Metroid Dread (Switch)

Hanubia Walkthrough (Final Area)

Metroid Dread Hanubia Story.png

This is the Hanubia walkthrough and guide for Metroid Dread for the Nintendo Switch. Read on to learn more about how to progress through the story, how to solve puzzles, and tips on area bosses.

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Hanubia Walkthrough Maps

Hanubia Map Guide

Complete Hanubia Map

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Hanubia Area Map and 100% Items Guide

Hanubia Walkthrough All Map Guides

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Ferenia Map Guide Itorash Map Guide

Hanubia Walkthrough Objectives

1 Head to Hanubia and Talk to Adam
2 Destroy the Purple EMMI and Obtain the Wave Beam
3 Encounter and Destroy the Red EMMI in Hanubia
4 Defeat the Chozo Soldier in Hanubia
5 Obtain the Power Bomb from the Red EMMI
6 Defeat the Elite Chozo Soldier
7 Head to Itorash and Talk to Adam
8 Defeat Raven Beak to Obtain the Metroid Suit and Hyper Beam
9 Defeat Raven Beak X in Hanubia
10 Escape Planet ZDR

Head to Hanubia and Talk to Adam

Talk to Adam in Hanubia.jpg

After defeating Golzuna, head to the shuttle to the east and ride it to Hanubia. In Hanubia, head east to the nearby Network Station where Adam will explain more details about Hanubia and Raven Beak.

Destroy the Purple EMMI and Obtain the Wave Beam

Destroy Purple EMMI.jpg

Head further south and take the elevator to Ferenia. Travel through the icy area to the nearby EMMI Zone and defeat the Central Unit found in the northwest corner of the map to obtain the Omega Cannon. Use it to destroy the Purple EMMI and obtain the Wave Beam.

Encounter and Destroy the Red EMMI in Hanubia

Encounter and Defeat Red EMMI.jpg

Ride the elevator back to Hanubia and open the door heading east with your newly acquired Wave Beam. In the EMMI Zone, you will encounter a Red EMMI and instantly defeat it during a brief cutscene.

Defeat the Chozo Soldier in Hanubia

Defeat Chozo Soldier in Hanubia.jpg

At the end of the cutscene where you beat the Red EMMI, a Chozo Soldier will appear. Defeat the Chozo Soldier to progress through the map.

Obtain the Power Bomb from the Red EMMI

Obtain Power Bomb from Red EMMI.jpg

Once the Chozo Soldier has been defeated, Samus will walk towards the destroyed Red EMMI and obtain the Power Bomb from it.

Defeat the Elite Chozo Soldier

Defeat Elite Chozo Soldier.jpg

With your Power Bombs, you can travel further north of Hanubia by destroying several obstacles and the two damaged bridges. In the Northern area of Hanubia, you will encounter an Elite Chozo Soldier. Defeat the Chozo Soldier to access the final area.

Head to Itorash and Talk to Adam

Raven Break Pretends to be Adam.jpg

After defeating the Elite Chozo Soldier, you can access the next room with a Transport Capsule. Take the Transport Capsule to Itorash and take the elevator to the north. After taking the elevator, Samus will talk to Adam, but quickly notice strange behavior from the AI.

Defeat Raven Beak to Obtain the Metroid Suit and Hyper Beam

Samus Reveals Raven Beak.jpg

Samus shoots Adam, causing the illusion to fade and revealing Raven Beak. A final boss battle begins between Samus and Raven Beak. At the end of their battle, Raven Beak grabs Samus and attempts to subdue her.

Raven Beak Grabs Samus.jpg

However, Samus overcomes him after fully unleashing her Metroid form. She also obtains the Metroid Suit and Hyper Beam in the process and causes the ship to crash.

Defeat Raven Beak X in Hanubia

Defeat Raven Beak X.jpg

After they crash into Hanubia, Raven Beak transforms into his X form. Finish off Raven Beak once and for all with a final blow from your Hyper Beam.

