Metroid Dread (Switch)

List of Bosses and How to Beat: All Boss Guides

Metroid Dread Top Image List of Bosses

This is the list of all bosses in the game Metroid Dread for the Nintendo Switch. There are 10 main bosses in total Samus will have to defeat. Read on to know what bosses you will encounter and tips on how to beat them!

List of All Bosses

All Bosses in Metroid Dread
Metroid Dread - Corpious IconCorpious Metroid Dread - Kraid IconKraid
Dread - Robot Chozo Soldier Icon.pngRobot Chozo Soldier Dread - Drogyga Icon.pngDrogyga
Dread - Chozo Soldier Icon.pngChozo Soldier Dread - Escue Icon.pngEscue
Dread - Twin Robot Chozo Soldier Icon.pngTwin Robot Chozo Soldier Dread - Experiment No. Z-57 Icon.pngExperiment No. Z-57
Dread - Golzuna Icon.pngGolzuna Dread - Raven Beak Icon.pngRaven Beak
Central Units and EMMIs
Damaged EMMI.jpgDamaged Central Unit.pngCentral Units
White EMMI.jpgWhite Green EMMI.pngGreen
Yellow EMMI.jpgYellow Blue EMMI.pngBlue
Purple EMMI.pngPurple Red EMMI for MEtroid Dread.pngRed

How to Beat All Bosses


Corpious is a hideous creature that crawls on the ground with its arms and attacks with its tail. Samus first encounters Corpious in planet ZDR.

Metroid Dread Corpious Boss
Location Artaria
Rewards Phantom Cloak

Key Strategies

Corpious Boss Tips
✔ Shoot its face to deal damage.

✔ Shoot the glowing orb when it turns invisible.

✔ Shoot the projectiles it spits out for additional ammo and energy orbs.

✔ Cling to the blue magnetic strip to avoid its charge attack and breath attack

How to Beat Corpious


Kraid is a high-ranking Space Pirate and has been a recurring monster encountered by Samus in her past missions.

Metroid Dread Kraid Boss
Location Cataris
Rewards No Rewards

Key Strategies

Kraid Boss Tips
✔ Shoot missiles or fully charged beams at Kraid's mouth to deal damage.

✔ Avoid Kraid's projectiles or shoot them to recover Missiles and Energy.

✔ After dropping down to the lower area, shoot at Kraid's stomach wound.

✔ Cling to the Spider Magnet Strip on the left wall and Shoot at Kraid's mouth.

✔ Pro Tip: Defeat Kraid with Bombs if you unlock the Bombs early.

How to Beat Kraid

Robot Chozo Soldier

Mechanical creatures resembling the Chozo are hunting Samus across ZDR.

Robot Chozo Soldier
Dread - Robot Chozo Soldier.png
1st Encounter Ferenia
2nd Encounter Ghavoran

Key Strategies

Robot Chozo Soldier Boss Tips
✔ Keep distance with Flash Shift

✔ Deal damage with Missiles

✔ Alternate between the top and bottom levels
✔ Use Shinespark to deal massive damage

How to Beat Robot Chozo Soldier


This oppressive beast feeds off energy sources in Burenia as it continues to grow in influence.

Metroid Dread Drogyga Boss
Location Burenia
Rewards No Rewards

Key Strategies

Drogyga Boss Tips
✔ Shoot at Grogyga's top tentacle until it retracts.

✔ Shoot Charge Beams at the buttons on either side of the room to drain water out.

✔ Attack the core of the dehydrated Grogyga until it shrivels up.

How to Beat Drogyga

Chozo Soldier

Skilled spear-wielders, these Chozo Soldiers have more to them than meets the eye. Don't let your guard down.

Chozo Soldier Basic Information
Dread - Chozo Soldier.png
1st Encounter Elun
2nd Encounter Ghavoran
3rd Encounter Artaria
4th Encounter - Red Chozo Soldier Hanubia
5th Encounter - Elite (Gold) Chozo Soldier Hanubia

Key Strategies

Chozo Soldier Boss Tips
✔ Wall Jump and use Flash Shift to keep your distance and avoid its attacks

✔ Use Missiles for maximum damage

✔ Shoot shield variants after they move

✔ Disarm shielded variants with a Melee Counter
✔ Avoid the Black Sludge Attacks by jumping

How to Beat Chozo Soldiers


An oversized bug-like creature spreading even more X Parasites. Take it out as soon as you can to avoid the spread of these malicious creatures.

Metroid Dread Escue Boss
Location Ferenia
Rewards Storm Missile

Key Strategies

Escue Boss Tips
✔ Avoid the Purple Energy attacks from Escue.

✔ Shoot Escue with Missiles when the electricity surrounding Escue dissipates.

✔ Once it transforms, collect X-Parasites to recover.
✔ Pro Tip: Start the Battle with a Shinespark.

How to Beat Escue

Twin Robot Chozo Soldier

Reinforcements have arrived. Twice the number of Robot Chozo Soldiers with twice the pain.

Twin Robot Chozo Soldier
Dread - Twin Robot Chozo Soldier.png
1st Encounter Ferenia
2st Encounter Burenia

Key Strategies

Robot Chozo Soldier Boss Tips
✔ Use the Flash Shift to keep your distance from both of their attacks.
✔ Use your Ice Missiles to slow the Soldiers down.
✔ Focus on one soldier at a time.
✔ Lock on with multiple Storm Missiles to blast them to pieces.

How to Beat Twin Robot Chozo Soldiers

Experiment No. Z-57

This gigantic behemoth has caused Artaria's temperature to drop significantly. Stop it from tampering with the heat distribution in Cataris before ZDR freezes over.

