to damage and will stalk down any intruders in their zones. As such, Samus must elude detection from different types of EMMIs in order to survive.

Metroid Dread Related Guides

Metroid Dread - Characters 1.png
List of All Characters

Major Characters
samus.pngSamus Aran emmi.pngEMMI chozo.pngThe Chozo
x-parasite.pngX Parasite metroid.pngMetroid adam.pngADAM
Metroid Dread Quiet Robe Character IconQuiet Robe


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