Metroid Dread (Switch)

How to Beat Raven Beak: Final Boss Fight Guide

Metroid Dread - How to Beat Raven Beak.png
This is a guide on the Itorash boss battle for Raven Beak, the final boss battle from the game Metroid Dread for the Nintendo Switch. Read on to learn more about Raven Beak, how to beat the final boss, and his attack patterns!

Raven Beak Location and Rewards

Raven Beak Basic Information
Dread - Raven Beak.png
Location Itorash
Rewards Metroid Suit and Hyper Beam

Raven Beak Map Location

Boss Location Map

Riding this elevator in Itorash will bring you to Raven Beak's Location.

Hanubia Walkthrough (Final Area)

How to Beat Raven Beak

Video Boss Fight Guide

Key Strategies

Raven Beak Boss Tips
Shoot Raven Beak with Missiles & Dodge until you can Melee Counter

Use Flash Shift and Space Jump to Avoid Beam Attacks

Focus on Dodging Charges while Firing Missiles

Power Bomb the Yellow Orb in Phase 3

Phase 1 - Shoot Missiles to Deal Damage

Dread - Raven Beak 1 - Three Strikes.gif
Raven Beak will have protective energy shielding in this phase. Use your Missiles and Charge Beams to attack Raven Beak until you are able to melee counter and deactivate his shielding.

Prioritize dodging the many fast and powerful attacks that Raven Beak throws out. Take the time in between attacks to lock on multiple Storm Missiles.

Missile Tank Locations: How to Find All Missile Tanks

Dodge while waiting for Melee Counter Opportunities

Dread - Raven Beak 1 - Energy Gather.gif
Raven Beak has the most variety of attack patterns among all the bosses. Be mindful of your positioning when Raven Beak uses laser attacks, and be prepared to jump overhead or counter when he uses melee attacks.

Slam Attack Countered
His melee attacks are particularly dangerous. You'll notice Raven Beak prepare for his charged punch attack as he lowers his shoulders and glows red for a moment.

You can use a Melee Counter just before this move hits you. When caught by the move, Raven Beak will punch Samus, which will send her flying to a nearby wall dealing tons of damage. If you are not confident in your Melee Counter skills, focus on dodging this move.

Dread - Raven Beak 1 - Black Hole to 270 Arc Beam.gif
Occasionally, Raven Beak will unleash a black energy ball that slowly grows in size as it travels. When this happens, prioritize destroying this energy ball by shooting it with Missiles or detonating a Power Bomb.

Even if you have a limited quantity, disintegrating the energy ball should replenish your ammo. It will take 4 Ice Missiles, or 1 Power Bomb to disintegrate the Purple Energy Orb.

Dread - Raven Beak 1 - 270 Degree Arc Beam.gif
Raven Beak often follows up with a wide arching beam after this attack, so be prepared to immediately run in and crouch next to him. You can continue to shoot Missiles at Raven Beak while he's in this position.

Dread - Raven Beak 1 - Taunt.gif
Eventually, Raven Beak will taunt you into approaching him after performing a Triangle Jump. Approach with caution and be prepared to execute a Melee Counter when he rears back and flashes white. After a successful Melee Counter, a sequence will play out. Continue spamming Ice Missiles to deal significant amounts of damage through this sequence.

Phase 2 - Flash Shift to Avoid Aerial Assault

Dread - Raven Beak 2 - Downward Dive.gif
Once up in the air, Raven Beak will begin to swoop and dive towards Samus. Use your Flash Shift as a reliable repositioning skill to avoid his fast attacks. These are quite predictable and can be a good chance to unleash Missile fire.

Dread - Raven Beak 2 - Sideward Swoop.gif
Additionally, Raven Beak will also charge at Samus from the side. This move is hard to dodge with Flash Shift or Space Jump so instead, slide or use the Morph Ball to dodge this.

Space Jump to Avoid Beam Attacks

Dread - Raven Beak 2 - Rapid Fire Bullets.gif
Now airborne, Raven Beak will focus on attacking you from overhead. When he fires a long volley at you, circle around him with your Space Jump to avoid it.

Dread - Raven Beak 2 - Diagonal Laser.gif
Raven Beak will also fire a more powerful, charged beam attack. You have a bit longer to react to this as he charges up. Flash Shift or jump to avoid it and unload missiles while he is firing.

Phase 3 - Continue Shooting Missiles While Dodging

Dread - Raven Beak 2 - End.gif
Once Raven Beak's wing is blown away, he'll return to the ground. Most of his attack patterns will be similar to the first phase with a few new attacks. Continue aiming and firing missiles at him to wear him down.

Dread - Raven Beak 3 - Yellow Energy Orb.gif
The most important thing to watch out for in phase 3 is the mini sun orb he throws out. As soon as you see it, prepare a Power Bomb to destroy it and receive energy and missiles. After dealing enough damage, a Melee Counter chance will appear. Succesfully execute it to proceed to the last phase.

Phase 4 - Unleash a Fully Charged Hyper Beam Blast at Raven Beak X's Face

Dread - Raven Beak X - Final Blast 2.gif
With both Raven Beak and Samus falling back down to the surface of ZDR, Raven Beak will be attacked by an X Parasite and take the form of Raven Beak X. Reminiscent of the EMMI fights, deal the killing blow onto Raven Beak X by blasting a fully Charged Hyper Beam directly at its face until he melts away.