Experiment No. Z-57
Metroid Dread Experiment No. Z-57  Boss
Location Cataris
Rewards No Rewards

Key Strategies

Experiment No. Z-57 Boss Tips
✔ Use Storm Missile attacks on its head

✔ Space Jump to avoid the slashes

✔ Use Flash Shift to jump to the safe area when Z-57 shoots its laser

✔ Counter Z-57 when it goes in for the bite and then spam missiles during the cutscene

✔ Run against the wind and time your Space Jumps to avoid the laser shockwaves
✔ Pro Tip: Use Shinespark to deal fatal damage.

How to Beat Experiment No. Z-57


This oversized Muzby has an explosive secret. Exploit its slow movement by sliding under it and blasting it away.

Metroid Dread Golzuna Boss
Location Ghavoran
Rewards Cross Bomb

Key Strategies

Golzuna Boss Tips
✔ Shoot missiles or fully charged beams at Golzuna's rear end.
✔ Slide beneath Golzuna when he raises his large claws to attack.
✔ Jump away from Cross Bombs while being mindful of their blast radius.
✔ When it transforms, avoid contact and collecting X-Parasites to recover.

How to Beat Golzuna

Raven Beak

The first face that greeted you on Planet ZDR, might be the last one you'll ever see. Prepare for an epic showdown.

Raven Beak
Metroid Dread Raven Beak Boss
Location Itorash
Rewards Metroid Suit and Hyper Beam

Key Strategies

Raven Beak Boss Tips
✔ Shoot Raven Beak with Missiles
✔ Dodge until you can Melee Counter
✔ Use Flash Shift and Space Jump to Avoid Beam Attacks
✔ Focus on Dodging Charges while Firing Missiles
✔ Power Bomb the Yellow Orb in Phase 3

How to Beat Raven Beak

How to Beat All Central Units and EMMIs

Defeat the Central Units

Central Unit.png
Each EMMI can only be overcome by first defeating their associated Central Unit. Locate each EMMI's Central Unit and defeating them to obtain the energy needed to power the Omega Cannon
How to Beat Central Units

Use the Omega Cannon

Metroid Dread Omega Cannon Damaged EMMI
While not strictly bosses, these imposing robots serve as a terrifying hurdle for Samus to overcome.

Immune to your regular attacks, Samus will have to evade the EMMI while trying to locate and temporarily acquire the powerful Omega Cannon needed to take these threats down.

How to Beat and Counter EMMIs

Damaged EMMI

The Damaged EMMI is the first EMMI you will encounter on your playthrough. This malfunctioning EMMI is slower to pursue Samus and cannot climb walls. It also lacks the protective plating found on other EMMIs.

Damaged EMMI
Metroid Dread Damaged EMMI Boss
Location Artaria
Rewards No Rewards

Damaged EMMI Enemy Guide

White EMMI

The White EMMI, also found on Artaria, will be your first true confrontation with an EMMI. With a fully-functioning build, the White EMMI can chase you up and around the EMMI Zone, however it cannot slip into narrow passageways.

White EMMI
Metroid Dread White EMMI Boss
Location Artaria
Rewards Spider Magnet

White EMMI Enemy Guide

Green EMMI

The Green EMMI one-ups the White EMMI thanks to it's ability to squeeze into narrow spaces. You'll have to find creative ways to use your new Spider Magnet and Phantom Cloak abilities to avoid detection from this one.

Green EMMI
Metroid Dread Green EMMI Boss
Location Cataris
Rewards Morph Ball

Green EMMI Enemy Guide

Yellow EMMI

Take everything the Green EMMI can do, but now make it faster. The Yellow EMMI pursues Samus relentlessly once detected. Stay out of its range to increase chances of survival.

Yellow EMMI
Metroid Dread Yellow EMMI Boss
Location Dairon
Rewards Speed Booster

Yellow EMMI Enemy Guide


With the ability of freezing its targets, the Blue EMMI serves a larger threat to Samus and her aversion to cold environments. Stay out of sight to avoid getting frozen in fear.

Metroid Dread Blue EMMI Boss
Location Ghavoran
Rewards Ice Missile

Blue EMMI Enemy Guide

Purple EMMI

Not only do you have to stay away from this EMMI, you have to stay away from its incapacitating purple bubble as well. Be careful where you hide, this EMMI will be able to scan your presence even behind walls. Get ready to hide in your Phantom Cloak as he comes near.

Purple EMMI
Metroid Dread Purple EMMI Boss
Location Ferenia
Rewards Wave Beam

Purple EMMI Enemy Guide


The last of the 7 EMMIs on Planet ZDR. Will this final EMMI complete its objective of extracting Samus' DNA? Or will the tables turn with Samus extracting powers from it instead?

Metroid Dread Red EMMI Boss
Location Hanubia
Rewards Power Bomb

Red EMMI Enemy Guide

Metroid Dread Related Guides

Top Partial.png
Metroid Dread Top Page

Locations and Maps Partial Banner.pngLocations and Maps story walkthrough partial.pngStory Walkthrough
Metroid Dread List of Bosses Partial Banner.pngBosses Enemies Partial Banner.pngEnemies
Ability Upgrades Partial Banner.pngAbility Upgrades Tips and Tricks Partial Banner.pngTips and Tricks
Metroid Dread - Characters.pngCharacters Metroid Dread Message Boards Partial.pngMessage Boards
News and Game Info Partial Banner.pngNews and Game Info -


2 Anonymousover 3 years

Spam Lock-On Missile Barrage whilst dodging

1 Breathlessover 3 years

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