Escape Planet ZDR

Once Raven Beak has been defeated, a countdown will appear at the top of the screen. Reach your ship before the countdown runs out, destroying all obstacles and enemies in your way with the Hyper Beam.

Before you place a map marker on the door to Samus' ship, make sure your game is updated to Version 1.0.1. In older versions of the game, when Samus destroys the door while a map marker is placed over it, it will cause the game to crash.

How to Escape Planet ZDR
1 Space Jump Out of First Room.jpgUse Space Jump to Escape the First Area
The exit of the first area can be found high above the room. Use Space Jump to reach that area and blast through the blockade with your Hyper Beam.
2 Head North to EMMI Zone.jpgHead North to Reach the EMMI Zone
Blast your way through several of the obsacles until you reach the EMMI Zone of Hanubia.
3 Head Towards the Red Door
Samus' ship can be found through the large red door to the west of the map, designated by the red map marker. Travel through Hanubia to reach the red door.
4 Go South through the Undiscovered Area
After heading west, you will encounter a dead end. When you view your map, you will find a new path slightly to the south. Traverse this path until you reach the large room.
5 Space Jump to Red Door.jpgUse Space Jump to Reach the Door
After passing through the undiscovered area, you'll reach a large room. Use Space Jump to travel up the room and reach the door.
6 Head to Samus Ship.jpgGet Onto Samus' Ship
After passing through the red door, it is a straightforward path to Samus's ship. Make your way to the ship before the countdown runs out.

Samus Escapes Planet ZDR.jpg

When Samus reaches her ship, Adam stops her from grabbing the controls since her new powers will drain the ship's energy. Quiet Robe appears from behind Samus and uses the X Parasite within him to return Samus to her non-Metroid form. Samus grabs the ship's controls and flies away before the planet explodes.

EMMI Encountered

Purple EMMI

Purple EMMI
Metroid Dread Purple EMMI
Rewards Wave Beam
Abilities • Able to climb walls
Instant kill attack
• Paralyzing Beam that can pierce walls

Purple EMMI Map Location

EMMI Zone Map

How to Beat the Purple EMMI


Metroid Dread Red EMMI
Rewards Power Bomb
Abilities • Power Bomb Abilities

Red EMMI Map Location

EMMI Zone Map

How to Beat the Red EMMI


Chozo Soldier

Chozo Soldier
Dread - Chozo Soldier.png
1st Encounter Elun
2nd Encounter Ghavoran
3rd Encounter Artaria
4th Encounter Hanubia
Elite Chozo Soldier Encounter - Gold Chozo Soldier Hanubia
Chozo Soldier Boss Tips
✔ Wall Jump and use Flash Shift to keep your distance and avoid its attacks

✔ Use Missiles for maximum damage

✔ Shoot shield variants after they move

✔ Disarm shielded variants with a Melee Counter
✔ Avoid the Black Sludge Attacks by jumping

How to Beat Chozo Soldiers

Raven Beak

Raven Beak
Metroid Dread Raven Beak Boss
Rewards Metroid Suit and Hyper Beam
Location Itorash
Raven Beak Boss Tips
✔ Shoot Raven Beak with Missiles
✔ Dodge until you can Melee Counter
✔ Use Flash Shift and Space Jump to Avoid Beam Attacks
✔ Focus on Dodging Charges while Firing Missiles
✔ Power Bomb the Yellow Orb in Phase 3

How to Beat Raven Beak

Metroid Dread Related Guides

story walkthrough partial.png

Complete Story Walkthrough

Walkthrough by Area
Artaria Partial Image.pngArtaria Cataris Partial Image.pngCataris
Dairon Walkthrough.pngDairon Burenia Partial Image.pngBurenia
Ferenia Partial Image.pngFerenia Artaria Part 2 Partial Image.pngArtaria Part 2
Ghavoran Partial Image.pngGhavoran Hanubai Partial Image.pngHanubia


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