Raven Beak Attack Patterns

Arm Cannon Attacks

Ultrawide Arc Beam

Dread - Raven Beak 1 - 270 Degree Arc Beam.gif
In the first phase, Raven Beak points his cannon upwards unleashing a wide arching beam taking up most of the screen. Stay low and close to Raven Beak to avoid damage.

Purple Energy Orb

Dread - Raven Beak 1 - Black Energy Orb.gif
In the first phase, Raven Beak will Flash Shift backwards before charging up a Purple Energy Orb. This orb grows as it travels so prioritize shooting it down with missiles or blowing it up with a Power Bomb before it becomes a nuisance.

Diagonal Laser

Dread - Raven Beak 2 - Diagonal Laser.gif
In the second phase, Raven Beak will be in the air, pointing his arm cannon diagonally downward. He'll charge up a long, steady, laser. This beam can be easily avoided by jumping or flash shifting away.

Rapid Fire Volley

Dread - Raven Beak 2 - Rapid Fire Bullets.gif
In the second phase, Raven Beak will be in the air tracking your movement with the red laser sight of his arm cannon. He'll start shooting a volley of bullets following your location. Space Jump around Raven Beak to avoid damage.

Thick Laser Beam

Dread - Raven Beak 3 - Thick Laser Beam.gif
In the third phase, Raven Beak will charge his arm cannon while aiming at you. He'll then unleash a wide laser beam blast. Try to reposition yourself away from where the beam locks on to avoid damage.

Yellow Energy Orb

Dread - Raven Beak 3 - Yellow Energy Orb.gif
In the third phase, Raven Beak will raise his hand and send out a sun-like yellow orb. Counter its explosion with an explosion of your own from the Power Bomb.

Melee Attacks

Single Sweep Slash

Dread - Raven Beak 1 - Single Sweep Slash.gif
In the first phase, Raven Beak will lower his stance before charging in with a single slash. Jump overhead to dodge this attack.

Charged Punch Attack

Hit by Charged Punch attack
In the first and third phase, Raven Beak will Flash Shift away to feign a ranged attack, but follow it up with a powerful forward blow. Watch for his shoulder to dip and for his hand to glow red to indicate this attack.

Triangle Dash

Traingle Dodge into Slam attack
In the first and third phases, Raven Beak will do a quick sequence of diagonal flash shifts over and past you before charging an attack behind you. Stay low as he moves overhead and prepare to counter the Charged Punch attack.

Three Strike Combo

Dread - Raven Beak 1 - Three Strikes.gif
In the first phase, Raven Beak may lash out with three claw strikes. Jump and Flash Shift overhead to dodge. This attack has surprisingly long reach and can cover almost the entire room.

Sideward Swoop

Dread - Raven Beak 2 - Sideward Swoop.gif
In the second phase, Raven Beak will come at you from the side in an attempt to pin you to the wall. Duck into the Morph Ball to dodge this swoop.

Downward Dive

Dread - Raven Beak 2 - Downward Dive.gif
In the second phase, Raven Beak may try to pummel you with a downward dive from the air. Flash Shift sideways to escape his grasp.

Triangle Dash and Slam

Dread - Raven Beak 3 - Triangle Dash and Slam.gif
Compared to the Triangle Dash in the first phases, the Triangle Dash and Slam In the third phase has a far stronger knockback. Don't get confused with his quick movements

Shinespark Slam

Dread - Raven Beak 3 - Shinespark Slam.gif
In the third phase, Raven Beak will hover slightly before rushing forward with a Shinespark, slamming you against the wall. There is a narrow window of escape so be sure to react accordingly.

Shinespark Forward and Lift

Dread - Raven Beak 3 - Shinespark Forward then Up.gif
As with the previous move, Raven Beak will attempt to charge at you at Shinespark speed. However, if there isn't a wall close enough to slam you too, he will instead lift you into the ceiling. Jump away instead of towards him to ensure you don't get caught.

Melee Counter Sequences

Energy Wave

Dread - Raven Beak 1 - Energy Gather.gif
In the first phase, Raven Beak will gather Energy into his palm before sending out a shockwave. Duck into the Morph Ball or time a slide to successfully dodge this attack. A prompt to Melee Counter will appear soon after. Execute a successful parry to recover missiles and energy.

Any Charged Punch Follow Up

Charged Punch Sequence
Raven Beak will have multiple moves that he will combo into a Charged Punch. Depending on how much damage he has already taken, this can lead into a Melee Counter Sequence.


Dread - Raven Beak 1 - Taunt.gif
In the first phase, this Taunt will be followed by the First Phase Melee Counter Sequence. Be sure to land your Melee Counter to progress the fight.

First Phase Melee Counter Sequence

Dread - Raven Beak 1 - Melee Counter Sequence.gif
This Melee Counter sequence follows the Taunt mentioned previously. Continue blasting Raven Beak with Missiles during this scene.

Third Phase Melee Counter Sequence

Dread - Raven Beak 3 - Melee Counter Sequence.gif
In the third phase, after enough damage has been dealt, this sequence will play out. Successfully execute the two melee counters required to bring the battle to the final phase.

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1 Anonymousover 3 years

Great explanations and visuals! Needed it to beat Raven Beak! I ust beat the game! 😀


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